Many people have experienced dizziness after taking strong drinks. The unpleasant consequences of ethanol intoxication are manifested in the feeling of “flight”, which does not go away even with the eyes closed. The so-called “helicopters” after alcohol indicate signs of serious poisoning of the body.
What Causes “Alcohol Helicopters”
The cause of dizziness after drinking is nystagmus. This is an ophthalmic disease, which is characterized by frequent involuntary movements of the eyeballs. Small fluctuations cause disruption of the vestibular apparatus, which leads to dizziness and “helicopters”.
The name of the disease is translated from Greek as “drowsiness”. In the normal state, slight twitching of the eyeballs is observed in a sleeping person. This indicates the normal functioning of the muscular apparatus of the eye.
Nystagmus in the waking state is a consequence of an overstrain of the central nervous system. The process is both physiological and pathological. In the first case, trembling of the eyeballs may appear after riding the rides, driving at high speed, with a quick look from one object to another. The state gradually disappears after the restoration of orientation in space.

Prolonged trembling of the eyeballs in a calm state indicates the presence of pathology. Alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the neurons that are responsible for muscle tone, which leads to tremors. The nervous system cannot recover on its own due to poisoning by the decay products of ethanol, so the “carousel” can last from several hours to a day.
Nystagmus occurs when the concentration of alcohol in the blood is over 0,6‰, manifests itself in the later stages of alcohol intoxication and persists as a residual phenomenon in a hangover state. Often, a painful syndrome is accompanied by dizziness, loss of coordination, problems with speech.
Methods of dealing with “helicopters” after alcohol
First aid for the appearance of nystagmus consists in measures to cleanse the body. You can not immediately go to bed, because during sleep, the removal of toxins from the tissues slows down and nystagmus will continue to haunt the next morning.
In order for the unpleasant condition to pass as quickly as possible, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with plenty of water – this will remove excess alcohol and prevent its further entry into the blood.
Promote detoxification:
- mineral water at room temperature without gas;
- adsorbents: activated carbon, Enterosgel;
- preparations for restoring the water-salt balance: Regidron, Hydrovit.
A proven remedy that will relieve symptoms is glycine, it is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. The medicine must be put under the tongue and sucked, as it will act faster through the mucous membranes. The drug normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and reduces the toxic effect of acetaldehyde, a product of the decomposition of alcohol in the body. Glycine will not be able to completely remove the hangover, but it will alleviate the condition.
After detox, you need to take a position that will reduce dizziness:
- sit on the bed with your face in your hands;
- in a sitting position, lean your hands against the wall;
- lie on your side and pull your knees to your chest;
- lower one leg off the bed and rest on the floor;
- lying on your stomach, rest your forehead on clenched fists.
A radical way to fight is to sleep on a hard surface, putting hard objects under your head, for example, books. If there are drafts in the apartment, it is better not to do this, since there is a great danger of catching a cold and getting sick.
Another first aid is a contrast shower, but in a state of intoxication, which is accompanied by nystagmus, water procedures should be taken in a sitting position to avoid injury.
You can not drink on an empty stomach – in this case, ethanol penetrates into the bloodstream instantly, and its negative effect will be stronger.
How to avoid dizziness:
- drink more non-carbonated water after each glass you drink;
- eat foods with fatty acids that neutralize alcohol: red fish, cheeses, nuts, salads with olive oil;
- avoid flour products, as they have the property of retaining ethanol in the body;
- it is better to choose meat snacks without a large amount of animal fat, which overloads the liver;
- do not mix drinks made from different raw materials, such as whiskey (barley) and cognac (grapes).
The rule to prevent unpleasant consequences is not to drink more than one serving of strong alcohol per hour and to observe moderation in libations.
Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.