Hemoglobin – norms, testing, low and high levels of hemoglobin [EXPLAIN]

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Malaise, infection or annual check-ups – these are the most common cases in which a doctor orders us to perform blood tests. Their results give a picture of the state of our body, allow us to diagnose abnormalities in its functioning, and control the progress of treatment. One of the most important components of blood is hemoglobin. Its determination allows the detection of anemia, anemia or cancer.

Hemoglobin – what is it?

Hemoglobin is a protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.

Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are linked together. A normal adult hemoglobin molecule (abbreviated as Hgb or Hb) contains two alpha-globulin chains and two beta-globulin chains. In fetuses and infants, beta chains are not common, and the hemoglobin molecule consists of two alpha chains and two gamma chains. As the infant grows, the gamma chains are gradually replaced by the beta chains to form the adult hemoglobin structure.

Each chain of globulin contains an important iron-containing porphyrin compound called heme. An iron atom is embedded in the heme compound, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The iron in hemoglobin is also responsible for the red color of blood.

Hemoglobin also plays an important role in maintaining the shape of red blood cells. In their natural shape, red blood cells are round with narrow donut-like centers without a hole in the center. Thus, the abnormal structure of hemoglobin can disrupt the shape of red blood cells and hinder their function and flow through the blood vessels.

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The editorial board recommends: What are proven ways to supplement iron?

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Hemoglobin – indications for the study

Hemoglobin testing is performed as part of the blood count, i.e. all tests of subsequent blood particles and components. Therefore, it belongs to the group of basic diagnostic tests.

The indication for its implementation should primarily be the elapsed time – If at least a year has passed since your last blood test and hemoglobin determination, it is time to do another test. The hemoglobin level test should be considered a prophylactic test to assess the condition of the organism and identify abnormalities in the functioning of its systems.

However, there are signals sent by our body that may indicate abnormal hemoglobin levels. If we are constantly tired, weak and drowsy, have problems with memory and concentration, and our skin has taken a pale shade, hemoglobin levels may be a problem. Often the symptoms of abnormalities are tinnitus, dizziness, visual disturbances and severe headaches.

If we suffer from these ailments, we should go to a doctor’s appointment. An interview that an internist should conduct with us will certainly convince him to order basic blood tests, including the determination of the hemoglobin level..

In addition, the test is also performed in the case of:

  1. heavy periods,
  2. recurring infections
  3. assessing the effectiveness of oncological treatment,
  4. hair loss, brittle nails and a feeling of heart palpitations
  5. suspected anemia.

Blood counts and a general urine test are basic tests that everyone should do at least once a year. They allow you to detect serious diseases at an early stage. Take care of your health and buy a research package on Medonet Market.

Types of hemoglobin

Considering the type of hemoglobin subunits, we distinguish several types:

  1. HbA (HbA1) (2α2β) – this is normal hemoglobin found in adults,
  2. HbA2 (2α2δ) – proper hemoglobin in adults, its amount is about 1,5% – 3% of total hemoglobin,
  3. HbF (2α2γ) – this is fetal hemoglobin, which is replaced after the birth of a child with the above-mentioned type of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is very important in fetal life because it has a greater affinity for oxygen than normal hemoglobin HbA. HbF is also responsible for taking oxygen from the mother’s blood and transporting it across the placenta and releasing it in the tissues of the fetus.

Read: Glycated hemoglobin – what is it?

Preparation and course of hemoglobin testing

Preparing for a hemoglobin test is essential for the correct determination of the hemoglobin level in the blood. If we do not follow the recommendations, the results could be distorted and give a false picture of our health.

The cost of performing a morphology, which includes the determination of hemoglobin concentration, is about PLN 15.

To avoid this, we should refrain from eating for at least the 8 hours preceding the test. You should get enough sleep and be checked in in the morning. The test material will be blood taken from a vein in the arm.

According to the recommendations of the International Committee for Standardization in Hematology, the assessment of hemoglobin concentration is performed using the cyanomethhemoglobin method. In adults, the increase in hemoglobin is sometimes approximated by the hematocrit value. The result will be processed in the laboratory in one day.

Also check: Blood count – why is it so important?

Hemoglobin – normy

The norms of hemoglobin for an adult are as follows:

  1. 7,4-9,9 mmol / l (12-16 g / dl) in women
  2. 8,0-11,0 mmol/l (13-18 g/dl)
  3. 6,9-8.8 mmol / dL (11-14 g / dL) in pregnant women.

The standards vary depending on age and gender, assay method and laboratory. Therefore, when interpreting the test result, the above-mentioned factors should be taken into account. Any deviation from the accepted standards may indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Low level of hemoglobin in the blood

The low level of hemoglobin in the blood is mainly caused by anemia. Symptoms that indicate low hemoglobin are:

  1. dizziness,
  2. tiredness,
  3. deterioration of concentration,
  4. bad mood.

