Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids in men is a common disease that causes a lot of trouble and significantly reduces the quality of life. Faced with such an ailment, men, unlike women, constantly postpone a visit to the doctor and thereby only exacerbate the situation. Most men suffering from hemorrhoids are in the age group of 30 to 50 years. It is believed that a sedentary lifestyle (including the professional field of activity) can provoke the occurrence of hemorrhoids, therefore, truckers, office workers and programmers who spend most of their working time at the computer, as well as men whose work or hobbies are directly related with heavy physical labor (loaders, weightlifters, etc.).

Many men think that the disease goes away on its own, but this is far from the case. At the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist. Treatment of hemorrhoids, like any other disease, is much easier and painless in the early stages. The peak of the disease occurs at the age of about 40 years. The occurrence and untimely treatment of hemorrhoids at this particular age is most dangerous, since serious complications are possible: prolapse of the intestine, thrombosis and other serious consequences.

The discomfort associated with the course of the disease causes a lot of worries and troubles. Itching, burning, pain and other symptoms of hemorrhoids provoke the occurrence of stress and nervous disorders. Men become constrained, withdrawn, irritable and even aggressive.

There are external and internal hemorrhoids. In the first case, the hemorrhoids become inflamed in the rectum itself, in the second case, the inflammation of the nodes occurs in the anal canal (the nodes often fall out and cause bleeding).

The disease can have a chronic and acute form. In chronic hemorrhoids, the symptoms are “wave-like” in nature: improvements are periodically replaced by painful sensations. Acute hemorrhoids cause severe pain in men and a feeling of the presence of a foreign body.

Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids in men include the following phenomena:

  • detection of blood after the act of defecation;

  • the presence of blood streaks in the feces;

  • pain in the anus;

  • itching and irritation;

  • prolapse of hemorrhoids.

The first signs of hemorrhoids may not appear immediately. At the initial stage of the disease, minor symptoms are often ignored. Also, signs of hemorrhoids may be individual or appear more or less than other symptoms.

The main signs of hemorrhoids in men

The main signs of hemorrhoids in men are characterized by such phenomena as:

  • frequent constipation caused by squeezing of feces by hemorrhoids;

  • secretion of mucus;

  • feeling of discomfort, burning and irritation in the anus;

  • edema;

  • inflammation;

  • bleeding;

  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;

  • painful bowel movements and tingling sensation;

  • затруднённое пражнение.

Causes of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids in men are individual in nature, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to name the specific causes of hemorrhoids in each patient.

However, there are several main factors that contribute to the development of hemorrhoids in men:

  • heredity. The likelihood of the disease increases with the number of cases of hemorrhoids in the patient’s relatives in the male line;

  • sedentary lifestyle, professional field of activity. A special risk group includes drivers, accountants, programmers and office workers. Sitting for several hours or more leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in the pelvis, which is a favorable condition for the development of hemorrhoids;

  • age changes;

  • congenital malformations (for example, the absence of valves in the hemorrhoidal veins);

  • heavy physical labor or hobbies associated with lifting weights;

  • chronic bronchitis, intestinal obstruction and tumors in the pelvis are often accompanied by the formation of hemorrhoids;

  • chronic and frequent constipation caused by insufficient intake of fiber (vegetables and fruits) and eating meat in large quantities, which leads to slow digestion and stagnation of food;

  • excessive alcohol consumption. With abundant libations, there is an increased blood flow to the pelvic area. Especially susceptible to the formation of hemorrhoids are lovers of strong alcoholic beverages;

What is the danger of hemorrhoids in men?

The main and most common danger of hemorrhoids is the presence of bleeding from the rectum. If after the act of defecation there is a small amount of spotting, this is not so dangerous. However, bleeding may gradually increase, which will inevitably lead to immediate hospitalization. Bleeding that lasts for an hour (or more) requires a radical method of resolving the problem – surgery.

Another dangerous consequence of hemorrhoids in men is the formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoidal veins. Blood clots fall into the prolapsed nodes and can lead to thrombosis. Untimely measures can cause necrosis of some area of ​​the intestine, since the rectum is fed by blood from hemorrhoids. At the initial stage, conservative treatment is prescribed, but if the phenomenon begins to take on a chronic character, the patient is expected to undergo surgery.

Paraproctitis is another dangerous complication of hemorrhoids, characterized by purulent inflammation of adjacent tissues. At the first symptoms of paraproctitis, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammatory process can capture other tissues, which will lead to the formation of a fistula. Pus can get into the abdominal region or retroperitoneal space.

Another consequence of neglected hemorrhoids is the formation of anal fissures, the occurrence of edema and discharge. With the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues, swelling of the entire inguinal region is possible.

