Hematoma on the face
Whatever the name of the hematoma on the face, it is always ugly, painful and associated with vascular injury or damage to bone tissue. Is it possible and how to quickly get rid of a hematoma at home?

The color of the hematoma on the face changes over time, and by its condition it is possible to determine how long ago it was formed and make a forecast of how long this unaesthetic mark on the face will remain.

What is a hematoma?

A bruise is the philistine name for a subcutaneous hematoma, but in general they are synonyms. This term is understood as a hemorrhage into the subcutaneous tissue with the formation of a cavity, just in it, due to rupture and injury of blood vessels, blood accumulates.

Hematoma on the face is a common complaint and is not always associated with trauma, bumps and bruises, although this cause is indeed the most common. However, sometimes this is an expected reaction after medical procedures.

Firstly, we are talking about the correction of the shape of the nose, the correction of the septum, and some maxillofacial operations. Secondly, a hematoma on the face is formed after plastic surgery and even after the so-called beauty injections.

Sometimes a hematoma on the face is a symptom of serious conditions that pose a threat to the health and even life of the patient. The so-called symptom of glasses, that is, bruising around the eyes, is one of the symptoms of a fracture of the bones of the skull, including its base.

Hematoma on the face: stages of development

In the first time after injury, swelling and bruising quickly form, having a purple-red color, which quickly acquires a blue-violet color. Characterized by sharp pain when touched.

For 5-6 days, the disintegration of blood cells accumulated in the formed space occurs, due to which the hematoma begins to “bloom”, that is, change color from cyanotic to greenish.

On the 7th – 10th day, the bruise becomes yellow-brown, and then completely disappears.

Depending on the size of the hematoma on the face, its color may be uneven and have different stages of development from the periphery to the center. For example, on the 7th – 9th day after the injury, you can immediately notice 3 colors: in the central part – blue-violet, on the periphery – yellow, in the intermediate zone – yellow-green.

How to get rid of a hematoma on the face

Hematoma on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially from the aesthetic side. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of a hematoma on the face in a few days, but it is quite possible to speed up its “blooming”. There are several effective ways to do this.


Apply a cold compress to the site of injury – first aid. It is recommended to use ice, a hypothermic bag from the first aid kit, in extreme cases, frozen food from the refrigerator is suitable. The main thing is to apply cold as soon as possible and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.

Cold constricts blood vessels, which stops bleeding and reduces swelling. It is necessary to apply cold several times a day every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes, and not only at the time of the injury, but also after.

Such actions will help reduce the size of the hematoma on the face, therefore, it will resolve faster.

Warm compress

Heat will help accelerate the breakdown of hemoglobin, and the hematoma will begin to “bloom” faster. On average, complete resorption of the hematoma occurs 2 to 3 days faster. You can use a warm, but never hot, heating pad or cloth compress.

It is strictly forbidden to use warm heating pads if you suspect the development of an infectious process. Otherwise, this will contribute to the rapid progression of inflammation and its transition to a purulent form.

Medicinal products

Pharmacies offer a wide range of products that will help you quickly get rid of a hematoma on your face. The main active ingredient is often heparin or dexpanthenol. The main advantage of such ointments or gels is that they also contain anesthetics that have a local anesthetic effect. Heparin, as an active ingredient, strengthens the vascular wall, and other active ingredients have an anti-inflammatory, wound healing and cooling effect.

There is a huge list of drugs with extracts of medicinal plants. Active substances have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Means made on the basis of medical leeches improve lymphatic drainage and also promote the healing of a bruise.

Popular questions and answers

Unfortunately, many take hematoma lightly. However, its appearance can be very dangerous. About what a hematoma on the face can be dangerous for, and what symptoms are alarming, will tell orthopedist-traumatologist Maxim Kolinsky.

What are the complications of a hematoma on the face?
All possible complications largely depend on the size and anatomical location of the hematoma. For example, if it is extensive, it can compress the nerves and blood vessels, which explains the long-term persistence of pain. Possibly infection. This probability is preserved not only with superficial wounds, but also in their absence. The fact is that the head and neck have an extensive and connected circulatory network, and the infection can spread from any area, including carious teeth.
When to call a doctor for a hematoma on the face?
In general, subcutaneous hematomas are not dangerous to health and safely resolve on their own, despite the fact that the facial area has a dense network of blood vessels, including large ones. However, there are a number of alarming symptoms, and if they appear, medical attention is needed:

● the size of the hematoma is incomparable with the injury received, or it has formed without a reason at all;

● on the second day, the color of the hematoma does not become lighter, but on the contrary, it increases in size and becomes dark, purple, cyanotic;

● there is a pronounced edema, which only increases with time and worsens the quality of life;

● hematoma on the face, especially under the eyes, occurred after a blow to the back of the head;

● a few days later, the so-called brain symptoms appeared: dizziness, nausea, etc. – such signs may indicate a concussion;

● if the hematoma appeared after a whiplash injury of the neck – forced sharp flexion followed by extension or vice versa: this often happens when somersaults or somersaults are unsuccessful;

● hematomas on the face are often formed and are accompanied by bleeding;

● if the hematoma on the face is tense and its pulsation is felt, this indicates damage to the artery;

● formed on the background of long-term use of anticoagulants or aspirin.

The appearance of a hematoma for no reason, and not only on the face, indicates increased fragility of blood vessels or pathologies of the blood coagulation system, liver diseases. Fragility of blood vessels is one of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency or a group of systemic diseases that affect the walls of blood vessels – vasculitis.

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