Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: how to avoid it?

Why does hemorrhoids occur?

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body. Violation of the hormonal background and intestinal motility provoke constipation, and the active growth of the fetus and, accordingly, the uterus, complicates the outflow of blood, as a result of which the tone of the intestinal walls decreases. All this leads to varicose expansion of the vascular plexus and the appearance of hemorrhoids. By the end of the third trimester, about half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids. And after childbirth, especially long and painful, – almost 80% of young mothers.

First signs

Any disease is much easier to defeat if you start treatment on time. Therefore, at the very first alarms – constant bloating, frequent constipation, pain and itching in the anus, traces of blood on toilet paper – you need to see a doctor.

The best treatment – prevention

Complications can be avoided by preventing hemorrhoids. Expectant mothers need to walk, swim, and eat a lot. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dried fruits and dairy products.

However, sometimes hemorrhoids occur despite prevention. In case of itching, the doctor may prescribe you Relief suppositories. They contain phenyelphrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect.

In case of edema and bleeding, you can use Relief Advance suppositories containing an active anesthetic for local anesthesia: it has an analgesic effect within a few minutes.

All “Relief” preparations are created on the basis of a natural ingredient – shark liver oil, which restores the affected area, heals wounds and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


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Reg. ud. PN013560 / 02 dated 06.11.2007

Reg. ud. PN014500 / 01 dated 21.04.2010

Reg. ud. PN013560 / 01 dated 11.12.2008

Reg. ud. LS-001101 dated 31.05.2010

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