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What is heather
It is an ancient flowering plant of the Heather family. It has other names: verest, bagun, ryskun, lipica. It is an evergreen shrub with branching stems and racemose inflorescences. Propagated by seeds.
Heather thickets (heathers) are found in Scotland, the Baltic States, Belarus, Germany. The flowers of the plant are autumn honey plants.
It is often found among pine trees, swamps, wastelands, peat bogs, and sands. Where heather grows, the soil is depleted and unsuitable for delicate plants. According to an ancient legend, the Lord turned to the oak, willow, honeysuckle and rose with a request to settle in the harsh lands of Scotland.
All plants are abandoned except for the bold heather. For his courage, the Lord rewarded him with strong oak bark, flexibility of willow, delicate aroma of honeysuckle and rose flowers.
Heather occupies an honorable place in the culture of Scotland, it was depicted on coats of arms, and dwellings were decorated with twigs. From its leaves, a dye for plaids was made – fabrics for kilts and blankets. The plant was used in the preparation of ale (strong beer), which was mentioned as far back as the XNUMXnd century BC.
In Scotland, this flower of luck is certainly present in the bride’s bouquet. And in Norway it is one of the national symbols. In Russia (in Siberia) they believed that heather twigs could protect a home from evil spirits. The beauty of this amazing plant has been praised in painting and literature.
Heather in Scotland
Heather chemical composition
The ground part of the shrub contains:
- provitamin A;
- tannins;
- essential oil;
- glycoside;
- quercetin;
- citric and fumaric acid;
- organic acids;
- resins;
- gum;
- coumarins;
- carotene;
- flavonoids.
Heather: health benefits and harms
Heather honey is an excellent antiseptic. Helps with bronchial asthma, purifies the blood, has a diuretic effect. It is used to treat stones in the bladder and kidneys, rheumatism and gout. Has medicinal properties:
- diuretic;
- antimicrobial;
- hemostatic;
- healing;
- anti-inflammatory.
Heather in traditional medicine
For medicinal raw materials, the flowering tops of the shoots are collected during the flowering period. In folk medicine, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent:
- for skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis;
- treatment of wounds, ulcers, consequences of burns;
- colds (diaphoretic);
- cough;
- stomatitis;
- pharyngitis and tonsillitis;
- with urological diseases;
- cystitis;
- soothes the nerves and treats nervous exhaustion;
- baths with a decoction for arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
- cholecystitis.
No contraindications were found.
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