hemorrhoids in women
Throughout life, many women are faced with such a delicate ailment as hemorrhoids. False shame prevents us from immediately going to the doctor, especially if the doctor is a man. But you can cure hemorrhoids in the early stages easily and painlessly.

What are hemorrhoids in women

Hemorrhoids is a pathological increase in hemorrhoids located in the rectum. These nodes are plexuses of blood vessels. Due to a violation of the outflow of blood from the hemorrhoidal vascular plexuses, these nodes overflow, and the ligaments holding the nodes in place weaken.

Today, hemorrhoids in women is one of the most common diseases and the most common reason for visiting a coloproctologist. According to the Association of Coloproctologists of Russia, 130-145 adults out of 1000 suffer from this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

The modern pace of life, according to doctors, is conducive to the development of hemorrhoids. The thing is that today people spend most of the day sitting at the computer or driving a car. Such a pastime provokes stagnation of blood circulation in the rectum, and this is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, hemorrhoids in women can cause:

  • snacks and dry food on the run, which many of us sin when working in the office;
  • chronic constipation;
  • abuse of spicy food and alcohol;
  • intense physical activity, for example, in the gym;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • age changes.

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

Don’t discount heredity. Often hemorrhoids are a consequence of the pathology of the development of connective tissue. If it is too weak, and the pressure in the hemorrhoids is large, then cracks and protrusions may occur in the thinned vessel wall.

Types of hemorrhoids

According to anatomical criteria, the external form of hemorrhoids and internal are distinguished. With internal hemorrhoids, the nodes in the region of the distal rectum are affected, they are not visible to the naked eye, they are located inside the rectum. With external hemorrhoids, the nodes are located outside, in the anal sphincter zone, often fall out.

Downstream, doctors distinguish two forms of hemorrhoids:

  • acute, which occurs when thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • chronic, which occurs due to the constant excessive filling of hemorrhoidal veins with blood.

Stages of hemorrhoids

In addition to the forms, the stages of the development of the disease are also distinguished, which are evaluated on the basis of the most objective of the assessment methods – the degree of deformation and stretching of the hemorrhoidal veins.

Stage I – the nodes are dilated, but they are constantly inside the lumen of the colon.

Stage II – nodes can fall out with strong straining, but are set back on their own.

Stage III – when straining, the nodes fall out, it is necessary to reduce them manually.

Stage IV – the nodes fall out, and one or several nodes are constantly outside, they cannot be set.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

At the initial stages, a woman may not notice the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This ailment is not accompanied by severe pain (if the disease has not gone too far). According to coloproctologists, not all patients even experience discomfort when going to the toilet.

– Chronic, or external, hemorrhoids without exacerbation – always painless. Soreness and discomfort are manifested in the acute stage of the disease, in the presence of thrombosis in the hemorrhoidal veins. Therefore, often a woman learns about hemorrhoids only during an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist on a gynecological chair. In this case, the varicose (external hemorrhoidal) node is visible visually, explains Maria Selikhova, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the expert center for women’s health at the REMEDI clinic in Moscow.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids also include:

  • feeling of discomfort or moisture in the anus;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • pain in the anus;
  • mucous discharge from the rectum.

None of the symptoms is specific for hemorrhoids and may be a manifestation of other diseases of the colon, including cancer. If you are concerned about any of the listed symptoms, for example, bleeding from the rectum, this does not mean that you need to go for candles from hemorrhoids, it means that you should consult a doctor, and he will make a diagnosis.

– You should go to the proctologist when blood appears on the toilet paper after the act of defecation; with difficulty in the act of defecation (pain in the anus), with pain in the anus during a sitting position, the specialist recommends.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are varied, but they can be managed. The main thing is to choose the right medicine.

The course of hemorrhoids in women

For a long time, hemorrhoids may not manifest themselves in any way, but without the elimination of provoking factors, it steadily progresses. The course of the disease with periods of exacerbation and remission is possible, in which case patients can seek treatment earlier. But often women come to the doctor when the nodes are already falling out and not being reduced, bleeding or thrombosis occurs, and radical methods of intervention are needed.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy and after childbirth

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women can be completely asymptomatic. The expectant mother does not have complaints, and only an examination by a gynecologist can reveal the problem.

– During pregnancy, with an increase in the term, there is stagnation of blood in the veins, including hemorrhoidal, pelvic and lower extremities. Therefore, hemorrhoids (functional) appear in almost every pregnant woman in varying degrees of severity. If a woman had a mild version of hemorrhoids before pregnancy, then by the end of her pregnancy, the disease is likely to make itself felt and manifest itself in all its glory, – explains obstetrician-gynecologist Maria Selikhova.

