Hemorrhoids in men
Hemorrhoids in men, according to doctors, are as common as in women. But, looking at the line in front of the office, one can doubt this. Alas, the representatives of the stronger sex usually delay going to the hospital, and in vain …

Men are more likely than women to sin by making excessive efforts in the process of defecation. Sitting on the toilet for 10 minutes is harmful and fraught with the development of hemorrhoids. If there are problems “at the exit”, lubrication will help speed things up. Vaseline, vegetable oil, fat baby cream will do as such.

Indeed, many of us are already accustomed to going to the toilet with a book or a smartphone. Read the head office, look through funny anecdotes – what’s wrong with that? But the habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time, sooner or later, can adversely affect health and lead to the office of a coloproctologist.

What is hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease associated with an increase in hemorrhoids. They are located in the rectum and, in fact, are a plexus of blood vessels.

– With hemorrhoids, the veins in the wall of the rectum expand. The vessels expand and form vascular sacs, which form the hemorrhoids. Large hemorrhoids hang down into the lumen of the rectum. Over time, they lose contact with the intestinal wall and begin to slide down under the influence of gravity. This is how hemorrhoids prolapse and the walls of the rectum prolapse, explains proctologist, surgeon Tatyana Lapina.

Hemorrhoids are divided into two large groups: external and internal. The name itself explains where they are located.

– External nodes can be seen without special equipment, they hang around the circumference of the anal ring. They are hemorrhoidal cones of a bluish color. With thrombosis of hemorrhoids, a dense painful knot is formed and edema appears. Most often, thrombosis of hemorrhoids occurs with excessive stress, for example, after severe constipation, after lifting weights. The initial signs of hemorrhoids can appear at a young age. But severe symptoms appear much later, usually by the age of 40-50, the specialist clarifies.

Coloproctologists note that hemorrhoids in men are as common as in women, not in favor of the stronger sex and statistics on the complications of this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids in men

The main causes of hemorrhoids are common for men and women, it is a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. However, men tend to take less care of themselves. Representatives of both sexes sit in offices, but ladies try to be in shape, do fitness and gymnastics at their leisure, and follow diets, while men neglect this.

The most common causes of hemorrhoids in men are:

  • heavy physical labor, heavy lifting;
  • sedentary work, for example, as a driver;
  • bad habits: excessive alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • obesity due to non-compliance with the diet;
  • untimely trips to the toilet, leading to a delay in the evacuation of feces;
  • constant stress;
  • some others (secondary hemorrhoids with portal hypertension, heart failure).

Men often start the disease because they are embarrassed to seek help from a coloproctologist. Some justify their indifference to health with work, the need to support a family. Unfortunately, this often leads to serious complications, when drug treatment is no longer effective and surgery is required.

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

In men, a key risk factor in the development of hemorrhoids can be considered a hereditary predisposition to pathology. The walls of the veins themselves and the connective tissue fibers that form a dense network in the region of the rectum, with hereditary defects, are weaker than normal. Therefore, any provocateurs – straining, stagnation of blood or other problems, lead to overflow of the veins and their expansion, the formation of knots.

Additionally, problems with the stool affect – frequent constipation or diarrhea, because of which the veins are constantly tense. Frequent alcohol intake, consumption of excessively spicy and spicy foods, abuse of local therapies – suppositories and enemas can add problems.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men

Due to differences in the structure of the body in men and women, the former sometimes do not immediately notice the problem. The fact is that the main symptom of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of hemorrhoids, only in men the anal canal is located slightly higher than in women, so that they can “look through” it.

However, other symptoms of hemorrhoids a man cannot ignore, and these include:

  • discomfort in the anus;
  • itching and burning, for example, when walking or sitting still for a long time;
  • scarlet blood in the stool or on toilet paper, it comes out in a trickle or drops;
  • pain, especially in acute hemorrhoids.

None of the symptoms is specific for hemorrhoids and may be a manifestation of other diseases of the colon, including cancer.

According to a specialist, a proctologist should be contacted if:

  • Have you noticed blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement?
  • the act of defecation is difficult, in particular, there are pains in the anus;
  • you feel pain in the anus while sitting.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are varied, but they can be managed. The main thing is to choose the right medicine.

Types of hemorrhoids

Doctors distinguish three types of hemorrhoids:

  • outer;
  • interior;
  • combined

The first type, external, or external, is a prolapse of nodes from the anus. Internal hemorrhoids appear due to the localization of bumps under the mucous membrane of the rectal canal. Combined hemorrhoids combines the symptoms and causes of the first two types.

Stages of hemorrhoids

There are 4 stages of development of hemorrhoids. Further treatment may depend on understanding the stage. Of course, it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.