The consequences of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Untreated hemorrhoids in time can lead to a number of consequences:

  • hemorrhoidal anemia. A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood can cause anemia, characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, poor appetite, pallor of the skin, dizziness, exhaustion, etc. Loss of blood in large volumes can cause acute anemia, requiring immediate removal of the hemorrhoid;

  • Pinched hemorrhoids. In the later stages, prolapse of hemorrhoids is possible. The process is very painful and is often accompanied by pinching of the nodes. As a result, an inflammatory process develops, leading to tissue necrosis;

  • Fissures in the rectum. Most men suffering from hemorrhoids have cracks in the rectum. Cracks are dangerous because they can cause paraproctitis.

  • Nonspecific colitis. Untimely cured disease leads to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and its ulceration. Nonspecific colitis is accompanied by weakness, indigestion, bloody and mucous secretions and a general deterioration in well-being;

  • Cryptite. Hemorrhoids prevent the emptying of the depressions in the anal canal (Morgan’s crypts), which provokes their inflammation – cryptitis. The consequences of cryptitis can be paraproctitis, purulent proctitis and internal fistula;

  • Thrombosis. Accumulation and stagnation in the blood nodes can lead to the formation of blood clots. This condition is accompanied by very painful sensations. The inflammatory process can affect the surrounding tissues, resulting in necrosis;

  • Paraproctitis. The condition is characterized by inflammation of the fatty tissue around the rectum. The disease gradually leads to suppuration and acute paraproctitis. At the same time, the patient’s condition worsens greatly, then intoxication of the body begins;

  • Fistula. The most favorable conditions for the penetration of infection – the presence of a fistula. It can disturb quite often or not make itself felt for years. If antibiotic treatment does not give the desired result, they resort to surgical intervention;

  • Gas gangrene of the pelvis. A very dangerous and difficult to treat condition. Occurs when pus enters the pelvic area;

  • Malignant tumors. If the fistula exists for a long time, it can transform into cancer. The worst and most dangerous consequence of hemorrhoids is rectal cancer. Postponing a visit to the doctor can cost your life, as the symptoms of hemorrhoids and cancer are very similar in many ways. If blood is found in the feces, it is necessary to carry out all the examinations prescribed by the proctologist to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor.

How to treat hemorrhoids in men?

Like any other disease, hemorrhoids are the easiest to treat in the early stages. In order for the treatment to give good results, the methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids must correspond to the existing stage. The most important thing is to complete the course of prescribed procedures to the end, otherwise the risk of exacerbation of the disease increases significantly. Many men do the procedures exactly until the moment when there is significant relief, after which they abandon the treatment. Any untreated disease is a favorable condition for the recurrence of the disease.

There are many modern methods of treating hemorrhoids in men. As a result of the medical examinations, the doctor will choose the most appropriate treatment tactics. With mild to moderate severity, medications, suppositories and procedures are usually prescribed. In modern medicine, painless and safe methods of treating hemorrhoids with the help of special equipment are widely used. In severe stages, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without surgical intervention. Minimally invasive techniques such as cryodestruction, sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, or latex ring ligation are often used. Hemorrhoids can be cured only when the lifestyle is radically revised and when all risk factors for the development of the disease are eliminated.

There are several areas of treatment for hemorrhoids:

  • Systemic drugs (medication)

  • List of suppositories for hemorrhoids

  • List of ointments for hemorrhoids

  • Modern minimally invasive techniques

  • Diet for hemorrhoids

  • 7 best folk remedies for hemorrhoids

Prevention of hemorrhoids in men

Hemorrhoids in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Prevention of hemorrhoids in men is a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of the disease. These measures should be taken not only by suffering or successfully treated men, but also by absolutely healthy people. Preventive measures may include the following items:

  • If professional activity is associated with a sedentary lifestyle (long stay in the office in one place, driving a car, etc.), it is necessary to take breaks for 2-3 minutes every few hours (ideally every 8-15 hours). During such a rest, you can do a little warm-up, exercise, or walk somewhere in order to strengthen the gluteal muscles;

  • It is recommended to change a soft working chair to a more rigid one;

  • You need to completely rethink your diet. It is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of food that contributes to constipation and slows down the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to eat several times a day in small portions. In the daily menu you need to include a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and dairy products. It is recommended to drink one and a half to two liters of pure water per day (other liquids are not included in this indicator). It is also necessary to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods;

  • If possible, after each act of defecation, you should take a cool or warm shower. It is also recommended to use only soft toilet paper that does not irritate the anus;

  • When emptying the bowels, you should try to relax as much as possible and not push.

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