Two pathological conditions can be responsible for the decreased hemoglobin: excessive loss of hemoglobin and situations that make its production difficult or impossible.

The drop in hemoglobin in the blood is evidenced by a faster heartbeat and a pale skin tone. However, it is worth bearing in mind that low hemoglobin levels are perfectly normal in pregnant women. Insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood leads to menstrual disorders and decreased libido. Of course, not always a low level of hemoglobin in the blood count does not mean that the disease develops.

Other causes of low hemoglobin include:

  1. deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron (these substances are necessary for the production of hemoglobin),
  2. kidney disease
  3. anemia sierpowata,
  4. chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g. RA, tuberculosis),
  5. bone marrow disorders.

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High level of hemoglobin in the blood

Sometimes it happens that the hemoglobin result exceeds accepted standards. If its concentration is too high, it may indicate dehydration of the body. In order for the hemoglobin concentration to return to normal, it is usually enough to drink about 2 liters of non-carbonated water. High hemoglobin levels are also observed in heavy smokers.

In addition, a high hemoglobin level may indicate that you have:

  1. (chronic) hypoxia, e.g. when we are for a long time in areas high above sea level,
  2. dehydration in the course of diarrhea and vomiting and excessive sweating (the blood becomes “thickened”),
  3. primary hyperaemia,
  4. secondary hyperemia (e.g. in kidney cancer, heart defects and chronic lung diseases).

We must remember that only a doctor can evaluate the results of blood tests. The specialist, taking into account the obtained results, as well as the general condition of our body and past diseases, will make an appropriate diagnosis and decide to start treatment.

See: A drug has been discovered to help repair the effects of hypoxia in newborns

Sickle cell anemia and hemoglobin

Sickle cell disease is a genetic disease in which the quality of hemoglobin is defective. This type of anemia belongs to the group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disorder of red blood cells in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Usually flexible, round red blood cells easily move through the blood vessels. In sickle cell anemia, the red blood cell is shaped like a sickle or a crescent moon. These stiff, sticky cells can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can slow down or block the flow of blood and oxygen to the rest of the body.

In sickle cell disease, each parent inherits one defective hemoglobin gene. If only one gene is inherited from one parent, the condition is milder and is known as the sickle cell trait.

Symptoms of sickle cell anemia vary according to its severity. Patients with sickle cell trait may experience milder symptoms in general. In anemia, symptoms are more pronounced, especially in episodes of acute relapse. These symptoms can include:

  1. generalized muscle pain,
  2. pain in the chest,
  3. bone pain
  4. dyspnoea,
  5. skin ulcers,
  6. general fatigue,
  7. blindness,
  8. retarded growth and maturation.

There is currently no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. The treatments available can only ease the pain and help prevent complications from the disease.

Read: What are the most dangerous causes of breathlessness?

thalassemia to hemoglobin

Thalassemia is a group of hereditary diseases with quantitative hemoglobin deficiency. The failure of the body to produce globulin molecules will lead to a compensatory mechanism for the formation of other less compatible globulin molecules. The different types of thalassemia are defined by what type of globulin molecule is missing. The severity of these conditions depends on the type of defective globulin chain, the number of globulin deficiencies, and the severity of underproduction. A mild course of the disease can only manifest itself in mild anemia, while a severe deficiency can be life-threatening.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood?

There are many ways to increase your hemoglobin level. The generally low level of hemoglobin that needs to be increased is due to three main factors: decreased red blood cell production (altered bone marrow hemoglobin production, iron deficiency), increased destruction of red blood cells (liver disease), and blood loss. Addressing these root causes of low hemoglobin levels initially determines what method to use to increase hemoglobin levels.

The methods of increasing the hemoglobin level vary and their use depends on the underlying problems. Some ways to increase your hemoglobin include:

  1. red blood cell transfusion
  2. taking erythropoietin (a hormone used to stimulate the production of red blood cells)
  3. taking iron supplements,
  4. Increasing the consumption of iron-rich foods (eggs, spinach, artichokes, beans, lean meats and seafood) and foods rich in cofactors (such as vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin C) important for maintaining normal hemoglobin levels. Such foods include fish, vegetables, nuts, grains, peas, and citrus fruits.

Keep in mind that people with low hemoglobin levels should not take iron supplements or other treatments for low hemoglobin without consulting a doctor first – the side effects of these therapies and / or excessive iron intake can cause serious health problems. Additionally, iron supplements should be kept away from children as iron poisoning can be fatal in this population.

Also check: What can an abnormal globulin result mean?

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