  • Bleeding during bowel movements, inconvenience and discomfort in the toilet.
  • An increase in nodes, venous accumulations begin to fall out of the anus, which then return to their place.
  • A more severe stage, in which the accumulations no longer return to their place on their own, they must be set manually.
  • The last stage, in which the operation can no longer be avoided. Bleeding venous accumulations cannot be returned to their place even manually.

The course of hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids in men, a typically undulating course with stages of exacerbation and remission. Provocateurs of exacerbations are usually problems with the stool (severe constipation or prolonged diarrhea). In the chronic course of the disease, initially chronic manifestations often occur, when the symptoms are minimal, and the patient does not go to the doctor for a long time until complications arise.

In men, hemorrhoids often go hand in hand with prostate problems. The inflammatory process in the prostate gland leads to the expansion of the veins of the rectum, due to which there is an accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoids, and this negatively affects both problems.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, most often men appear in the office of coloproctologists already in the midst of an illness. Complications that usually push them to go to the doctor are, first of all, prolapse or pinching of hemorrhoids. In the first stages, the nodes return to the rectum on their own, but then they need help. This is where the problem becomes obvious. A common complication of hemorrhoids among men is also thrombosis, more often of the external hemorrhoid. Blood clots can form in the vessels due to heavy drinking or heavy exercise. They will block normal blood flow, causing inflammation and pain. Hemorrhoids interfere with the natural function of retaining intestinal contents and gases. All this leads to the release of unpleasant mucus with a bad smell. There are myths on the Internet that hemorrhoids in men can lead to cancer. No, in fact, hemorrhoids do not lead to cancer, but even without oncology, there are many diseases that can ruin life.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in men

Unfortunately, many hemorrhoid “cures” advertised on the internet may not work for you. Don’t fall for the tricks of scammers.

Here are a few tips to help you spot the real one:

  • look at the composition, there must be an active element, and not just “natural oils”;
  • pay attention to the release form, as a rule, candles, tablets and ointments help with hemorrhoids, it is unlikely that you will cure hemorrhoids with “herbal tea”;
  • read the reviews of professional doctors, trust only proven medical products;
  • and most importantly – better go to the doctor, he will write a prescription for the right remedy.


It is not very difficult to make a diagnosis of hemorrhoids, especially if it is an external form and the doctor sees nodes falling out of the anus. But to clarify the stage and exclude possible complications, the doctor necessarily prescribes additional examinations, some of which are carried out in the proctologist’s office. First of all, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is needed – this is a visual assessment of the condition of the mucous membranes, which allows you to assess the severity of the condition, inflammation, sources of bleeding, take a biopsy and some treated procedures.

Also, to exclude problems with the prostate, similar in symptoms to hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the gland.

If surgical treatment is necessary, additional blood tests are performed, as with any surgical intervention, as well as a consultation with a therapist, ECG and fluorography.

Modern methods

A conscious man who recognizes hemorrhoids in time can quickly recover from it without any operations. In the first stages of the disease, doctors recommend treating hemorrhoids with general and local remedies in the form of suppositories, ointments, creams and gels.

The latter include:

  • hemostatics from bleeding;
  • antipruritic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing.

– Their reception must be combined with a diet. With hemorrhoids, men will have to limit themselves to spicy and spicy foods, including vegetables, bran, and plenty of fluids in the diet. Forget about alcohol. You will also need to change your lifestyle. So that hemorrhoids do not remind of themselves, you need to walk more often, swim, become more mobile, experts recommend.

How to treat hemorrhoids for those who avoided going to the doctor to the last? Surgical treatment is most often indicated for such patients: removal of nodes with a laser, removal of the arteries that feed these bumps, in severe cases – removal of part of the rectal mucosa or inflamed tissues. Local preparations contribute to the removal of symptoms of hemorrhoids in the initial stages.

Pills for hemorrhoids in men

The doctor may prescribe oral medications that affect the venous walls of the entire body, including the rectal area. They are aimed at increasing the elasticity of the walls of the veins, preventing a decrease in the tone of muscle elements.

To increase the tone of the venous wall and improve blood circulation, reduce the inflammatory process and reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, tablets or capsules are used – the so-called systemic venotonic drugs – phlebotonics and phleboprotectors. These include Vasoket, Detralex, Phlebodia 600, Troxevasin, Venarus and others. They help stimulate the outflow of venous blood from the veins, reduce pressure inside them, preventing the progression of the disease.

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Angioprotectors help normalize microcirculation, restore metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on laxatives taken orally. In the presence of chronic constipation, they are necessary to soften the stool and prevent exacerbations. For these purposes, drugs with an irritating effect or osmotic laxatives are best suited. In addition, intestinal fillers, preparations with prebiotics and probiotics are used to normalize the balance of microflora.

