Hemorrhoids. We are ashamed to go to the doctor, so we treat them ourselves at home

Hemorrhoidal disease is a very common and troublesome disease. Every second person after the age of 30 is struggling with it. Even so, it is still taboo. Most patients are ashamed of coping with this ailment, which delays the diagnosis and treatment of a specialist. This is a big mistake.

  1. Each of us has hemorrhoids. Their proper condition allows you to control the stool and gases. The problem arises when their excessive growth occurs
  2. One of the symptoms that should worry us is fresh blood on our underwear
  3. The sooner we start the diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhoids, the better for the patient – argues the drug. Katarzyna Gotfryd-Bugajska, specialist in proctology at SCM clinic in Krakow
  4. Rectal bleeding may indicate not only haemorrhoids, but also various types of colon cancers. It must not be underestimated – explains the expert
  5. A sedentary lifestyle may be responsible for the formation of hemorrhoids, but also intensive practice of some sports. The problem affects even half of Poles
  6. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

First of all, you should start by clearing up a certain inaccuracy. Hemorrhoids, also called haemorrhoids, are three cushion-shaped veins around the anus and rectum that are moderately filled with blood. Each of us has them. Their proper condition allows you to control the stool and gases. The problem arises when the hemorrhoids become pathologically enlarged, causing pain, bleeding, itching and burning, because the accumulated blood cannot find an outlet, so they are pushed out. The term originally comes from Greek and literally means “bleeding”. Currently, the causes of the ailment in question include quite frequent factors, including poor nutrition or a sedentary lifestyle.

The origins signaling the problem

One of the first signs that should alarm us is bright, fresh blood that appears on underwear, stools, toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. A one-off event should not cause panic. Such bleeding is often associated with very different factors. Even taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are commonly available over the counter in pharmacies can cause this condition. However, as explained by the proctologist, general surgeon, Dr. Katarzyna Gotfryd-Bugajska, it is very important to be alert to the possible repetition of this situation. If this happens, see a doctor as soon as possible.

– With the recurring problem of rectal bleeding, a quick reaction and a diagnostic visit, preferably at a proctologist, is really important. We never treat ourselves only, because the patient is not able to assess what he is suffering from without proper tests. Rectal bleeding may indicate not only relatively harmless pathologically enlarged hemorrhoids, but also various types of colorectal neoplasms. Therefore, these symptoms must not be underestimated – explains the expert of SCM clinic.

Factors contributing to hemorrhoidal disease

In addition to the elements mentioned at the beginning, i.e. a sedentary lifestyle, there are many more factors that can contribute to the development of hemorrhoidal disease. They include, among others irregular bowel movements. It may be surprising, but an active lifestyle may be responsible for the problem, namely practicing certain sports, such as weightlifting, riding or cycling, or long-distance running. During them, there is an increase in the pressure of the abdominal pressure, which leads to the development of stagnation in the veins and the formation of haemorrhoidal varices (i.e. haemorrhoidal disease).

Another cause is poor diet. – All types of processed products containing spicy spices, coffee, dark tea, carbonated drinks or alcohol can contribute to the development of hemorrhoidal disease – explains the doctor. – Remember what is recommended in the diet, i.e. the right amount of mineral water (at least 1,5 liters per day) and fiber present in all vegetables and fruits, for example, adds the specialist. However, even among people who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy, there are those who struggle with this disease. What should you do then?

  1. To support the body in the fight against hemorrhoids, order Hemorrhoids – a mixture of herbs to make an infusion for regular drinking.


Usually, when the problem is in its early stages, patients do not come to a doctor’s appointment. First of all, they decide on home remedies, i.e. suppositories or ointments available at the pharmacy. If the patient has correctly diagnosed the problem himself, they can provide relief.

However, if they do not bring the desired results, usually patients go to their GP first because they do not know where to go with this type of problem. The family doctor sends such a person to a specialist proctologist who, after performing an appropriate examination, can determine whether it is actually a haemorrhoidal disease.

