Hemp seeds


has long become one of the central characters of mass culture, and humanity has ceased to perceive it simply as a plant. Drug fame has eclipsed the drug one, but the entry into the superfood market and cannabis being added to the second list is gradually correcting the situation. Scientists broke the stereotype and proved that hemp seeds do not contain traces of psychoactive substances and bring exceptional benefits to the body. They contain a high concentration of protein, essential amino acids, potassium, magnesium and beneficial fatty acids. Moreover, hemp seeds have a mild, pleasant taste, so they can be added to salads, soups, and even sauces.

What is superfood: high-quality vegetable alternative or just another marketing move of greedy manufacturing companies?

General characteristics of the plant

Hemp is a genus of annual plants from the hemp family. As they studied, the plant was assigned to 3 different families: mulberry, nettle and mulberry. The family includes one single polymorphic species – Cannabis sativa L. (sowing hemp). Initially, the species was divided into several subgroups (Indian hemp, sowing and weed), but the modern classification has abandoned this branching.

In English, the term “Cannabis” refers to a psychotropic substance, but the term “Hemp” is suitable for a crop.

Since 1961, according to the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, cannabis is included in the list of narcotic plants. It was from this time that the people had a biased opinion about hemp, and its medicinal and food use faded into the background. All UN member countries should strictly monitor the number of disembarkation and collection of culture in order to prevent the development of drug trafficking.

Historical information

The history of cannabis begins in China in 2800 BC. From XV to XX, the cultivation of the plant took place on an industrial scale. Hemp has been used for oil, fiber, seed extraction, and medicinal purposes. Later, recreational drugs began to be created from it. Most governments in the world have banned cannabis-based recreational drugs and reduced crops to a minimum.

The seed plant is described in the 19 and 20 volumes of the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. The author describes the use of dicotyledonous plants in the food, industrial and medicinal segment. Pliny claims that cannabis seeds quickly and effectively fight constipation in livestock, and root juice helps with ear infections, gout, burns, and joint pain.

Another important figure in Roman history is the physician Pedanius Dioscorides (personal doctor of Emperor Nero), who published the essay De materia medica. It described over 500 species of medicinal plants, among which was hemp. Pedanius described the plant as an excellent remedy for ear ailments, but warned readers about possible sterility after long-term use of the remedy.

In the Russian lands since ancient times cultivated hemp. In the XIX its cultivation was one of the main ways of earning peasants. By the end of the 19th century, Russian land supplied 40% of the world hemp turnover (fiber from hemp plant).

In the Soviet Union, they also continued the line of responsible attitude to the dicotyledonous plant. Hemp entered the list of main agricultural crops and began to appear frequently in the fine arts of the USSR.

Modern plant cultivation is strictly controlled. Countries provide strict requirements for the protection of crops and gradually reduce the acreage.

What you need to know about hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are on the list of popular superfoods of our time. How did the product deserve such attention? The phrase “hemp seeds” causes an ambiguous reaction in the population. Scientists and nutritionists have long proved that no psychoactive substances were found in the seeds, only vitamins and minerals. The composition of the seeds includes 20 essential amino acids. All of them are vital for our body and healthy functioning. Amino acids are responsible for muscle activity, brain activity and metabolic processes. The ingredient also contains protein (which is especially needed by vegans and vegetarians), components that stabilize the intestinal microflora, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (3: 1 ratio).

How to collect hemp seeds: harvesting takes place in the summer. After the complete formation of flowers comes the turn of seeds. Agronomists wait for their ripening, let them lag behind the box with a flower, and then, from August to September, are actively harvested.

Useful properties of the component


Pectin is a polysaccharide that is formed from galacturonic acid residues. The substance is found in higher plants, some weeds and fruits. Pectin plays the role of a structural element of plant tissue. Protects the plant from drying out, is responsible for the stability of food products during storage. In the food industry, pectin is used as a thickening agent to create gel-like structures. Registered as food additive K440. In the medical and pharmacological industries, pectin is a physiologically active substance that has a positive effect on the body and gives the drug the necessary structure (encapsulation).

Hemp seed pectin has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism and metabolic processes in general. The substance stabilizes the digestibility of certain foods, eliminates the burden during digestion.

