Hemorrhoids – causes, symptoms, treatment, surgery. Home remedies for hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids, or haemorrhoids, are one of the most common and embarrassing civilization diseases – according to statistics, it periodically affects every second Pole! What exactly are hemorrhoids, how to deal with them and when is it mandatory to see a doctor?

What are hemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids, i.e., hemorrhoids, are the natural structures of the anus. These blood-filled cushions seal the anal canal and, together with the sphincter muscles, control excretion. Only malfunctioning hemorrhoids are an embarrassing problem, which, however, can be dealt with at home. The condition of hemorrhoids appears when the nodules stretch beyond measure and fill with blood, from which they are then unable to empty themselves completely, which painfully affects the comfort of staying in the toilet. As a result of residual blood, the anal nodules and tissues may become inflamed. A lot of Poles suffer from this ailment, every second!

If you suspect you have hemorrhoids, consult your doctor. You can find offers of facilities from many Polish cities in the clinic.pl database.

Hemorrhoids – types

Hemorrhoids can occur in or out of the rectum. The type depends on where the venous edema develops. The types of hemorrhoids include several types.

  1. External hemorrhoids – easily palpable by patients. The area is swollen, and irritated hemorrhoids can cause itching, pain and bleeding when passing stools. This is often due to hygiene problems, which is quite painful for people with hemorrhoids.
  2. Internal hemorrhoids – are located under the rectal mucosa, which is innervated, which makes the nodules virtually imperceptible and painless. A symptom of their occurrence is bright red blood during bowel movements and oozing of mucus secretions. At a later stage, the nodules may fall outside the edge of the anus. Their color is pinker than the area in which they occur and they are a source of pain because they put pressure on the well-fed and blood-filled anal sphincter. They usually regress into the anus over time. If it doesn’t, push them back in.
  3. Prolapse of hemorrhoids Both internal and external hemorrhoids can fall out, which means they extend and bulge beyond the anus. Then clots may appear, which eventually form a bulge. The resulting lump is a source of severe pain during diarrhea or constipation. Protruding hemorrhoids may turn blue when they become thrombotic, but are not a serious problem as they may fall off by themselves or be absorbed into the body. If you are in severe pain, your doctor may remove the clot.

See also: Why do hemorrhoids form?

Hemorrhoids – causes

The causes of hemorrhoids, also called haemorrhoids, are extensive and independent of age. They are certainly favored by a sedentary, inactive lifestyle – office workers, professional drivers and avid computer players often suffer from hemorrhoids. They also happen to horse riders and cyclists.

Anal varicose veins often go hand in hand with a poor diet – insufficient fiber and too little fluid can lead to constipation, which forces the rectal mucosa to stretch too much. The daily dose of fiber will be provided by a dietary supplement with a mixture of natural fibers from the Solgar brand. Women in advanced pregnancy also suffer from hemorrhoids – the developing fetus may constrict the venous system, which hinders proper blood flow and causes disturbances in the intestines. Otherwise, the stretching of the hemorrhoids is affected by childbirth – the associated excessive pressure may cause the hemorrhoid to stretch and result in a painful haemorrhoidal disease.

More recent studies show that patients with hemorrhoids tend to have higher resting tension in the anal canal – that is, anal smooth muscles tend to be tense than average (even if they are not tense). Constipation further aggravates these problems, as straining to defecate increases the pressure in the anal canal and pushes the hemorrhoids into the sphincter muscle. Finally, the connective tissues that support and hold the hemorrhoids in place may weaken with age, causing the hemorrhoids to bulge and prolapse.

Most often, however, hemorrhoids affect people over 50, in whom slow intestinal peristalsis promotes the formation of varicose veins. Hemorrhoids are most common in people who are: obese; struggling with diarrhea caused by laxatives; having anal sex; women after several births; after rectal and perineal surgeries.

Also check: Fetal development stages – the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

How to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids?

