heatstroke, how to escape from the heat, rest beyond the Volga

So it has come – the usual Volgograd summer with heat and stuffiness. I just want to sit under the air conditioner, it is better, of course, at home, or at least in the office. And watch the weather forecast – when it is raining. But it turns out that there are ways to help us save ourselves from overheating and quickly return to tone.

Everyone is hot and you are wearing a hat

1. Clothes should be loose, preferably made of natural light fabrics of light colors. Never wear tight clothes, as tight clothes hinder heat transfer. Synthetics are very harmful, they do not allow our skin to breathe. Flax is ideal in hot weather, even if it is with the addition of acrylic. In linen clothes, the body breathes, does not sweat, the fabric does not stick to the body, and with the addition of acrylic it does not wrinkle yet.

2. Children, the elderly and brunettes – wear hats. To whom the hats are fashionable, and to whom the panamas will suit.

3. If you have an air conditioner, do not squeeze the maximum coolness out of it. The temperature in the room where the air conditioner is operating should not differ from the outside temperature by more than nine to ten degrees. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching a cold.

4. Take a cool shower as often as possible, but forget about the bath during the heat.

5. If possible, it is better to give up cosmetics altogether. But where are we without makeup. Volgograd make-up artist Inna Vorontsova, who entered the top ten of the best masters in the world, shared the secrets of summer make-up. First: it is imperative to apply a base under makeup, since in the warm season, sebaceous glands are especially prominent on the skin of the face, and the base has a matting effect. Second: on top of the base we apply anti-shine powder, which removes excess moisture and grease, or foundation. Third: during the day, sprinkle thermal water on your face as often as possible, remove excess shine with matting napkins. If you cannot do without bright makeup, then use mica instead of shadows, and for arrows it is better to choose a cream-based eyeliner.

6. If suddenly the split system breaks down at home, and you cannot fall asleep in the stuffy atmosphere, put your sheet in the freezer for 10 minutes, and then make the bed with it – you can fall asleep in comfort.

7. There is no air conditioner at work – put the batteries for the portable refrigerator in the same freezer and, after pulling them out, place them next to you on the table, for some time they will radiate coolness.

Drink plenty of water. Plain, filtered

8. Drink in hot weather as much as the body requires. There is an easy way to determine if you are drinking enough fluids. Gather the skin on the back of the hand in a fold and release. If the skin quickly returned to its original position, then everything is in order. If the skin is spreading slowly, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

9. Most nutritionists agree that pure water is the best thirst quencher; it is advisable to drink every 15–20 minutes, especially if you are outdoors. Green tea and herbal teas brewed with currant leaves, willow tea, lingonberry leaves quench thirst well: both tasty and healthy. But sweet lemonades and store-bought juices will not work for quenching your thirst! Together with the liquid in the summer, we lose salts, nevertheless, it is better to choose table mineral waters, not medicinal ones.

10. The most important rule of summer – be extremely careful with alcohol, whatever it is – beer, wine, vodka and even energy drinks. Keep their use to a minimum.

11. Reduce calorie intake. It is believed that in hot weather the need for energy decreases, so fatty foods should be replaced with vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

12. If you followed the previous advice, then the next gastronomic covenant is as follows: eat breakfast and lunch yourself, and dinner … also eat it yourself, and even have a snack between main meals with a cucumber, tomato, apple. Otherwise, you simply will not have enough strength for the planned activities.

13. In hot weather, it is recommended to shift meals to earlier and later hours, and in the very heat it is better to rest from both work and food.

14. More vitamins, they are always useful, but they are never so natural and tasty as in the summer from their own beds!

Master, I’m hotter in such a fur coat than you!

15. The heat affects your pets, who walk in such heat in … a fur coat made of wool. Volgograd dog handler Viktor Lazarev advises wetting the pads on the paws with cold water while walking. And add ice cubes to a bowl of water at home.

16. Special cooling mats for animals are now on sale. The principle of operation is different for everyone: some rugs must be soaked in cold water, the other begins to “work” after contact with an animal due to the content of a cooling gel in it.

Smile even when you are hot! And all will be well!

17. If you do get sunstroke or heatstroke, and you or your loved one have the first manifestations: weakness, malaise, dizziness, flashing of flies in front of your eyes or vomiting, be sure to transfer the person to a cool place, at least in the shade. Then you need to unfasten the embarrassing clothes, put a towel moistened with water on your head, rub your face, hands and other open places with it. The victim must be given liquid, preferably plain cool water. You can smell the ammonia and rub it over whiskey.

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