Help in emergencies. How are you gonna do? Check before you start the weekend! QUIZ

Na wakacjach, urlopie, nawet podczas weekendowej wycieczki spotkać nas mogą nagłe nieprzewidziane sytuacje. Od tego, jak zareagujemy, zależeć może życie nasze, bliskiej osoby, nieznajomego. Jak zachowasz się w takiej krytycznej sytuacji? Poradzisz sobie? Lepiej sprawdź, i to zanim wyjedziesz na urlop czy długi weekend. Pomoże ci w tym kolejna część naszego wakacyjnego-urlopowego quizu. Gotowy?!

  1. Help in emergencies – can you handle it? Test yourself in the first part of the holiday quiz
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1. A storm is coming and you and your friends are out in the open (field, meadow). What are you doing?

We’re running away from there
We crouch, bringing our feet as close as possible
We all form a tight group, we hold hands
We crouch, bringing our feet as close as possible Next question
Storm Hunters’ advice: If a storm takes you in an open space, crouch while bringing your feet as close as possible. Running during a thunderstorm is not recommended (…) Also, do not stick to other people – in the event of a very close lightning strike, you can die with them.

2. The patient shown in the photo needed to be warmed or protected against overheating?

Photo: Shutterstock
Cool down
Cool down Next question
A thermal blanket, also known as a life foil or NRC foil, has two layers: silver and gold. The silver side reflects heat, so when it is outside it will protect the patient from overheating. Remember, the NRC foil should be in every first aid kit.

3. You are witness to an accident. The victim is unconscious. What will you do first (according to the ABC rule)?

I check if the victim is breathing
Check that his heart is beating (check the pulse)
I check that the victim’s airways are clear (no objects, e.g. chewing gum, cigarette)
I check that the victim’s airways are clear (no objects, e.g. chewing gum, cigarette) Next question
The ABC of resuscitation covers three basic principles of dealing with an unconscious person. The abbreviation ABC is the first letters of the English words: airway, breathing and circulation. ABC letters also indicate the next steps that must be taken to save the life of the unconscious.

4. A bee stung. What will you use to neutralize the venom?

Vinegar solution
Baking soda solution
Both vinegar and soda will be fine
Baking soda solution Next question
Bee venom is acidic, so we use alkaline solutions to neutralize it. After removing the sting, wash the skin with soap and make a cold compress of baking soda solution.

5. 999 is the emergency number:

Valid throughout the European Union (pan-European emergency number)
Pogotowia ratunkowego
Pogotowia ratunkowego Next question
Połączenie odbiera bezpośrednio dyspozytor medyczny. Nie wzywaj karetki do zachorowań i zdarzeń, które nie powodują nagłego zagrożenia zdrowia i życia.

6. Dopadła cię biegunka. Czego w tej sytuacji lepiej nie robić?

Give up eating
Rezygnować z picia wody
Both answers are correct
Rezygnować z picia wody Next question
In the event of diarrhea, the body must not become dehydrated. It is also impossible to disturb the water and electrolyte balance. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water or use electrolytes. If, in addition, you vomit, you must drink chilled fluids regularly, but in small amounts.

7. You came across a hornet’s nest. What will you do in such a situation?

Photo: Shutterstock
I avoid sudden movements
I am quiet and slowly walk away
Osłaniam głowę np. odzieżą
All answers are correct
All answers are correct Next question
Remember, hornets do not attack by themselves, but if they feel threatened, they can defend themselves.

8. You suspect mushroom poisoning. What do you do?

You will lie down and wait until you feel better
You will take indigestion medication
You provoke vomiting and see a doctor as soon as possible
You provoke vomiting and see a doctor as soon as possible Next question
Thanks to vomiting, we will remove the remnants of mushrooms from the stomach, but also obtain material for testing. However, inducing vomiting only makes sense shortly after consuming the mushrooms. If more than an hour has passed, the mushrooms may already be out of the stomach. Remember, in the case of mushroom poisoning, time is of the essence, so let’s react in any situation when something disturbs us after eating mushrooms, when we feel bad. We do not take any medications ourselves.

9. You are witness to a road accident. To help the victim, you have to break the car window. Which glass will you break?

Znajdującą się najdalej poszkodowanego
Closest to the victim
It doesn’t matter which glass I break
Znajdującą się najdalej poszkodowanego Next question
The glass will shatter when broken, its fragments may injure people inside the car. Before breaking the glass, secure your hands (with gloves or even the sleeves of a sweatshirt).

10. You’ve got sunburn. What will you use in such a situation?

Oily cream
Kefiru lub jogurtu
Cold water
Kefiru lub jogurtu Next question
Kefir, natural yoghurt or buttermilk will soothe your skin, moisturize it and accelerate its regeneration. We keep them on the skin until they start to dry, then wash them with lukewarm water.
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