Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Hemorrhoids in women is a disease that occurs in the rectum and anus, which appears due to the expansion of varicose veins. How effective the treatment of this disease will be and its duration depends only on the timely visit to the doctor.

There is an opinion that hemorrhoids are a purely male disease, however, this is not so. Many women face this problem. According to experts, the occurrence of hemorrhoids directly depends on the lifestyle they lead, and it can also be inherited from one of the parents.

The first signs of hemorrhoids in women

The first signs of hemorrhoids in women appear in all individually. Very often, no one attaches the necessary importance to them.

Here’s what to look out for:

  • feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the anus;

  • slight bleeding during bowel movements;

  • swelling and inflammation of the anus;

  • tingling or pain in the anal canal;

  • prolapse or swelling of hemorrhoids;

  • secretion of mucus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women can be very different, it depends on the stage of the disease and the structural features of the female body. Hemorrhoids always develop gradually, they do not appear overnight. The following symptoms indicate the presence of external hemorrhoids:

  • burning and itching in the anal canal;

  • sensation of some foreign body in the anus;

  • blood in the stool, bleeding from the rectum;

  • severe pain in the anus when moving or sitting;

  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;

  • heaviness in the stomach;

  • there is no sensation of a complete bowel movement;

  • bloating.

If severe inflammation occurs, this leads to an exacerbation of the disease, as a result of which a high temperature rises, and the hemorrhoids become blue.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Previously, such a disease was called “royal disease.” Now on hearing more modern name “disease of civilization”. Both names reflect the same cause of hemorrhoids – a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. This is the most obvious cause of hemorrhoids. But there are others:

  • imbalance of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, due to a weakened anal sphincter;

  • long-term diets that provoke constipation;

  • in young girls, hemorrhoids can occur during menstruation, since at this time the blood rushes to the pelvic organs;

  • inflammation of the internal female organs, appendages are the cause of blood stasis in the veins and vessels of the small pelvis;

  • due to prolonged standing or, conversely, prolonged sedentary work;

  • long sitting at the computer leads to the fact that the muscles of the rectal region weaken, venous congestion occurs in the limbs and pelvis;

  • in the pursuit of an ideal body, cleansing enemas are used too often, which help to relax the muscles of the anal sphincter;

  • excessively frequent and rough anal sex;

  • pregnancy and childbirth;

  • tumors that appeared in the pelvic area;

  • excess weight;

  • interrelated diseases that can lead to the outflow of blood in the pelvic area, and as a result, the expansion of varicose veins.

Anal sex and hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Often they try not to mention this reason, as it can be awkward and embarrassing.

Hemorrhoids and anal sex are often interconnected. Despite the fact that these are just features of the sexual side of life. In addition, in modern society, at least once, but everyone has tried this kind of sexual pleasure.

For some, this is a great way to not get pregnant and at the same time get the desired satisfaction.

During anal sex, there is a direct effect on the area at risk. Physiologically, the anus is not designed for foreign objects to penetrate into it. That is why the introduction into various objects that are larger than the natural size of the anus negatively affects the condition of the walls of the rectum, which may well lead to ruptures and the formation of microcracks.

In addition, penetration into the anus affects the microflora of the large intestine, disrupts blood circulation. This is what can become one of the reasons for the formation of stagnation of blood in the veins and vessels of the small pelvis, as well as lead to swelling of hemorrhoids.

However, this does not mean that you should give up such pleasure. It is enough to follow some rules of prevention in order to reduce the likelihood of the disease: use lubricants (special lubricants), do not forget about the hygiene of the anus and perineum, while doing anal sex, take breaks for several days.

Of course, the most effective way to minimize the occurrence of the disease is the complete rejection of anal sex.

What is the danger of hemorrhoids in women?

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Not everyone knows how dangerous hemorrhoids are for women.

Thrombosis of nodes

The most common consequence of such a disease is usually thrombosis of the nodes. Most often, it appears after attempts to defecate and, as a result, swelling of prolapsed hemorrhoids. Often, edema appears along with impaired blood circulation in the rectum, which contributes to the formation of more blood clots.

Very often, this causes severe cramps and pain in the anus, constipation, swelling of the nodes, semi-liquid discharge that has an unpleasant odor. On external examination, hemorrhoids with blood clots have a white coating and an irregular shape.

Complications in the form of bleeding from the anus are also characteristic. The nature of such bleeding indicates the degree of damage to the rectum, therefore, at the first discharge of blood, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


One of the complications can also be the development of paraproctitis. This is a disease due to which the inflamed tissues around the anus begin to fester.

Paraproctitis can be chronic or acute:

  1. Chronic – these are the consequences of an incorrectly selected method of treating exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

  2. Acute – occurs in the absence of simple rules of personal hygiene, cracks and injuries of the anal canal.

Damage to the glands that are located near the rectum is also an unpleasant consequence of hemorrhoids. It is these violations that cause the infection to enter the rectum. As a result, inflammation develops, ulcers appear. Moreover, ulcers can form in the intestines and under the skin of the perineum.

Symptoms. Unlike hemorrhoids, paraproctitis does not have any symptoms or signs, it occurs suddenly. This complication is manifested by malaise, fever, weakness, severe pain and chills.

In the anus, there is a strong reddening of the skin. Therefore, it is very important to take all necessary measures in time to prevent the disease from gaining full strength.