The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep your stools soft so that they can easily pass through the anus during a bowel movement. To prevent hemorrhoids and reduce their symptoms, follow these tips:

  1. Eat high-fiber foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In this way, you soften the stool and increase its volume, which will help avoid the exertion that hemorrhoids can cause. Add fiber slowly to your diet to avoid gas problems.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drink six to eight glasses of water and other fluids (not alcohol) each day to keep your stools soft.
  3. Consider using fiber supplements. Most people don’t get enough of the recommended amount of fiber – 20 to 30 grams a day – in their diet. Studies have shown that over-the-counter fiber supplements, such as psyllium or methylcellulose, improve overall symptoms and bleeding from hemorrhoids. If you are taking fiber supplements, drink at least eight glasses of water or other fluids each day. Otherwise, the supplements may cause or worsen constipation.
  4. Don’t tense up. Stressing and holding your breath when trying to pass stools puts more pressure on the veins in your lower rectum.
  5. Go whenever you feel like it. If you wait for a bowel movement and the urge to go away, your stool may dry out and be harder to pass.
  6. Exercises. Stay active to prevent constipation and reduce the pressure on your veins that can occur during long periods of standing or sitting. Exercise can also help you lose weight, which can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.
  7. Avoid long periods of sitting. Sitting for too long, especially on the toilet, can put pressure on the veins in the anus.
  8. remember about intimate hygiene.
  9. avoid anal sex (this also protects against sexual diseases).
  10. wear cotton underwear.

Do you know any other methods to prevent hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids – symptoms

We distinguish the following symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  1. annoying itching of the anus, which most patients ignore – which is a pity, because the quick diagnosis of varicose veins helps in their quick healing!
  2. itching is often accompanied by irritation of the mucosa and oozing discharge, which promotes inflammation of the anus;
  3. then there is a strange feeling of incomplete bowel movement and traces of blood on the toilet paper;
  4. over time, the lump falls out – the patient can feel it around the anus, then the hemorrhoids regress by themselves;
  5. in the most advanced stage, varicose veins remain outside the anus and it is necessary to surgically remove them.

What other conditions cause hemorrhoid-like symptoms?

Various gastrointestinal disorders can cause rectal bleeding and other hemorrhoid-like symptoms. Some of these disorders are life-threatening. For this reason, it is important to tell your doctor if you develop these symptoms.

Bowel diseases that can cause bleeding include:

  1. Colon cancer;
  2. Leśniowski and Crohn’s disease;
  3. Ulcerative colitis.

Hemorrhoids – diagnosis

Hemorrhoidal disease it is a disease that develops very slowly, so if you detect it as early as possible, you will recover faster. If the patient develops rectal bleeding, see a specialist immediately. This symptom may also indicate cancer of the anus, which should be ruled out.

Proctologist – is a specialist doctor who deals with diseases of the anus. Many people associate a visit to him with exposure and embarrassment. The former position of the examination: the knee-elbow with the buttocks tucked out has been replaced with a more comfortable one, the patient is placed on the left side. The doctor is able to diagnose hemorrhoids on the basis of the medical history and finger examination. In order for the diagnosis to be complete, it is recommended to perform an anoscopy – viewing the final section of the rectum using a speculum. The doctor may also perform a sigmoidoscopy, where he will use a sigmoidoscope (a lighted tube with a camera) to see the inside of the lower (sigmoid) part of your colon and rectum. The types of procedures include flexible sigmoidoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy (proctoscopy). These tests do not require special preparation, they take only a minute, and most importantly, they are painless, although they may be uncomfortable.

Your doctor may perform a colonoscopy to confirm the results of other tests or to check for signs of colon cancer. However, this outpatient procedure requires anesthesia.

If you want to talk to a specialist, you can make an online e-appointment with a proctologist. The doctor will provide advice, refer the patient to an office visit, appropriate tests or surgery.

What is the difference between hemorrhoids and anal fissures?

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures cause similar symptoms such as itching, pain, and bleeding. While swollen veins cause hemorrhoids, rupture of the anal lining causes an anal fissure. A healthcare professional will perform a physical examination and may order tests to find the cause of your symptoms.

Hemorrhoids – grades of prolapse

Clinical evaluation of internal hemorrhoids uses a 4-point scale that takes into account the possibility of manual evacuation and the risk of local complications;

  1. stage I – no haemorrhoid prolapse, changes visible only in the speculum examination,
  2. stage II – prolapse of hemorrhoids during bowel movement, are subject to spontaneous regression and retraction into the rectum (they may bleed),
  3. stage III – hemorrhoids are visible macroscopically permanently, but they can be effectively removed manually,
  4. stage IV – permanent prolapse of hemorrhoids, without the possibility of manual discharge, possible hemorrhoid thrombosis.

In advanced cases, it is no longer possible to manually push internal hemorrhoids inward. In addition, there may be persistent bleeding and bacterial superinfections with the formation of purulent reactions. Often times, fecal incontinence can also be a problem. Hemorrhoids removal may be necessary, which is associated with later complications during defecation.