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women develop due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the rectum. This provokes problems with blood circulation and, as a result, an increase in hemorrhoids. The development of the disease is also affected by the changed hormonal background. A high level of progesterone reduces the tone of the uterus, but at the same time slows down the contractions of the smooth muscles of the large intestine, causing constipation and, alas, hemorrhoids.

Such hemorrhoids sometimes disappear after the birth of a baby, but can make themselves felt later.

What can be done to reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

– Dosed physical activity is necessary: ​​yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, stretching, classes in the pool. Prevention of constipation: it is known that with strong straining, violations of the venous outflow from the pelvic cavity, including from the hemorrhoidal veins, increase, and, accordingly, this can lead to the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The latter are a concomitant diagnosis in this disease. If varicose veins (hemorrhoids) were before pregnancy, it is necessary to put the veins in order as much as possible before this period – to undergo examination and treatment by a phlebologist, the expert recommends.

Postpartum hemorrhoids develop in a woman who has given birth. The triggering factor in this case is the colossal pressure directly during childbirth and the stretching of the pelvic muscles.

Taking medication for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be supervised by a doctor. Some funds can be taken while carrying a baby, but not during lactation – there are many nuances. For example, the use of local steroids is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, but is allowed later. And non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – painkillers and antipyretics – with rare exceptions are contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy, although it is better to do without them in the early stages.

Complications of hemorrhoids in women

Many women, due to modesty and false shame, suffer from hemorrhoids for 10-15 years, leading to complications.

If you ignore the blood on the toilet paper several times, you can detect the prolapse of hemorrhoids during the next “out of need” trip. At first, they can return to their place on their own, but over time they will have to be manually adjusted, and one day this will turn out to be impossible … – Running hemorrhoids leads to thrombosis, anal fissures, infectious and inflammatory complications – proctitis and paraproctitis, – the doctor clarifies.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women

If hemorrhoids were diagnosed in the initial stages, then you can cope with it with local or general conservative treatment, in other words, without surgery.


Diagnosed by a proctologist. Before the examination, it is necessary to refuse medications, to cleanse the intestines. The doctor will talk in detail with the patient about the symptoms and the events that preceded them. It is necessary to list all complaints that are currently and have taken place earlier, to assess their severity.

Then an examination is carried out: first visual, then with the help of an anoscope, which is inserted into the region of the rectum. The doctor determines the number, size and condition of the nodes, comorbidities. Then, blood and urine tests, stool examination, ultrasound, if necessary, x-rays and other procedures are prescribed.

Modern methods

Is it worth trusting folk remedies?

On the Internet, you must have seen stories about how folk methods helped women get rid of hemorrhoids. And some of them really don’t lie.

“It is important that the treatment of hemorrhoids be safe for the unborn child, so alternative treatment is very relevant in the third trimester,” says proctologist, surgeon Tatyana Lapina. – Sea buckthorn oil with honey in the form of local applications; potato candles, independently cut from a whole tuber; taking warm baths based on a decoction of calendula or onion peel; infusion of lungwort inside. Gymnastic exercises that can be done during pregnancy to treat hemorrhoids. These include: diaphragmatic breathing, tension of the muscles of the buttocks, alternately with relaxation, raising the pelvis, lying on the back, “biking”, squatting on toes, and many other gymnastic exercises. It is important to perform them regularly, 2 times a day for 10 approaches each.

It is important to understand: no psychology and no effects will help solve the problem of impaired blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal veins. This is a serious problem that needs to be solved with the help of real medicines and treatment by a doctor.

Medicines for hemorrhoids in women

In the treatment of pathology, drugs of various groups and dosage forms are used – local and for systemic administration. Most often used:

  • phlebotonic drugs in the form of tablets and ointments with natural flavonoids – rutin, diosmin, aescin. Examples are Detralex, Relief Advance, Troxerutin;
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  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs based on NSAIDs – these can be Nurofen, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, if necessary, drugs with local anesthetics are used – Proctosan, Anestezol, Procto-Glivenol;
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  • normalization of microcirculation and blood circulation is achieved through the use of liniments with heparin;
  • local preparations with hemostatic properties – Tachocomb, Androxon (sponges) can stop bleeding.

It is also necessary to take laxatives that prevent constipation, which aggravates the symptoms of the disease. Apply preparations with macrogol, lactulose or psyllium.

