Hematocrit (HCT) – test standard. What does low level mean?

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It is estimated that in the circulatory system of a healthy person there are up to 5 liters of blood. Its task is to oxygenate, cleanse and nourish the tissues of the entire body. Blood consists of plasma, 90 percent of which. is water, the remaining 10 percent. are proteins and electrolytes. Hematocrit is an indicator that allows you to assess the amount of red blood cells in your blood. What does it matter and what are the standards for test results?

What is hematocrit?

Hematocrit is a measure of the volume ratio of red blood cells (erythrocytes) to whole blood. It allows the percentage of erythrocytes to be determined as compared to other elements such as leukocytes and platelets. Hematocrit values are most often given as a percentage, and their testing is based on measurement the amount of red blood cells in the blood. What does it mean? If hematocrit result will amount to 40 percent, it will mean that in 100 ml of blood, red blood cells constitute just 40 percent. The whole thing.

The role of red blood cells in the body

The most important the role of erythrocytes is to transport oxygen molecules from the lungs to the rest of the body’s cells. They have the shape of a lens flattened on both sides and are produced to the greatest extent in the bone marrow. It is thanks to the hemoglobin they contain that makes the blood red.

Hematocrit – indications for the study

The hematocrit is one of the tests included in the morphology, i.e. the basic blood test that allows you to assess the condition and functioning of the body. We should perform the morphology at least once a year for control and prevention.

However, if we feel tired and weakened every day after getting out of bed, and infections appear in our bodies every few weeks, we should go to the clinic and perform a hematocrit test.

The indication for the examination in women should also be abundant, painful periods, hair loss, pale and gray skin, split nails, skin problems and drowsiness, hot flushes, and palpitations.

Hematocrit – preparation for the test

Hematocrit test should take place in the morning, preferably between 7 am and 9 am, but not later than 10 am. You should refrain from eating and drinking 8 hours before the examination. The dinner eaten the day before should be light and generous. For at least 48 hours before drinking alcohol or smoking, the result may not be reliable. On the day of the examination, it is also worth refraining from intense physical exertion.


Women should remember not to test during and several days after their period.

The cost of the test is about PLN 5.

Hematocrit – the course of the study

The hematocrit is tested from blood drawn from a vein in the arm. The test takes a few seconds and its result can usually be collected on the next business day.

Blood counts and a general urine test are basic tests that everyone should do at least once a year. They allow you to detect serious diseases at an early stage. Take care of your health and buy a research package on Medonet Market.

Hematocrit – norms

Hematocrit norms vary depending on the sex and age of the patient. It should also be borne in mind that depending on the clinic where the test is performed and the laboratory where the result is processed, the hematocrit standards may fluctuate. The hematocrit result within the limits of:

  1. in newborns: 48-69 percent;
  2. in children aged 6 to 12: 35-35%;
  3. in girls from 13 to 18 years of age: 37-49 percent;
  4. in boys from 13 to 18 years of age: 37-49 percent;
  5. in women: 37-47 percent;
  6. in men: 40-51 percent

Both higher and lower than the accepted norm, the test results indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Hematocrit above normal

Hematocrit score above the norm may be the result of long-term diarrhea and vomiting, which is why high concentrations are often found in pregnant women who experience severe pregnancy ailments. A higher-than-normal hematocrit in pregnancy should not be of concern, unless it is also accompanied by a low hemoglobin result, as it may indicate anemia. These blood results should be interpreted by the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

High hematocrit levels also occur in people who struggle with excessive sweating and heart and lung disease. A high level of hematocrit often indicates the development of a very rare neoplastic disease, which is polycythemia vera. It is a cancer that affects the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. Its development may result in embolism, thrombosis, stroke and heart attack.

Hematocrit below normal

On the other hand, too low hematocrit most often indicates anemia, i.e. a disorder resulting from iron deficiency in the body. It may also indicate gastrointestinal bleeding and bone marrow disorders. Low hematocrit also indicates kidney problems and anemia.

Remember that regular examinations are the best way to prevent potential diseases. Most of them, if diagnosed at an early stage, are curable.

It should also be remembered that each test result should be analyzed by a doctor. Only a specialist is able to comprehensively assess the patient’s test results, determine the diagnosis and make a decision about starting treatment.

Do you need interpretation of test results? Are you worried about your symptoms? Contact your doctor. Make an online teleconsultation with your family doctor at haloDoctor.pl to get answers to your questions.

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