See also: Is frequent bowel movement a symptom of an illness?

Hemorrhoids – home remedies

The sooner the haemorrhoids are diagnosed, the easier it is to cure it with home remedies. Therefore, you should never wait with the hope that the persistent itching will pass, it is worth taking care of everyday comfort yourself.

Saps for hemorrhoids

Relief can certainly be brought by the popular hemorrhoid baths, i.e. herbal baths in lukewarm water. It is enough to pour about 10 cm of water into the tub and fill it with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or a herbal mixture of knotweed, sage and chestnut bark. The water temperature must not exceed 40 degrees Celsius – too warm bath may additionally irritate the anus. You should sit in this water for about 15 minutes, several times a day (most experts recommend a 20-minute bath after each bowel movement, plus two or three times a day).

This helps to reduce swelling in the area and relaxes the tightening sphincter muscle. It is especially good after having a bowel movement. It is important to gently dry the anal area afterwards; do not rub or rub hard. You can also use a hair dryer to dry the anal area.

You can buy a mixture of herbs for hemorrhoids for sit-ins at Medonet Market.

Cold compresses for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids may also be rescued ice cube compresses – wrap them in a handkerchief and apply to the sore spots, which will significantly alleviate the pain. An effective alternative could also be wet tea bag, because the tannin contained in the leaves has anti-inflammatory properties. Finally, sitting on a cushion, rather than on a hard surface, helps to reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents new ones from forming.

Herbs for hemorrhoids

The itching and burning of haemorrhoids can be neutralized by frequent washing of sick places with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile extract, aloe vera or oak barkwhich have a soothing effect on the irritated mucosa and accelerate its healing. It is also good for hemorrhoids herbal tea, preferably based on wormwood, nettles, plantain and elderberry. We recommend, for example, FOR HEMORRHOIDS – herbal-fruit tea by Herbapol in Krakow. Yarrow herb is also beneficial for hemorrhoids. We also recommend For hemorrhoids – Aromatika herbal mixture, which consists of fenugreek, buckwheat, buckthorn, comfrey, rowan, violet, yarrow and caraway.

Witch hazel, which can be applied to irritated hemorrhoids, works great in the case of hemorrhoids. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory agent that can counteract swelling and itching. It is also good to use wet wipes. After defecation, clean the anus gently with a baby wipe or a damp cloth.

Over-the-counter medications for hemorrhoids

At home, we can also use ointments for hemorrhoids (eg Hemorella ointment), suppositories and pills for hemorrhoids. You can also use anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments or creams to reduce swelling and itching. These types of agents also contain compounds such as lidocaine to numb the area, or hydrocortisone or witch hazel to reduce swelling and itching.

Pain medications, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin, can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories have a similar effect, usually they contain natural substances in the form of, for example, horse chestnut extract. HEMOpran also has a soothing effect – a cream for hemorrhoids, which you can buy on Medonet Market;

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, suppositories and ointments are recommended. Medonet Market offers suppositories for hemorrhoids with hyaluronic acid and ointment for hemorrhoids Anusir.

Diet for hemorrhoids

It is an invaluable help in combating hemorrhoidal disease proper diet – eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and fiber-rich foods, drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, and avoid foods that can cause constipation. Proper, smooth bowel function will allow for less painful bowel movements, which will not strain the diseased areas. If you can’t get enough fiber from your food, your doctor may recommend that you take a fiber supplement or a stool softener.

Fiber supplements help reduce hemorrhoid bleeding, inflammation, and enlargement. They can also reduce irritation from small pieces of stool trapped around blood vessels. Some people find that consuming too much fiber causes gas or gas. Therefore, it is recommended to slowly and gradually increase your intake to 25-30 grams of fiber per day.

Laxatives should not be taken as they can cause diarrhea which can irritate the hemorrhoids.

Exercises for hemorrhoids

It may turn out to be indispensable daily gymnastics (moderate aerobic exercise, such as a brisk walk for 20-30 minutes a day, can help stimulate bowel function) or an intense walk – a sedentary lifestyle is certainly conducive to the recurrence of hemorrhoids.

Also remember that when you feel the need to have a bowel movement, go to the bathroom immediately; do not wait for a more convenient time. The stool can retract, leading to increased pressure and tension. In addition, you should schedule a certain time each day, for example after a meal, to sit on the toilet for a few minutes. This can help you develop a regular bowel habit.