Globulin / protein

The seed contains a special element – plant globulin. It is a protein that dissolves in salt solutions but is resistant to water. The protein substance is the basis for the formation of blood globules. The lack of globulin leads to serious pathologies of the blood system and the whole organism as a whole.

Two tablespoons of seeds contain about 11 grams of vegetable protein. The structure of this protein is very similar to human protein, which is contained in the blood. It is a structural feature that allows hemp seed to be easily assimilated by our body.

Alternative to pharmacy tools

The composition of the product includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, fiber and L-tryptophan. All these components have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the brain and intestines. They are able to block abdominal pain syndromes, solve problems with irregular stools and even relieve headaches. Instead of running to the pharmacy for a dose of medicine, try eating a handful of hemp seed.

For serious diseases of the body need to consult a specialist. Self-medication, even the most innocent, can lead to irreversible health effects.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Sweets and butter are prepared on the basis of hemp seeds. In their pure form, they are added to snacks, salads, first and second courses. The taste of seeds is very specific – soft, vegetable, with slight notes of pleasant bitterness. It goes well with vegetables, all kinds of cereals, nuts and even chocolate. Hemp seeds are ground into flour or cereals. Hemp products normalize sleep, improve appetite, lower blood glucose levels, increase brain and physical activity, and reduce the risk of developing pathologies of the nervous system.

In the middle of the XIX century, the New York-based company Gunja Wallah Company released the special lollipops Hasheesh Candy. The recipe consisted of the following components: fruit syrup, sugar, alcohol tincture, hemp tincture. Over the years, 40 sweets enjoyed tremendous demand, and their advertising began with the words “the most pleasant stimulant.”

Separately, we should remember the oil based on hemp seeds. Until the middle of the XNUMXth century, it was used in every home. Later, sunflower oil came and took root. Modern industrial companies do not undertake the sale of oil for several reasons. There is a high probability that the product will not be able to interest the audience, moreover, the state strictly regulates the cultivation of hemp, and these are additional problems and taxes. But you can find hemp oil. You should carefully search in exotic bio-shops or look past the first page of a search engine. Based on the oil, you can prepare a pleasant sauce, dressing for pasta, salad and even soup.

Hemp Milk Recipe

Energy value of seeds (per 100 grams)
Caloric value372,9 kCal
Proteins20,1 g
Fats32,5 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water11,5 g

We need:

  • peeled hemp seeds – 1 cup;
  • filtered water at room temperature – 3 cups;
  • banana – 1 pc.


Prepare a deep container, pour seeds into it, then fill it with filtered warm water. Leave the container for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the seeds will become softer and more flexible, which will facilitate the grinding process. Moreover, all the harmful components that may be present on the surface of the seeds will “come out”. The water in which hemp will be soaked will become cloudy due to dirt and dust. Drain, rinse the seeds again. Cut the banana into small rings.

Send all the ingredients to the mixer bowl, whisk until smooth (just enough 1 minutes will suffice). Squeeze the mixture there is no need. Just pour the hemp milk into a convenient container, if possible use a glass. Store milk in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

How useful is the product? Such milk contains a high concentration of vitamin E (tocopherol), vitamin D (calciferol) and beneficial minerals. What’s more, hemp milk contains the perfect combination of beneficial fatty acids – Omega-6 and Omega-3.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Store shelves are dotted with hemp-based goods. These are shampoos to protect and accelerate hair growth, nourishing lotions and creams with a high SPF factor. But can you trust beautiful labels?

Scientists from Canada have proven that cannabis seed extract protects the skin and hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Hemp oils, which are most often added to cosmetics, really enrich the skin with vitamins and minerals. The effect of hemp cosmetics:

  • regeneration of damaged skin;
  • anti-aging traces;
  • protection from solar activity;
  • antiseptic effect and minimizing inflammation;
  • deep skin nourishment.

In the specialized pharmacy cosmetology, hemp is used in lines against psoriasis, eczema and serious stages of acne.

Before using new cosmetics, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will check the condition of the skin and form a special list of products that will help in each individual case. The active substances in cannabis can harm excessively dry or irritated skin, so there is no need to take risks – contact a specialist.

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