Heather for the urinary tract and digestion. Learn about its use in phytotherapy
Heather for the urinary tract and digestion. Learn about its use in phytotherapyHeather for the urinary tract and digestion. Learn about its use in phytotherapy

Most of us associate heather as a plant with a beautiful scent, adding charm to the landscape in early autumn. However, its properties have been used in natural treatment for centuries, mainly for problems with the urinary tract – kidney stones and urinary tract infection. Heather is also widely used in the cosmetics industry. What else can it do?

In natural medicine, its herb and flowers are used, which are collected in the first phase of flowering. The collected heather elements are dried to be used as a medicinal herb. This plant is a real wealth of valuable ingredients. In it we will find, among others essential oils that improve the functioning of the intestines and urinary system, tannins that fight bacteria, flavonoids, i.e. excellent antioxidants, potassium that affects the heart and muscles, or bitterness that stimulates the digestive system.

Heather for problems with the urinary system

The most common and popular use of heather is to use it in the treatment of kidney stones and inflammation of the urinary system. The content of flavonoids causes heather to have a diuretic effect, and also improves and rejuvenates the appearance of the skin and protects against the harmful effects of solar radiation. What’s more, the essential oil present in the composition perfectly soothes spasms in the muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, and the presence of arbutin disinfects these areas. How to use heather in such situations? For problems with the kidneys and urinary tract, it is recommended to drink an infusion prepared from heather herb, peppermint and meadowsweet flowers.

Beneficial effect on the digestive system and more

Heather is also used in the treatment of problems related to the digestive system due to the presence of tannins in the composition. It will help in the fight against such ailments as:

  • Nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • Inflammations,
  • Abdominal pain.

This plant has an appetite stimulating effect, increasing the secretion of gastric juices and stimulating digestive processes. Thanks to its essential oils, it is also used to treat pain in parts of the body responsible for movement, such as muscles and joints. Positive effects on the urinary and digestive systems are not everything – heather is widely used in the cosmetics industry, mainly due to the content of silicon and potassium. It affects the regeneration of the body, delays skin aging and gives it elasticity. In addition, it accelerates wound healing, helps with eye diseases, and smoothes and moisturizes the body and hair.

In addition, eating heather has a relaxing effect on the body. So it will help people suffering from insomnia, living under stress, facilitate relaxation and calm down after a hard day. The aroma of heather is a component of many sleeping preparations. However, you have to be careful – consuming too much infusions from this plant can have an intoxicating effect.

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