Hellebore water for hair growth

Chemeritsa is a poisonous plant that our ancestors used to fight parasites, and along the way they noticed that when using hellebore water, hair growth noticeably improves.

Hellebore water for hair growth

Chemeritsa is widely used in folk recipes. She has especially good results in the fight against head lice. As the practice of using hellebore water shows, for the treatment of head lice, a single use of the agent is enough.

But apart from this remarkable property, the hellebore has one more “side” effect. The fact is that hellebore water, after applying it to the hair, somewhat irritates the scalp. As a result, blood flow increases, and in addition, in a larger volume, nutrients necessary for shine, healthy appearance and hair growth begin to flow to the hair follicles.

It is not difficult to use hellebore water at home. But it is best to use a remedy purchased at a pharmacy. Chemerichnaya water is inexpensive. A bottle with a capacity of 100 milliliters will cost you about 50 rubles. It will be enough for several dozen procedures. It is quite simple to carry them out. It is enough to apply hellebore water to the scalp and massage it lightly.

For the convenience of applying hellebore water to your hair, you can use a spray bottle

It is not recommended to wash your hair before the procedure, as the hellebore and the alcohol contained in the tincture can severely dry the hair and scalp. But for oily hair, hellebore water will be just right.

Before starting the procedure, slightly warm the tincture in warm water. Then abundantly moisten a cotton swab in the hellebore and begin to gradually moisten the scalp with it and rub in the product. Pay attention to each strand. Thus, carefully treat the entire head. In this case, at first, within a few minutes, you may feel a strong burning sensation. Do not be alarmed: this is as it should be, all hellebore water has an irritating effect. After a few minutes, the tincture will begin to have an anesthetic effect, after which you will no longer feel the hellebore so strongly on your skin. When you finish the procedure, wrap your hair with plastic wrap, and then wrap it up for 30-40 minutes (no more!) With a terry towel.

Care should be taken to use hellebore water to accelerate the growth of dry hair.

After the required time has elapsed, rinse your hair with warm water and then wash it with a shampoo suitable for your hair type. After the hellebore mask, be sure to use a hair conditioner or conditioner balm.

To accelerate hair growth, one procedure is not enough. The best option is to apply hellebore tincture in a course of three consecutive days every month. And very soon you will notice the effect.

It is also helpful to pamper yourself with a hair growth-accelerating lotion that contains hellebore water.

To prepare a miracle remedy, you will need:

  • ordinary hop cones – 40 g
  • roots of naked licorice – 10 g
  • sage leaves – 20 g
  • stinging nettle leaves – 20 g
  • cayenne pepper – small pod (10 g)
  • turpentine – 20 ml
  • castor oil – 30 ml
  • hellebore water – 50 ml
  • vodka – 250 ml

Dried leaves of plants (you can already buy them ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare yourself) will need to be poured with vodka or diluted alcohol and left for 14-18 days at room temperature in a dimly lit place. It is better to take the container for preparing the tincture from an opaque glass. Periodically, the product will need to be shaken.

After two to two and a half weeks, strain the tincture, after which you can start preparing the hair mask. For her, take 100 ml of herbal tincture and add turpentine and castor oil to it. Stir the mixture and you can use it.

Dampen a cotton ball with the prepared product and apply it to the hair, paying special attention to the roots and scalp. Massage your head. Leave the product on for 20-40 minutes, then rinse your hair with shampoo.

Hellebore to accelerate hair growth

It is advisable to use this lotion daily. Typically, the course of treatment is up to six months. This tool is effective not only for hair growth: there are many positive reviews about the use of hellebore water and baldness.

It is necessary to use hellebore and the products prepared on its basis for cosmetic and medicinal purposes with extreme caution. After all, hellebore, despite its usefulness, is a poisonous plant. The poison in this medicinal herb is found everywhere: in flowers, leaves, stems, roots. Therefore, it is necessary to use hellebore water and other means, which include hellebore or its tincture, observing safety measures and clearly following the instructions. In no case should you inhale hellebore. When processing hair, make sure that hellebore water does not get into the eyes and ears. You should also avoid getting the tincture in your mouth. Otherwise, you can seriously poison yourself.

Given the toxicity of products based on hellebore water, it is best to work with them with rubber gloves. And be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water afterwards.

Read also about effective whitening toothpastes.

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