A hemoglobinometer is a device that measures the amount of hemoglobin in a person’s blood. Iron-containing protein, being one of the most important elements of the blood, is the main component of red blood cells. Hemoglobin “captures” oxygen and transports it to all internal organs and tissues. Without a vital protein, the tissues and cells of the body could not be properly oxygenated and function properly.
A hemoglobinometer allows you to determine the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and compare it with normal readings. A deficiency or excess of this blood indicator can be extremely dangerous for human health and indicate serious diseases in the body.
The norm of hemoglobin in women and men
In women, normal hemoglobin levels range from 120 to 140 grams per liter of blood (abbreviated g / l.). In girls who are not yet eighteen years old, the amount of hemoglobin can vary between 110-153 g / l. If the fair sex is a heavy smoker or professionally engaged in any kind of sport, the rate of this element in the blood can be from 150 to 160 g / l.
During pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin most often decreases and can range from 105 to 120 g / l. With age, the concentration of hemoglobin is approximately 118-160 g / l. Deviation from the norm may indicate serious diseases, pathological changes and anomalies. If the hemoglobinometer showed a value that is not within the normal range, you should, without delay, consult a doctor.
The normal hemoglobin level for men aged 18-65 is 130-173 g/L. For men over 65-70 years old, the age norm is considered to be in the range of 126-174 g / l. If a deviation from the generally accepted standard is detected, you should consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an additional series of studies.
Causes of high and low hemoglobin levels
An increased hemoglobin in women negatively affects the consistency of the blood (it becomes thicker), as a result of which movement slows down and the cells do not receive oxygen. If time does not respond to an increase in hemoglobin, then blood clots form in the vessels. An increase in the indicator may be due to various diseases, such as: intestinal obstruction; diseases of the cardiovascular system; blood diseases (leukemia).
A high rate can also indicate various physiological changes and disorders, such as: excessive physical activity, living in high mountains; hemoconcentration (blood thickening) due to dehydration of the body – dehydration, or extensive burns. In such cases, the hemoglobin level, after the exclusion of these causes, eventually returns to normal. Symptoms indicating an increase in hemoglobin include: deterioration in brain function; decrease in working capacity; lack of concentration; fatigue; drowsiness or insomnia; lack of appetite; excessive irritability. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.
In men, an increase in hemoglobin levels can also be associated with smoking, intense training, physical activity and severe stress shocks. Signs of high hemoglobin in men are:
- fatigue;
- frequent headaches;
- dizziness, fainting;
- drowsiness;
- loss of appetite.
This symptomatology is characteristic of a number of diseases: respiratory and heart failure; polycystic kidney disease; erythremia. The amount of hemoglobin in the blood can fluctuate due to severe dehydration.
The reasons for low hemoglobin can be: anemia of various origins, including those caused by various diseases; violation of blood circulation; thyroid diseases; strict diet food; emotional fatigue; alcoholism.
Determining the amount of protein using a hemoglobinometer
Devices that measure the amount of hemoglobin in the blood are called portable. They have an automatic calibration function. A blood sample is taken in the classical laboratory way: about 20 µl of venous or capillary blood is collected using a syringe with a needle. To prepare a photometric sample, a hemoglobin cyanide method is used.
The modern technique is recommended by WHO and has been used in medicine for forty years. The substance must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 251 (this is done by a laboratory assistant). To prepare a sample, you will need five milliliters of reagent. The duration of sample preparation varies from 15 to 20 minutes and directly depends on the selected reagent used for analysis. The required sample volume for photometry is 2-4 ml.
To determine the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to put a cuvette with a sample in the hemoglobinometer cell. After a few seconds, the display will show the concentration of iron-containing protein. The device automatically determines the amount of hemoglobin. It is not forbidden to shake, heat and even turn it on before measuring the indicator (it turns on and off automatically).
After lowering the cuvette into the cell, the device automatically starts, measures the concentration of hemoglobin and displays the result on the monitor. When the cuvette is removed from the hemoglobinometer, the device will turn off. Re-measurement is possible within 2-3 seconds after the device is turned off.
Benefits of a hemoglobinometer
The hemoglobinometer has a number of advantages, including: the presence of an automatic calibration adjustment function (the initial auto-calibration parameters are set by manufacturers, they are stored throughout the entire operation of the device); duration of use (the device can work without replacing components for 5-6 years); ease of use (small, has a beautiful design); easy to clean; it is possible to use glass or disposable cuvettes.
The hemoglobinometer is a means for measuring the concentration of hemoglobin, its work is checked by manufacturers. If you follow the instructions in the instructions and timely care for the device, the device will work flawlessly for at least 5 years. The device is simply indispensable in the salons of ambulances, as well as express laboratories, stationary research centers and conventional medical institutions. It is used during home visits to sick people. A medical worker takes it with him in order to measure the level of hemoglobin in the patient’s blood. If the indicator is not within the normal range, the person should contact the family doctor or therapist.
Preventive and therapeutic measures
To protect yourself from pathological fluctuations in hemoglobin, both upward and downward, you should think about preventive and therapeutic measures. With a slight deficiency of hemoglobin, you need to follow a special diet. The daily diet should include foods containing iron (beef, chicken and quail eggs, nuts, legumes, liver). In order for iron to be properly and safely absorbed, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
Prevention and treatment of diseases, due to which hemoglobin jumps are observed, cannot take place without adequate physical activity and walks in the fresh air. The attending physician will prescribe medications or dietary supplements that contain iron if its deficiency is detected. In case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes iron-containing substances for intravenous administration.
The concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is one of the most significant indicators of human health, so it must be constantly monitored. It is extremely important to control the level of the indicator for women planning a pregnancy and, moreover, carrying a child. Doctors recommend periodically measuring the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood with a hemoglobinometer for older people.