Help your child to better live his emotions with Bach Flowers

Help your child to better live his emotions with Bach Flowers

The Bach Flowers were created by Edward Bach, in the years 1920-1930. “Doctor, surgeon, immunologist and bacteriologist, this Englishman has always been convinced that our thoughts and our emotions could weaken, or on the contrary strengthen, our immune system”, says Nathalie Auzeméry, counselor and certified trainer Bach Flowers, author of “Treat his children with Bach Flowers ”, ed Leduc. So it was to restore emotional balance that he looked at what nature had to offer: flowers.


Bach Flowers are called in different ways:

  • Wild oat (“wild oats”);
  • Chicory (“chicory”);
  • Crab apple (“wild apple”);
  • Honeysuckle (“honeysuckle”);
  • Oured chestnut(« marronnier rouge »). 

They are 38. More precisely, 39, if we count the emergency remedy, a mixture, theRescue. They are the Bach Flowers.

“It all starts with an emotional assessment,” explains Nathalie Auzeméry. “You have to be observant, attentive to your child, to perceive any changes in attitude, which could be a sign that something is wrong. We can also make him talk, quite simply, to understand what is going on. ”

Once the emotion is targeted, we go to the pharmacy, or in an organic store, to buy the corresponding Bach Flower. “We do not give them pure to a child,” warns Nathalie Auzeméry. “We dilute two drops of each flower – we can use up to 7 – in a tinted glass bottle of 30ml of water or fruit juice. Then we give it 4 drops, 4 times a day. ”

For example 4 drops upon waking, 4 before leaving for school, 4 when returning home, and finally 4 when going to bed. These bottled flowers can be used in France from the age of 3. They are taken for a few days for a passing emotion, and up to three weeks for a persistent emotion. There are no side effects, nor risk of interaction with current treatment.

To each emotion its Bach flower

Toddlers naturally have a hard time channeling their emotions. When they “overflow” and cause discomfort, Bach Flowers can give them a boost, for a few days or a few weeks.

He is hypersensitive

“You can give Red chestnut to a child who is always worried about others. If he has a hard time adjusting to change, and always feels that a little detail can turn his life upside down, Walnut is the Flower for him.

He sleeps badly

“If he’s having trouble falling asleep because he’s angry with his girlfriend for not inviting him to her birthday party, I recommend Holly (‘holly’). This flower is indeed ideal for those who feel jealousy. “If he can’t get to sleep because he has too many intrusive thoughts, which are circling around, he can take White chestnut.” This flower will help calm mental chatter.

He is rowdy and restless

As indicated by his name, Impatiens is the flower of impatience. It’s great when your child is impulsive, and always feels like things aren’t going fast enough. ” Vervain (“Verbena”) can soothe children who have energy to spare. “

He has trouble concentrating

“He’s always in the moon, tends to dream?” It is Clematis(“Clematis”) it needs. She will be able to anchor it in the present moment.

He is sad right now

“His dog has just died, the neighbor he loved is moving… and he is inconsolable. give him Star of Bethlehem, it is the flower of sorrow. “

He is very angry

« Cherry plum(“Plum myrobolam”) is recommended if your child “goes wild”, completely loses control for nothing. “


“With Bach Flowers, we do not treat diseases,” insists Nathalie Auzeméry. They do not replace the advice of a doctor. “Their goal is to support emotions. ” To date, no scientific study has proven the benefits of Bach Flowers. “There was no double-blind study. But countless testimonials from people who have regained their emotional balance thanks to these flower essences. ”

Science has yet to show whether this was a placebo effect. Edward Bach was convinced that negative emotions were bad for our health, and that regaining emotional balance would cure the disease. “But of course, Bach Flowers are not a substitute for a drug. ”

For the anecdote, if many brands market Bach Flowers, only the “Original Bach® Flowers” ​​are still hand-picked, almost entirely, in the original garden of Dr Bach, in Mount Vernon, in England.

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