Hellebore for weight loss: how to drink? Video

Hellebore for weight loss: how to drink? Video

Since ancient times, it has been known that some poisons in small doses have a stress-healing effect on the body, mobilizing its internal reserves. The well-known folk remedy – hellebore, which can increasingly be seen in the list of miraculous means for losing weight, works approximately this way.

A hellebore for weight loss – it works!

The hellebore (sometimes “frog” or Helleborus) is a whole family of plants that grow on the territory of Russia from the Caucasus to the Urals. In Siberia, this plant can be found infrequently, and those species that come across are distinguished by small uncharacteristic leaves and a particularly high concentration of a strong poisonous substance (alkaloids and glycoside, which inhibits cardiac activity). Unlike many plants of the buttercup family, hellebore is poisonous in its entirety: from root to flower. Hellebore is a perennial plant. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, only the rhizome is used, which is harvested in late autumn.

Hellebore has been successfully used for several years as a treatment for oncological diseases.

The properties of hellebore have been described in antiquity. People who collected grass and dug rhizomes said that during work they certainly got dizzy, and darkened in their eyes. The hellebore was often credited with mystical properties, they talked about how “blackness came out” of a woman who drank his broth, and “the spirit was younger and the body grew stronger.”

The hellebore really has the properties of absorbing action. Its tincture does an excellent job of disinfecting wounds, and the broth serves as a means for cleansing the liver. The first medical experience of using this plant was precisely the treatment of biliary disease. Healers and healers used a decoction of roots to fight lice, leprosy and lichen, the explanation for the success of treating serious diseases is simple – hellebore kills microparasites that spread the infection.

The hellebore is known for its active cleansing effect, it assists in the removal of toxins and toxins, promotes tissue regeneration, blood renewal. The most important property of the hellebore, which formed the basis for its use as a means for active weight loss, is its ability to accelerate and normalize metabolism in the body.

With insufficient body weight or physical exhaustion, no hellebore-based drug should be used

The first organ that the hellebore acts on is the liver. It is the liver of the hellebore that cleanses and stimulates to active work to protect the body. Root tinctures have a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect, therefore, the use of drugs based on it should always be accompanied by medical supervision, especially if congestion has been observed previously or there is suspicion of sand or stones.

Features of the use of hellebore for weight loss

No matter how strange it may seem in the “advanced age”, the hellebore is still used in the seasons. So, the course for weight loss should be started in late March – early April. Re-scheduled for October.

Please note that girls who have not reached childbearing age cannot lose weight with the help of a hellebore!

Of course, it is advisable to take only pharmacy tinctures (there are often Japanese powders that need to be brewed), but if you are confident in your knowledge of the herbalist, try to make the right tincture for weight loss yourself. The thin roots of the hellebore (they are always black) must be peeled and dried. Grind dry roots, sift. Pour 5 grams of the resulting powder with one glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 30 hours. Drink XNUMX drops in the morning on an empty stomach, do not suppress the gag reflex, but after vomiting, drink the hellebore no earlier than an hour later.

Eating after consuming the tincture is possible after 40 minutes, while fatty and fried should be excluded from the diet (this will reduce the load on the liver and stomach). At the very first symptoms of malaise, sharp dizziness, profuse vomiting, cramps in the abdomen or right hypochondrium – you need to stop taking the tincture, take an abundance of warm water.

If the use of the tincture is comfortable and does not cause the named reactions, then you need to drink the drops within 30 days. Then take a ten-day break and drink a new course of 45 drops. After which the body must rest for three to four months. It is believed that during this time there is a restructuring of the work of organs, the launched cleaning mechanisms are being completed. Naturally, there should not be a noticeable effect of losing weight from the first course; according to reviews, women can lose weight by 5-12 kilograms in these two months.

The second course starts again with 30 drops of tincture. You need to drink according to the scheme: – the first 10 days – 30 drops, – the next 10 days – 40 drops, – the final 10 days – 45 drops, provided there is no negative effect.

Losing weight on the hellebore

Do not exceed the dose! Be sure to follow a diet, you can try to give up salt. Reducing the intake of salts in the body in itself has a positive effect and simplifies the outflow of excess fluid, but women in numerous forums on the worldwide network talk (and show videos) about a truly magical combination of hellebore and restriction of salt in food.

Women should stop taking hellebore with prolonged menstrual bleeding and increased dizziness, as well as general weakness.

Contraindications for admission are pregnancy, lactation and chronic heart disease. In any case, before taking the tinctures, talk to your doctor, it cannot be said that medicine is favorable to this kind of methods of losing weight, but you will definitely understand what to fear and what to look for when taking the drug. And remember, any diet is work and a number of restrictions, hellebore is not a panacea, go in for sports, moderate your appetite.

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