Candles for hemorrhoids in men

For local treatment, suppositories with anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic components are often used. Among the most popular are Relief, Ultraprokt, Proctosan-S, Anuzol, Gepatrombin-G, Natalsid.

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Ointments for hemorrhoids in men

Ointments are used to stimulate healing, pain relief, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. Among the most popular are Relief, Lyoton 1000, heparin ointment, Proctosan, Aurobin and others.

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Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in men

With the ineffectiveness of conservative measures and at an advanced stage of hemorrhoids, the doctor, in order to prevent serious complications, may prescribe a surgical intervention. It can be minimally invasive or a full-blown surgical operation.

Preparing for an operation

Before the intervention, you need to consult a proctologist-surgeon, an anesthesiologist and conduct all the necessary laboratory tests and tests. Before the operation, it is necessary to prepare with a diet, bowel cleansing in the evening before the operation and in the morning, on the day of the intervention.

How is the operation?

During the operation, the nodes can be ligated (ligated at the base), treated with a laser so that they fall off on their own after a few days. They also perform sclerosing of the nodes, treat them with liquid nitrogen. In advanced cases, the nodes are excised, sutured in the intervention pestle.

Postoperative period

During the recovery period, strict hygiene is necessary, compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, taking medications and loosening the stool. If all recommendations are followed, recovery is fast.

Diet for hemorrhoids in men

After the operation, a special diet is needed so that the stool is soft and does not irritate the surgical area. Products that have a strengthening effect or provoke diarrhea, flatulence are prohibited. These are fresh fruits and vegetables with skin and are rich in fiber. Alcoholic drinks, sodas, strong tea and coffee, smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods are prohibited, muffins and sweets are limited. Food is taken every 2-3 hours in small portions, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

Allowed cereals and wholemeal bread, sour-milk dishes, boiled fish, poultry or meat, mashed fruits or vegetables without skins.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in men and tips

Banal rules of prevention will help to avoid an unpleasant trip to a coloproctologist. Hemorrhoids can be prevented with proper nutrition.

  • Vegetables, fruits, lack of spicy and salty foods – all this prevents constipation and hemorrhoids. You will have to give up bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
  • Those who spend most of the day sitting or standing will have to find time to warm up. Getting up and walking around the office is already the prevention of hemorrhoids, and it is best to sign up for a pool or walk before going to bed.
  • Don’t overwork yourself. A heavy barbell promises not only a beautiful muscle relief, but also problems with the rectum.
  • It is worth replacing toilet paper with wet wipes, they are softer and do not damage the skin.
  • It is even better to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet, it was not in vain that this advice was used in ancient times. Remember the jugs of water next to the chamber pots.
  • If you feel discomfort during bowel movements or this process goes on with problems, you should use petroleum jelly, baby cream, vegetable oil or specialized medicines. Do not allow “staying”, do not spend more than 5-7 minutes on the toilet. If the lubricants do not help, see a doctor, maybe the problem is something else.
  • Avoid “non-targeted” sitting in the toilet, this is not a library, doctors remind.
  • Do not forget to do exercises for the muscles of the sphincter and buttocks. Tighten them for a few seconds and then relax. This will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Never be ashamed to go to the doctor. Shame is not a reason to ruin your health. According to the Association of Coloproctologists of Russia, timely and competent treatment leads to the recovery of 98-100 patients with hemorrhoids.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with experts a few more issues related to hemorrhoids in the strong half of humanity – possible complications of the pathology, the admissibility of using traditional medicine, as well as the possibility of a quick and effective treatment of exacerbations and a chronic process.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids in men?

Hemorrhoids are treated by proctologists or coloproctologists. With combined pathologies, doctors of other specialties can also be involved in therapy.

What are the complications of hemorrhoids?

A complication of the acute form of hemorrhoids can be the transition to a chronic form. With this type of pathology, the following complications are dangerous:

• infringement of protruding nodes due to the muscles located in the anal sphincter area;

• thrombosis of nodes with the development of necrosis, if a clot is formed inside the veins;

• necrosis of nodes with thrombosis or prolonged infringement;

• paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation in the area of ​​anorectal tissues, which can threaten the development of sepsis;

• insufficiency of the sphincter of the anus leads to gas and stool incontinence;

• bleeding from hemorrhoids with the development of anemia.

When to call a doctor at home for hemorrhoids?

In the presence of pain, bleeding, mucus discharge from the rectum, as well as purulent discharge, against the background of any ailments, the help of a doctor is needed.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly and effectively?

Treatment will be effective if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, follow all the recommendations and use the prescribed drugs, as well as change your lifestyle, remove provoking factors.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies?

Without the recommendation of a doctor, it is not worth using any alternative methods of treatment. They may not help, or, worse, harm, increase discomfort, or provoke complications.

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