Hemorrhoids – is it taboo?

Most of us are ashamed of this ailment and do not try to help ourselves. Meanwhile, it can seriously make life difficult, and if left untreated and underestimated, it can lead to numerous complications, even requiring surgical intervention.

Itching and pain around the anus, and sometimes bleeding when passing stools may indicate a problem with hemorrhoids. Fortunately, there are already effective methods for solving this problem.

Shy location

Due to the location of the disease, patients consider the problem to be embarrassing. Meanwhile, according to family doctor Robert Sapa, for a medic it is the same disease as any other. The doctor looks at the problem differently, looks at the mucosa or blood vessel.

In each of us, the anal canal, about 4 cm long, is surrounded by the muscles of the sphincters. They are tense most of the time. This causes stagnation of blood in the blood vessels, and consequently their swelling, which ensures the tightness of the anus. As you pass stools, the muscles of the anal sphincter relax, and the accumulated blood drains out.

You’re not special

It is estimated that problems with hemorrhoids affect nearly half of us at some point in our lives. Everyone has hemorrhoids, otherwise known as haemorrhoids, because they are natural structures found in the anal canal, the role of which is to facilitate the passing of stools. Scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes problems with the hemorrhoids, which in some people stretch beyond measure and fill with blood. Internal hemorrhoids can bleed when you pass stools and sometimes fall out of the anus. If a blood clot occurs in an external hemorrhoid, sudden, severe pain may occur. The clot is usually reabsorbed, but sometimes the excess skin becomes itchy and irritated.

It can happen to anyone

The disease affects both women and men, young and old people. It is believed that the enormous pressure in the abdominal cavity caused by pregnancy, obesity, prolonged standing or sitting, hard physical work, strong pressure on the stool during constipation or even prolonged coughing may cause the veins to swell, blocking the smooth flow of blood. Then they become susceptible to irritation. The affliction is also undoubtedly related to the leading lifestyle, including: lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition – a diet low in fiber, drinking a small amount of water.

Break the shame

Despite feeling a bit embarrassed, we must realize that our health and quality of life should be the most important for us. Therefore, in case of problems with hemorrhoids, it is worth asking doctors for help. Dragging the case will only lengthen and complicate the treatment. Hemorrhoids are treated with many over-the-counter medications. These are primarily suppositories and ointments. These preparations include anti-inflammatory, blood vessel sealing, anti-swelling, astringent and local anesthetic substances. For their production, the following are used, among others plant extracts, e.g. ruskogenin from the Mediterranean plant – butcher’s broom, which strengthens and seals venous vessels. Various anesthetic substances, such as linocaine or tetracaine, may be added to different drugs of this type. By acting as an anesthetic around the anus, they can bring the patient the expected relief. A certain group of patients requires procedures consisting in tightening the nodule with a rubber band which cuts off the blood supply from it. The procedure is painless and takes about 10 minutes, after which the patient returns home and the lump falls off within 10 days. Lumps are also removed by freezing, injecting substances that cause fibrosis and laser light. It is worth noting that only 5-10% of patients require surgery.

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