Heparin – what do you need to know about it? Application in herbal medicine

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Heparin is a substance present in the human body. Due to its properties, it is a component of anticoagulants. How does it work? Find out more.

Heparin is a substance produced by mast cells present in e.g. in the lungs, heart or liver. Its role comes down to preventing blood clotting – especially in the phase of transforming prothrombin into thrombin.

Heparin – application in medicine

Heparin, due to its properties, is used in medicine. It was first isolated – as a medicine – in 1938. Since then, it has been used to prevent blood clotting, and thus – the formation of dangerous blood clots.

Heparin in the form of drugs

Heparin is present in many anticoagulant medications – both prescription and over-the-counter. Although it usually comes in the form of intravenous and subcutaneous solutions, heparin is sometimes found in the form of epidermal sprays and gels.

The use of drugs with heparin should be consulted with your family doctor. You can make an appointment via the halodoctor.pl portal also at the National Health Fund.

Low molecular weight heparin – what is it?

It is worth emphasizing that the substance present in injection solutions is low molecular weight heparin. Its characteristic feature is that it has a weak affinity for plasma proteins, platelets, vascular endothelial cells or macrophages. As a result, low molecular weight heparin is distinguished by better bioavailability and a longer half-life.

When administered intravenously, 90% of low molecular weight heparin is transferred into the body. As a result, injections with anticoagulants are highly effective.

Heparin – indications and contraindications to use

Heparin is a substance that is used, inter alia, in in case of:

  1. prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism
  2. pulmonary embolism
  3. arterial thromboembolic complications
  4. to prevent habitual miscarriage in women with anti-phospholipid antibodies.

In addition, the administration of drugs with heparin is also necessary in patients after lower limb surgery.

The list of contraindications includes, among others such cases as:

  1. hypersensitivity to heparin
  2. hemorrhagic diathesis
  3. gastrointestinal diseases
  4. symptomatic portal hypertension
  5. dissecting aortic aneurysm.

In the case of long-term administration of heparin, it is recommended to check the platelet count.

In the fight against blood clots, it is worth supporting yourself with dietary supplements. Check out today the Swanson Vitamin E 400 IU dietary supplement, available for purchase at medonetmarket.pl.

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