Candles for hemorrhoids in women

In the local treatment of hemorrhoids, the effect is made directly in the area of ​​​​the rectum, candles help with this. These can be drugs Prostopin, Natalsid, Posterisan, hepotrombin suppositories. They are safe even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Proctosan, Anestezol, Procto-Glivenol can be used.

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Ointments for hemorrhoids in women

The doctor may prescribe:

  • hemostatic drugs that stop bleeding;
  • antipruritic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers.

The following drugs can be used – Proctosedil, Relief, Bezornil, Proctosan, Troxevasin.

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– Drug treatment of hemorrhoidal bumps during pregnancy involves the use of anti-inflammatory ointments with analgesic and decongestant effects; rectal suppositories; surgery (performed as a last resort, if treatment does not help for a long time); physiotherapy with laser or magnet. In case of complications of hemorrhoids, treatment is carried out strictly in a hospital, clarifies proctologist, surgeon Tatyana Lapina.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women involves an increase in vascular tone with the help of phlebotropic drugs, vitamins, as well as the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The latter means that ladies with chronic constipation will have to take laxatives and eat a high-fiber diet. It includes vegetables, cereals with bran, drink plenty of water. Sedentary lifestyle lovers will need to reconsider their priorities and do physical therapy.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in women

If the moment was missed and the hemorrhoids are too pronounced, you may have to resort to surgical methods of treatment.

Preparing for an operation

Before the operation, it is necessary to consult a proctologist, a therapist and a number of tests, ECG and fluorography. The intestines are preliminarily cleansed by observing a special diet 3-4 days before the intervention, and on the night before it and in the morning – cleansing enemas or taking special laxatives.

How is the operation?

Operations can be minimally invasive, that is, the intervention will be small. These include sclerotherapy (injection into the nodes of agents that destroy them), infrared coagulation (prevention of bleeding by cauterization of the mucous membrane next to the nodes), ligation of the nodes with latex rings (the rings squeeze the leg of the node, and it dies), laser coagulation (removal of the node) and others.

In very advanced situations, a “big” surgical intervention is prescribed: hemorrhoidectomy (removal of inflamed tissues) or transanal resection (removal of part of the rectal mucosa).

Postoperative period

After the intervention, complete physical rest and adherence to a semi-liquid diet to prevent constipation, as well as compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, are necessary.

Diet for hemorrhoids in women

In the presence of hemorrhoids, alcohol and spicy, fatty, spicy foods, irritating drinks should be excluded from the diet. It is important to eat more plant foods with fiber that normalizes stools, drink plenty of plain water. You need to reduce the amount of coffee and tea, add products with probiotics to the diet.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in women and tips

But recommendations for the treatment of hemorrhoids would be needed much less often if people followed the simple rules of prevention. Here are a couple of tips to help avoid hemorrhoids in women:

  • Give up bad habits, including smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • If possible, give up the daily sedentary lifestyle. Yes, many women now work in offices and sit for 7-8 hours in front of a computer. But this way of life can be diversified with walks, a little gymnastics every two hours. Even if you have a car, you can walk to work – walking will help keep you healthy.
  • Do not be nervous. Stress is one of the main causes of many diseases, including hemorrhoids in women.
  • Review nutrition. A dry fly on the run is not your choice. It is better to eat at the same time, in small portions. If possible, go for fractional meals. The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber.
  • Don’t overwork yourself. Of course, you want to shock the whole beach with a beautiful figure, but you shouldn’t overexert yourself in the gym. Increased physical activity increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  • Treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a timely manner. Chronic constipation, diarrhea or flatulence is a reason to consult a specialist. In addition, no treatment for hemorrhoids will help if you do not get rid of constipation. The disease will keep coming back.
  • Maintain hygiene. You can replace toilet paper with wet wipes, and even better, wash yourself after every trip to the toilet.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with the experts a few more issues related to the treatment of hemorrhoids in the beautiful half of humanity.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women?

Hemorrhoids are treated by a proctologist or coloproctologist. In addition, women can be observed by a gynecologist and a proctologist at the same time, especially during pregnancy.

When to call a doctor at home for hemorrhoids?

It is important to see a doctor if you experience pain in the rectal area, bleeding or prolapse of nodes, the appearance of mucus, pus or incontinence of gas, feces.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly and effectively?

Only interaction with a doctor, as well as strict adherence to all recommendations and treatment regimens, will help eliminate discomfort and cure an unpleasant disease.

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