Rochelle Harris brought not only photos from her vacation in Peru. It turned out that during the dream journey the woman was infected with screw fly larvae, which began to hollow her body from the inside.

After returning from vacation in Peru, the 27-year-old British woman began to develop disturbing symptoms. The most bothersome were headaches radiating to the face. Then Rochelle began to hear murmurs. When fluid started coming out of her ears, she decided to see a doctor.

Rochelle went to see her doctor in Derby, but he was not concerned about her symptoms and decided it was just an ear infection. Despite this, she was recommended an ENT consultation. The British woman immediately went to a specialist.

When the ENT doctor examined Rochelle, he froze. At first he did not want to tell her what was wrong with her, without consulting his superior, but the frightened woman demanded an answer. The diagnosis was: infection with helical fly larvae.

I was very scared – reported the woman in an interview for Daily Mail. I wondered if the larvae are in my brain. Thought this could be really serious.

The laryngologist tried to immediately pull the larvae out of the woman’s ear, but this only caused them to move deeper into the ear.

Rochelle was taken for a head scan to make sure the larvae did not enter her brain. Fortunately, it turned out that the brain, important blood vessels and the eardrum were not affected. Nevertheless, the larvae hollowed a 12 mm long channel inside her ear.

The ENT specialist decided to pour oil over the infected ear to flush out the larvae. Rochelle had to stay in the hospital overnight to see if the surgery was successful. In the morning it turned out that two larvae had escaped from the ear, but the doctor was convinced that these were not all. Surgical intervention was necessary.

The surgeon who performed the procedure was stunned. There were eight more large larvae inside Rochelle’s ear! All of them have been removed and the ear has been thoroughly cleaned.

Rochelle suffered no permanent damage and can hear perfectly today, but it is quite possible that she will never dare to travel to an exotic place again.


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