Heat rash in an infant – symptoms, causes, treatment

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Heat rash in an infant is a fairly common ailment. Young mothers are often not able to recognize this phenomenon and panic when they see tiny spots that appear on the baby’s skin. At the beginning, a grandmother or other, more experienced mother becomes invaluable, as she quickly recognizes heat rash in an infant and soothes the young mother.

Sweats they are very common in children and are very easy to get rid of. They appear in newborns, even in the first days after childbirth. Cause their formation is a tendency to dress my baby in too warm clothes. Mothers are afraid that the child will get cold and try at all costs to ensure it is at the right temperature. However, a tiny baby experiences great discomfort when dressed too warm. His sweat glands are not properly developed yet, and he cannot speak or otherwise let him know that he is too warm. The natural defense reaction of the body is therefore the appearance of the little ones krostek, not larger than a pinhead that attest to overheating of the body child.

What exactly does prickly heat look like in an infant?

Pimples these are tiny and usually red in color. White bubbles can form on their elevation. They do not have any inflammatory features and their diameter is not more than 2 mm. These lesions often appear in larger clusters, and the skin between them is slightly red.

Sweats they are most often found on the mouth, neck and nape. They also often appear in the armpits and on the buttocks, because this is where the skin is most exposed to the adhesion of T-shirts, jackets and diapers. Air usually does not have easy access to these places and cannot lower the temperature properly. Sometimes sweat rash they cause burning and itching, which is additionally burdensome for the child and makes him nervous.

Heat rash in an infant – causes

Generally heat rash in an infant they appear in the summer, when the temperature outside is high, and the toddler is dressed as when the thermometers showed 10 degrees Celsius less. Of course, on cold days or even in winter sweat rash they also happen when the baby is too warmly dressed. Pimples are formed as a result of the immaturity of sweat glands, and sweat, instead of getting outside the body, begins to fill and clog the pores of the skin, which is the direct cause of the formation of krostek.

It is therefore essential to be able to recognize when your baby is too warm. Just touch the baby’s neck. When it is hot or slightly damp, it means that the child is too warm and you need to take off his sweater or simply remove the blanket or duvet.

Heat rash in an infant – how to get rid of them?

Before we begin get rid of prickly heat, it is worth ensuring that they do not appear. There is one basic rule to an infant: only one layer or more cover than for an adult. This means that we dress the toddler as we do ourselves, i.e. if it is, we coolly put on a t-shirt and sweater, but if it is warm, then only a t-shirt. Then, if necessary, cover the baby with a blanket. One more protective layer is usually enough. From time to time, the temperature of the baby’s neck should be checked and reacted appropriately. We do not judge whether the child is warm or cold by checking his hands or feet.

It is best to provide your child with clothes made of natural fabrics that are airy and not too tight. Then the skin will be able to breathe freely, which will prevent the baby from overheating. Bed linen in a stroller and cot should be made of cotton and should be kept clean.

While bathing a toddler, it is worth adding a little potato flour or a few potassium permanganate crystals to the water, because they will have a soothing effect on the child’s skin and accelerate the possible healing process. You can also try Sylveco cosmetics, whose natural composition soothes irritated baby skin: moisturizing cream with betulin, hair shampoo and bath lotion. We also recommend a 2in1 gentle bath lotion and shampoo with rice proteins and Anthyllis Baby hibiscus extract, which soothes irritations and is available at an attractive price.

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