Learn about home remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids – medical treatments

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, medical treatments are also recommended, such as:

  1. eraser, the Barron method: used with 7nd and 10rd degree hemorrhoids. The method consists in placing a rubber ring on the root of the tumor, which cuts off the blood supply to it and causes it to die, and then fall off (after about 24-400 days). It lasts a few minutes, after the procedure, you can return to your daily activities as usual, but sometimes the pain may persist of moderate intensity. Attention! within XNUMX hours, you should avoid bowel movements and taking medications that reduce blood clotting). Cost of one session: about PLN XNUMX;
  2. sclerotherapy: a method intended mainly for small hemorrhoids. An injection is given under the mucosa of the enlarged nodule, it contains a foam product that causes a clot at the injection site. Then the lump comes off. Within 2-3 days after the procedure, slight rectal bleeding may occur, which stops on its own. Cost: PLN 150-300;
  3. laser therapy: irradiating the nodule with laser rays. High temperature causes the vessels to contract and close, and ultimately destroy the tissue of the nodule. The cost is 600-800 PLN;
  4. Morinagi method: non-invasive surgery, used at every stage of the disease. A one-day hospital stay is required. The procedure is usually performed without anesthesia, on an outpatient basis. During the procedure, the hemorrhoidal vessels are closed, the doctor puts (absorbable) sutures on the arteries under the control of a Doppler probe. After the procedure, the patient returns to a normal lifestyle within 1500 hours. The Morinaga method is safe, and its cost is about PLN 2000-XNUMX (in some places it can be performed under the National Health Fund);
  5. long method: is a circular removal and stitching of a fragment of the mucosa with a hemorrhoidal stapler. The procedure is recommended in the second and third degree of diseases, under local or general anesthesia, for one day. Cost: PLN 2000-3000.
  6. operational cut reimbursed: nodules are surgically removed in several ways: the classic Milligan-Morgan method (excision of the nodules with open wounds, which prevents narrowing of the anus), healing takes about 7-10 days. Ferguson’s method: similar to the previous one, except that the wound after excision of the lump is sutured, pluses: quick healing, less pain.

You can now make an appointment for the Barron method of rubberizing hemorrhoids – you should choose the date of the procedure and prepare for it properly.

Hemorrhoids surgery – complications

Among the complications after hemorrhoids surgery, we can distinguish:

  1. pain,
  2. uncontrolled contraction of the muscles of the anal sphincters and urethra,
  3. trouble urinating and defecating,
  4. bleeding (it is eliminated by e.g. electrocoagulation).

After haemorrhoid surgery, bleeding may appear, which is the result of wound infection and affects approximately 1% of the operated patients. The most dangerous, however, may be postoperative complications, which become apparent only after a few years! Among others:

  1. anal stricture,
  2. problems with keeping the stool (caused by damage to the internal anal sphincter muscle or the sensory nerves. In this case, mainly anti-diarrheal drugs and biofeedback treatment are recommended, and the treatment is very difficult).
  3. anal fistula,
  4. eversion of the mucosa.

Prophylactically and supportively during the treatment period, it is worth reaching for Hemorrhoids – a mixture of herbs available at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Complications arising from not treating hemorrhoids

Complications of hemorrhoids are rare but include the diseases and conditions below.

  1. Anemie. Rarely, chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids can cause anemia in which you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the cells.
  2. Blood clot. Occasionally, a clot may form in a hemorrhoid (hemorrhoidal thrombosis). While it is not dangerous, it can be very painful and sometimes needs to be punctured and dried.
  3. Infections. Some external hemorrhoids have sores that become infected.

Do hemorrhoids lead to colon cancer?

Hemorrhoids do not increase or cause colon cancer risk. However, more serious conditions can cause similar symptoms. Even after the hemorrhoids have completely healed, your surgeon may order other tests to be performed. A colonoscopy may be performed to rule out other causes of rectal bleeding. Anyone aged 45 and over should undergo a colonoscopy to look for colon cancer.

Hemorrhoids and pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the pelvis and veins near the anus and rectum. Increased levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids: progesterone relaxes the walls of the veins, increasing the likelihood of swelling.

Some women have problems with hemorrhoids the first time they are pregnant. However, if a woman had hemorrhoids before, she is more likely to get them again while pregnant.

Fortunately, hemorrhoids are usually not harmful to a woman’s health or the health of her baby, and will usually resolve on their own after birth. It’s often possible to relieve symptoms with home care, but check with your doctor first to make sure any treatment is safe during pregnancy.

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