The proctological examination consists of two parts. – The first step in diagnosis is a thorough examination of the patient, a physical examination and a rectal examination (transrectal), which is completely painless and should not cause any concern to the patient. However, this does not change the fact that, for psychological reasons, it is unpleasant for most people. It is also necessary to perform an anoscope examination. It is a short plastic speculum onto which a lubricating ointment with a painkiller is applied. In this way, internal hemorrhoids can be viewed. Colonoscopy is required in all cases of excessive bleeding from the anus in people over 45 years of age. At this age, the incidence of colorectal cancer increases. We must rule out that the bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids and not a developing tumor. A colonoscopy is an examination that is performed using a flexible endoscope that is inserted into the innermost, initial section of the large intestine. The examination allows you to get a picture of the inside of the intestine, thanks to a special camera located at the end of the apparatus – explains the drug. Katarzyna Gotfryd-Bugajska.


Treatment of haemorrhoids depends on the stage of their development. There are four degrees of hemorrhoidal disease. Stage I and II hemorrhoids are inside, do not extend beyond the anal canal, and are visible only when examined with an anoscope. Grade III hemorrhoids appear during pressure, but it is still possible to manually evacuate them to the center of the canal. Stage IV hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are outside, irreducible, so they remain outside the anal canal all the time. Early initiation of appropriate treatment increases the chances of getting rid of lumps quickly and effectively.

Conservative treatment is used in stage I and II. Pharmacological treatment is also possible, i.e. the use of various ointments, suppositories or phlebotropic drugs, which can be obtained at any pharmacy. They contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent substances, and sometimes even antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and active substances, e.g. tribenoside or lidocaine hydrochloride.

Surgical treatment begins at the second stage of the problem, when pharmacological treatment no longer brings the desired results. Then it is necessary to introduce more invasive methods. They are divided into two main types: at the beginning, it is a gentle instrumental treatment consisting of many treatments.

One of the most popular is the Barron method. As the expert explains, the procedure consists of putting rubber bands on the base of the hemorrhoidal nodules. – The hemorrhoid is pulled inside the ligator, from which a rubber garter is placed on its base. As a result, after about 5 days, the nodule dies and falls off spontaneously. The procedure itself takes a few minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis in a consulting room. After the treatment, you can immediately go back to work. Some patients experience a minor pain, usually lasting up to two hours after the procedure, which will be overcome by the usual painkillers. During one treatment, one or two elastics are put on, and in turn, complete recovery is possible after 2-3 treatments performed every month. Removal of nodules in sequence reduces the risk of complications related to the occurrence of necrosis. The effectiveness of the treatment is estimated at 90%, which is why it has been widely used for over 30 years – says the drug. Katarzyna Gotfryd-Bugajska.

Other, less invasive treatments for XNUMXst and XNUMXnd degree hemorrhoids include cryotherapy in which the nodules are removed with a cold laser, electrocoagulation using high-frequency alternating electric current, sclerotherapy consisting in precise injection of nodules with an appropriate solution that shrinks and closes the vascular walls, or photocoagulation based on infrared light. All procedures are performed before the last – surgical stage in a doctor’s office.

They do not require prior preparation, and are also minimally invasive and safe. Most often, immediately after the procedure, patients often say that their perception of it was much worse than the procedure itself.

That is why it is really worth going to a doctor’s appointment as soon as we notice the first symptoms of the disease. In this way, it is possible to start counteracting the problem quickly, without waiting for the development of the last, fourth degree of the disease, when the only way out is surgical intervention. Then, surgical excision of the hemorrhoidal nodules, i.e. hemorrhoidectomy, is performed. In Poland, the most popular is the Milligan-Morgan method, which is a type of open hemorrhoidectomy. This treatment is associated with the risk of complications and requires as much as 6-8 weeks of convalescence.

  1. As an auxiliary in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, use Hemorella ointment for hemorrhoids or HEMOpran – set for hemorrhoids – washing gel and cream.

Information about the expert:

Bow. med. Katarzyna Gotfryd-Bugajska – specialist in general surgery, proctologist from SCM clinic in Krakow. A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University. Currently, a senior assistant at the Department of General and Oncological Surgery at the Bonifraters Hospital in Krakow.

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