Diet in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori must be observed without fail. If you do not follow the treatment menu, you will not be able to achieve recovery, and the disease will progress. A neglected form of the disease will lead to the fact that a person will develop hyperacid gastritis, or a stomach ulcer. It is also impossible to exclude the formation of a cancerous tumor.
Nutrition requires adherence to certain principles that must be strictly adhered to.
It is forbidden to eat large portions or too often.
Do not eat food that is too hot or too cold. Products must be warm.
Dishes should not irritate the intestines. To do this, they should be ground or crushed to a puree state. Solid food should not be on the menu.
What can you eat with Helicobacter pylori
The doctor should inform the patient about what you can eat with Helicobacter pylori. Moreover, a person himself will notice that when he eats something “forbidden”, he experiences discomfort in the abdomen, pain, heartburn, nausea, and even vomiting may appear. To avoid the progression of the disease, food for Helicobacter pylori must be properly selected.
The list of what to eat with Helicobacter pylori includes the following foods and dishes:
Dairy producewhich have a low percentage of fat content. You can eat yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. You need to limit hard cheeses in the menu, as they always have a high percentage of fat content.
Soups and cereals. If the products were ground during cooking or are present on the table in liquid form, then the stomach and intestines will quickly cope with their processing. Moreover, cereals envelop the walls of the stomach, reducing the intensity of pain. It is necessary to ensure that soups and broths are not too rich and fatty. Porridge also needs to be thoroughly boiled.
Kissels and compotes. It is necessary to drink these drinks, but they should be prepared on the basis of fresh berries or fruits. It is impossible to purchase and prepare powder kissels that contain dyes and flavors, as well as other chemical components. It is harmful to the stomach, which is affected by pathogenic flora. Homemade jelly and compotes, on the contrary, have a positive effect on his condition, and also saturate the body with vitamins.
Products that have been steamed. If you steam your food, they will contain a minimum amount of fat and a maximum amount of vitamins. Steamed dishes do not irritate an inflamed stomach, so you can eat them every day. In addition, a person will not suffer from radical changes in the menu. If he likes fried cutlets, then they can be replaced with steam meatballs. The taste of the fish does not suffer if you refuse to fry it in a large amount of oil, but steam it.
Eggs. Chicken egg is a source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This is an incredibly valuable product that should not be forgotten. However, frying eggs with Helicobacter pylori is not recommended. They can only be boiled. You should not drink raw eggs, especially when there is no confidence in the quality of the product.
Dried bread. Baking and confectionery with Helicobacter pylori are contraindicated. However, giving up bread can sometimes be very difficult. During treatment, you can eat dried bread. Crackers can be used as an independent dish, or together with other products. Good crackers to eat with tea. Preference should be given to white bread, as black bread is made from wholemeal flour. A sick stomach can react negatively to such food. In turn, wheat flour crackers will not cause irritation.
Waterwhich does not contain gases. From the use of sweet soda during the diet, you need to refrain. Such drinks can harm even a healthy stomach. People with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract should generally refuse to use them. It is recommended to drink at least 1,5 liters of pure water per day. You can also drink fruit and vegetable juices, but not from the store, but prepared at home.
If there are doubts about what to eat with Helicobacter pylori is possible and what is not, then you need to consult a specialist about this.
What not to eat with Helicobacter pylori
A list of what you can not eat with Helicobacter pylori should always be at the patient’s fingertips. This will allow you not to violate the prohibitions and not harm your own health.
So, the following products should not be on the menu:
Any fatty food is prohibited. It is hard to digest by the body, it is digested for a long time and poorly, it loads the sick stomach. For the decomposition of fatty foods, the body spends a large amount of acids and enzymes. When pathological changes caused by Helicobacter pylori are present in the stomach, it will not be easy for him to cope with fatty foods. Patients may notice that after consuming such products they develop dyspeptic disorders.
Mushrooms. They are heavy foods that are difficult to digest. In this regard, mushrooms can be compared with fried fatty meat. Moreover, the method of processing mushrooms does not affect the quality of their digestion. Therefore, at the time of treatment, they should be abandoned.
Preserved products. From the menu it will be necessary to remove all canned food, pickles, marinades. Such products contain acetic acid, which irritates the stomach. Moreover, the ban is imposed not only on factory canned food, but also on homemade preparations. You can not eat dishes containing a large amount of seasonings and spices.
Products that have undergone the smoking process. When infected with Helicobacter pylori, smoked meats should be completely abandoned. All such products contain a lot of fat, harmful seasonings and chemical components. Even from the use of sausage for the period of treatment, you need to refrain.
Sour apples and fruits are contraindicated for eating., as they will irritate the stomach, weakened by the action of Helicobacter pylori.
Alcoholic drinks. If alcohol is not recommended to be consumed even by healthy people, then it is strictly contraindicated for patients with pathology of the digestive system.
To understand which diet for infection with Helicobacter pylori is optimal, you can focus on the menu below.
| Day one | Day two | Day three |
First meal | Two boiled chicken eggs, oatmeal with milk, tea with sugar | Buckwheat with milk, crackers and sweet tea | Soft-boiled egg, 2 crackers, green tea |
Snack before lunch | A glass of milk with 0% fat | Cottage cheese with 0% fat content with honey or dried fruits | Rusk with a piece of low-fat veal and a glass of yogurt |
Dinner | Puree soup with potatoes and carrots, steamed chicken fillet, boiled buckwheat. Kissel from fresh non-acidic berries | Soup with potatoes, steam fish, boiled carrots, dried fruit jelly | Soup with vegetables and meatballs, but without spices and oil |
Snack before dinner | Boiled or steamed fish, boiled green peas (in the form of mashed potatoes) | Kissel from dried fruits and crackers | Banana |
Dinner | Milk and white bread crumbs | Baked potatoes without oil, a portion of boiled meat or fish | Boiled yachka, steamed cutlet, black tea with sugar, peeled pear |
Even if a person infected with Helicobacter pylori understood how to eat with this disease, he should not refuse to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Only following a diet will not allow you to get rid of the infection, but speed up the healing process.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that should not normally be present in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to permanently get rid of them.
менде анализ тапсырғам кал каннан хилокобактерия о/9боп шықты асказан ирозия диагонозым гастрит эрозив бульбит,острая язва задней стенки луковице 12п,к.үстіме кышып шығады типо крапивница кызыл не істейм укол система алдым бес күн гастерантолог көрініп дәрі ішіп отырм емі бола ма дәрі уколдан или асказан жудыру керек па не істеуге болады кандай ем шаршап кеттім уже емделсем де шыға береді хилобактерді калай кетіремін шаршады уже кімге емделем
менде анализ тапсырғам кал каннан хилокобактерия о/9боп шықты асказан ирозия диагонозым гастрит эрозив бульбит,острая язва задней стенки луковице 12п,к.үстіме кышып шығады типо крапивница кызыл не істейм укол система алдым бес күн гастерантолог көрініп дәрі ішіп отырм емі бола ма дәрі уколдан или асказан жудыру керек па не істеуге болады кандай ем шаршап кеттім уже емделсем де шыға береді хилобактерді калай кетіремін шаршады уже кімге емделем кай жакка емделсем болады😞