Help Milena catch her breath. The girl urgently needs surgery

Milenka has a fused larynx, without the incision in her neck and the plastic tube, she would not be able to breathe at all. Ewelina and Szymon, the girl’s parents live in constant fear, they are constantly listening to see if and how their daughter is catching another breath. An operation in Switzerland may be a chance for the girl. Unfortunately, her parents cannot afford the surgery. They have to collect over PLN 19 by November 300.

Milenka was a long-awaited child. When she was born she did not make any sound. She got 4 points on the Apgar scale. At first it was thought that she choked on the amniotic fluid. A lung defect, asphyxia was suspected. Only subsequent tests showed that the girl had an overgrown larynx. In healthy people, there is little space that allows them to breathe and speak. Why is Milenka not here? Nobody can answer this question. Initially, the doctors tried pharmacological treatment, but it did not work and today they spread their hands.

The girl has the most serious – stage IV – stricture of the larynx, i.e. complete fusion. Each day of the tube also increases the risk of complications. Pulmonary edema, fistula bleeding, narrowing of the trachea, difficulty swallowing. The changes are progressing quickly, although Polish doctors also perform the laryngeal reconstruction surgery, Milenka would have to wait for him for years. Rescue was offered by specialists from Switzerland. However, for the procedure to take place, parents need at least PLN 300. They are not able to collect such an amount themselves.

– Each of our days is full of fear. It is continuous suction of the tube, during the day and night, listening to your breathing and fear of complications. These are also black thoughts – will we ever hear our little daughter cry, say mom, dad? However, we are fighting for Milenka’s future, we must. We would have done anything for her, but the cost of the operation was too much for us. We moved heaven and earth to get some of the needed amount, but there is still a lot to do… Without the help of kind people like you, who will decide to help our daughter, our determination is not enough. That is why we are asking for your help and we thank you for it in advance. Please help us restore Milenka’s health and we will repay you as soon as possible. If the operation is not performed quickly, our daughter will remain silent forever, and we will never know what her voice or laughter sounds … Helps parents to get money for surgery.

More information about little Milenka and how to help her can be found here.

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