Hania is seven years old, but unlike her peers, she cannot fully enjoy her childhood. In the girl’s brain, there is a “slack” tumor, a tumor which, due to its location, cannot be operated on. A chance for a girl may be a trip to the USA for treatment. In order for her to go, money is needed, and the girl’s parents do not have that.
The tumor (the girl called it a slut), which developed in Hania, is located close to the brain stem, and is also malignant. The location and nature of the lesion make the operation unfeasible. Doctors in Poland are trying to destroy the tumor with radiotherapy. Even though the tumor has temporarily resolved, you need to find a way to stop tumor growth for good as soon as possible.
A trip to a hospital in New York may be a chance for Hania. The specialists there proposed implanting the monoclonal antibody 124I-8H9 into the tumor. The greater the chance of success is the shorter the interval between the end of radiotherapy and the antibody implantation. For a girl to leave, she needs USD 150 – assuming that a one-time implantation is enough. The girl’s parents are not able to collect such an amount on their own. Fundacja się Pomaga helps little Hania’s parents to raise funds for treatment.
The collection of money will last until the end of August. The parents are still less than 60.
Let’s help Hania overcome this incredibly difficult challenge that the cruel fate has put on her way.