Hemorrhoid treatment during pregnancy

Proper nutrition and a moderately active lifestyle, as well as competent drug therapy, which should be prescribed by a doctor, will help to avoid the appearance and development of hemorrhoids.

At first, try to move as much as possible. The optimal types of activity for the expectant mother are swimming, light gymnastics and walking in the fresh air.

Secondly, watch your diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, as well as dried fruits and dairy products – this will help to improve the functioning of the intestines.

Thirdly, take care of particularly careful hygiene. If possible, wash off with cool water after each bowel movement or use special wet wipes.

If, despite prevention, it was not possible to avoid the disease, you can use drugs to treat hemorrhoids. Such as drugs “Relief”. Created on the basis of natural shark liver oil containing biologically active substances, zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, E and D and polyunsaturated fatty acids, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote wound healing. All drugs from this line are available in the form of suppositories and ointments. For internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are usually prescribed, and ointment is well suited for treating external hemorrhoids.

At the first sign of hemorrhoids, together with your doctor, determine which remedy is right for you. It depends on the symptoms. For bleeding, itching and swelling, suppositories and Relief ointment are usually used: they contain phenyelphrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect. And in case of pain it is better to use Relief Advance candles. Containing the active anesthetic component benzocaine for local anesthesia.


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Reg. ud. PN013560 / 02 dated 06.11.2007

Reg. ud. PN014500 / 01 dated 21.04.2010

Reg. ud. PN013560 / 01 dated 11.12.2008

Reg. ud. LS-001101 dated 31.05.2010

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