
The sun, especially in the summer, is considered our enemy rather than our ally. It’s true, we like to sunbathe, and the sun also gives us warmth and the desire to leave the house or spend time outdoors. Every now and then, however, we are bombarded with information about its negative impact on our skin. Solar radiation can cause skin burns, contribute to skin cancer or contribute to the faster formation of wrinkles. However, does it have positive sides that have a positive effect on our health? Yes!
Heliotherapy – treatment with the help of the sun
Officially, in medicine, all treatments related to the use of the beneficial effects of sunlight are called heliotherapy. They are recommended by many doctors, and also – as we will say in a moment – by psychologists. Below are all the beneficial effects of the sun’s rays!
What diseases can we treat with the sun?
- The sun’s rays and frequent exposure to the sun can help people with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Sun therapy is also recommended for people with skin problems such as acne. However, protecting the skin from the sun is still an important issue
- The sun’s rays also help our body produce vitamin D, which cannot be synthesized in any other way. Vitamin D has an effect the strength of our bones and teeth. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the formation of pain in the bones and muscles, with frequent colds, gum and tooth diseases. We also lose our appetite, we suffer from insomnia more often
- The sun and light treatment in general is recommended for depression. It eliminates the symptoms of depression, helps to improve the mood and works similarly to antidepressants. It improves the levels of dopamine and serotonin circulating in our brain. The sun also helps reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety
When to use the sun?
Bearing in mind the “contraindications” to the use of solar radiation described in the introduction, it is best to use the sun in the morning and in the afternoon (approximately after 15:00-16:00). Then the radiation is the weakest and the risk of sunburn or heatstroke is reduced. It is also worth always using special creams with a UV filter, especially in the summer season.
Do we need the sun?
Not necessarily only the sun’s rays are used in the treatment of the above disorders and diseases. Special artificial sources of light radiation are also used. However, an ordinary light bulb is not enough, so unfortunately you cannot treat yourself with home remedies in this way. However, it is worth looking for clinics that deal with phototherapy.