What to do? If hemorrhoids are complicated by the appearance of paraproctitis, then it should be treated immediately. Otherwise, more severe complications may occur, which will gradually lead to the destruction of the intestinal walls. This process can spread to the female genital organs, which is very dangerous if a woman is pregnant.

We can say that complications can occur only in the absence of timely treatment. Unpleasant consequences are quite easy to avoid if, at the first symptoms, you contact the appropriate specialist and start treatment on time.

Consequences of hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Many patients put off going to the proctologist in the far box, believing that the disease can go away on its own. This is a serious misconception that can cause severe harm to the body.

The consequences of hemorrhoids are mainly complications that have developed due to the lack of proper treatment.

The main consequences of hemorrhoids are:

  • The formation of polyps in the colon. On the walls of the intestine, polyps appear completely imperceptibly and painlessly, they are found only with a complete examination. Such growths are quite dangerous, because they can cause cancer.

  • Rectal cancer. The older a person is, the more likely they are to develop colon cancer. The highest probability of such a disease in women who are in the preclimatic age. It is for this reason that preventive examinations by a proctologist should be carried out regularly.

  • Spastic colitis. Symptoms of this disease will be diarrhea, bloating, acute pain in the anus, abdominal pain. This bowel disease very often develops along with hemorrhoids and it is not always possible to notice it in time.

  • Constipation is one of the many reasons why hemorrhoids appear. Difficulties in the process of defecation begin at the 2nd or 3rd stage of the disease. To avoid constipation, it is very important to follow the right diet, give up unhealthy foods, consume more fiber and sour-milk products.

  • Cracks in the anus. The reason for their appearance can be constipation, due to very hard stools and frequent, strong attempts, malnutrition. In addition to being painful, these cracks are dangerous because they create an ideal environment for the spread of bacteria and infections inside the body.

  • Paraproctitis – destruction and inflammation of the skin and tissues in the anal canal.

  • Cryptitis – inflammation of the anal blind processes of the rectum. And it is from this complication that paraproctitis can begin and a malignant tumor occur.

  • Ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the walls of the colon and rectum. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed and affected by ulcers. At the beginning of the disease, bleeding from the anus may appear.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy greatly affect the bearing of the fetus, especially in the third trimester. The discomfort experienced by the expectant mother will be much stronger than that of a healthy woman. The postpartum period may be longer and more painful due to hemorrhoids.

This is a list of only the most common complications that can occur if hemorrhoids are left untreated. Therefore, before deciding that such a disease can go away on its own, it is worth considering what the consequences could be.


Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

Before prescribing treatment for hemorrhoids, the doctor determines the stage of the disease.

The first stage

In the area of ​​the anus, you can independently grope for a small seal (bump), in which, after defecation, burning and itching are felt. At this stage, the disease can be cured in 2 or 3 weeks if you consult a doctor in time.

The second stage

Hemorrhoidal compaction is greatly enlarged, more painful and dense. During a bowel movement, the bumps come out, and after it, they themselves come back. Discharge appears from the anus in the form of an inflammatory fluid with blood – this is precisely what is an irritant of the rectal mucosa, causing discomfort. At this stage of the disease, more than 80% of women try to see a doctor.

The third stage

In the third stage, 18% of patients continue to suffer further and ignore all symptoms. Hemorrhoids in the third stage fall out during defecation, weight lifting, active movement. Sitting in a previously habitual position becomes very uncomfortable and painful. A neglected disease requires immediate medical attention.

Fourth stage

At this stage, only 2% tolerate discomfort and self-medicate, which does not give results, do not want to go to the doctor.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women

  • Topical preparations in the form of ointments for hemorrhoids and rectal suppositories. They relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate itching and burning. The most effective will be only in the initial stages of the disease. Sometimes used in later stages as pain relievers or hemostatic agents.

  • Oral preparations, i.e. tablets, most often these are antibiotics, laxatives, phlebotropic and painkillers.

  • At the initial stage of the disease, the method of sclerotherapy will be effective.

  • Ligation is also used as a treatment: hemorrhoids are enclosed in rings, and after 2 weeks they completely disappear on their own.

  • The surgical method of treating hemorrhoids is used only at the fourth stage of the disease, if all of the above methods have not given any result.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids in women: the first signs, causes and treatment

In order to protect yourself and your body from the appearance of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids, you need to follow some recommendations for its prevention:

  • the intestines should work normally, which means that there should be no constipation or diarrhea. Soups and a lot of fiber must be present in the diet;

  • during bowel movements avoid strong tension;

  • exclude very spicy and spicy foods, as well as frequent alcohol consumption;

  • drink at least 2 liters of filtered drinking water daily;

  • if the work involves a long sitting in one place, you need to take breaks every 15-20 minutes, get up and move, walk up the stairs;

  • car drivers should try to do warm-ups at least every three hours;

  • at work and at home, give preference to hard chairs and chairs on which you have to sit most often;

  • do not overexert yourself in lifting weights;

  • pregnant women must walk daily in the fresh air, perform simple exercises.

It is very important to do prevention of the disease in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Seek expert advice promptly. At the initial stages of development of hemorrhoids, it is much easier to cure it without compromising health. This will eliminate complications and negative consequences.

Do not try to self-diagnose and, even more so, self-medicate. It is not always possible to correctly determine your diagnosis, treat one thing, when in fact the cause of the disease will be completely different.

1 Comment

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