Hemorrhagic cystitis

Hemorrhagic cystitis – this is one of the varieties of cystitis, in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder wall is observed and blood appears in the secreted fluid.

The presence of blood is explained by the fact that there is a deep damage to the walls of the organ, with injury to its vascular network. This is a serious disease that requires qualified medical attention.

As for statistics, the disease most often affects people with weakened immune systems. The risk group includes children and the elderly.

It is from hemorrhagic cystitis that elderly men with prostate adenoma often suffer, although cystitis is considered a predominantly female disease.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis

Hemorrhagic cystitis

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • A complex of dysuric symptoms, including: frequent urination, pain during the process of urination. The patient experiences difficulties, as the walls of the bladder are irritated and inflamed, and even a slight replenishment of urine makes him want to go to the toilet. In this case, the urges often turn out to be false, or it is excreted by a drop of urine.

  • Staining urine in pink, dirty brown or red, which is due to deep damage to the walls of the organ and the ingress of blood into the excreted fluid. In advanced stages of hemorrhagic cystitis, whole blood clots may be found in the urine.

  • If the pathology is observed for a long time, then the patient will begin to suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Weakness, increased fatigue joins, dizziness, shortness of breath and pallor of the skin are observed.

  • Urine has a fetid odor.

  • Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, with localization in the suprapubic region.

  • When the urinary canal is blocked by a blood clot, the patient feels that the organ is full, but cannot empty it. The bubble continues to fill and expand. Within a maximum of three days, if proper treatment is not provided, uremia develops.

  • Often there is an increase in body temperature to high values, chills and general weakness are observed.

Causes of hemorrhagic cystitis

Among the reasons leading to the development of the disease, it is customary to single out:

  • Infection with viruses: adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, polyomovirus. Less commonly, E. coli, bacteria and fungi lead to this form of cystitis.

  • Taking certain drugs from the group of cytostatics.

  • Irradiation of the body, for example, in the treatment of tumor processes.

  • Prolonged intentional retention of urine, which leads to stretching of the organ and disruption of its blood supply.

  • Any mechanical obstruction to the natural flow of urine. This may be a cancerous tumor, inflammation of the surrounding tissues, a decrease in the lumen of the urethra.

  • Reduced ability of the muscular wall of an organ to contract, which is often caused by neurogenic problems.

  • The entry of a foreign body into the urethra and its injury.

  • Tumor of the organ, its decay.

  • Lack of personal hygiene skills and the introduction of harmful microbes into the bladder.

  • A decrease in the body’s immune forces, which is often observed in diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, during postmenopausal women, during childbearing and after delivery, as well as with HIV infection.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic cystitis

In order to establish a diagnosis, the patient will need to undergo the following procedures:

  • Donating blood for a general analysis;

  • Delivery of urine for general analysis;

  • Delivery of urine for bacteriological culture;

  • Passage of ultrasound of organs located in the small pelvis;

  • By appointment – cystography, cystoscopy and urography.

Such a thorough diagnosis is required in order to differentiate hemorrhagic cystitis from a tumor, as well as to exclude the presence of stones and trauma to the organs of the urinary system. Indeed, in such conditions, blood in the urine is often observed.

Treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis

Hemorrhagic cystitis

Depending on the condition of the patient, treatment is carried out either in a hospital or at home. The patient is prescribed bed rest, a sparing diet and medication, depending on what caused the development of the disease.

  • Antibiotics. If bacteria provoked cystitis with blood, then antibiotics will be prescribed. It can be either monural or ciprofloxacin. In addition, drugs from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins, etc. are used. The final choice directly depends on the results of bacteriological urine culture.

  • If there are signs of iron deficiency anemia, then iron supplementation is indicated. It can be Sorbifer Durules, Ferrum-Lak and others.

  • To reduce blood loss patients are prescribed tranexamic or alpha-aminocaproic acid, etamsylate, calcium preparations, Vikasol, Ascorutin.

  • Treatment of the disease is impossible without diet. It promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, gives the body the necessary strength to fight inflammation. The patient should drink at least 2,5 liters of water. Alcohol and sweet carbonated water are contraindicated. The optimal drinks are pure water, green and herbal tea, juices and fruit drinks from berries. (Read more about the cystitis diet – what you can eat and what not?) In addition, cranberry and lingonberry juice is scientifically proven to help reduce inflammation, neutralize some of the bacteria and reduce pain.

The menu should be dominated by products of plant origin, they make the composition of the urine more alkaline, which also helps to fight bacteria. Salty, smoked, spicy and fried foods fall under the ban.

It is unacceptable to treat hemorrhagic cystitis on its own, the disease is fraught with formidable complications, including: infection of the pelvic organs, blockage of the urinary tract, the development of severe anemia and oxygen starvation of the whole organism. With chronicization of the process, therapy will be long and difficult. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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