Heat rash in adults – how to deal with heat rash?
Heat rash in adults - how to deal with heat rash?Heat rash in adults – how to deal with heat rash?

Although heat rash is not an incurable ailment that requires advanced medical treatment, it causes a lot of worries to everyone who suffers from it due to its unsightly nature. They take the form of red lumps – in adults they are usually located on the trunk, and in children on the neck, trunk, in the groin. They usually disappear after a few days, leaving a slightly exfoliated epidermis. During their occurrence, they do not cause any discomfort apart from a slight burning sensation. What to do when such a problem occurs? How to fix it? What medications to use?

Heat rash in adults – how to deal with such a problem?

Sweats is a very common disease of the sweat glands, caused by high humidity and high temperature. The result is intensified sweating, difficulty secreting sweat and the appearance of small, red blisters on the skin. Types of heat rash there are many, hence there is not only one proven way to fight them. They are differentiated by the depth at which they occur, which classifies them sweat rash into: common, red, deep. We usually deal with common and red heather. They do not pose a threat to health, but they cause pain due to their unsightly appearance. Most often you hear about hives occurring in infants, which directly relates this condition to the special sensitivity of the skin, which is susceptible to any unfavorable external factors. However, it also happens that heat rash happens to adults, which is caused by other factors than in children. Then it is usually correlated with the environment in which adults live. This risk increases if, for example, we are dealing with significant humidity or high temperatures at work. Red pimples appear on the skin, which, in addition to their ugly appearance, additionally cause burning. The situation becomes more serious if inflammation occurs and they form deep heat rash. These, in turn, cause many unpleasant symptoms, which, unfortunately, can no longer be dealt with without pharmacological help, which is enough in the case of common and red heather. If deep prickly heat occurs, which is a sign of a bacterial infection, appropriate medication will be needed.

Heat rash in adults – treatment

Sweats it is an inevitable consequence of staying in conditions of high humidity and high temperature. However, there are ways to prevent them from appearing. First of all, it is worth taking preventive measures and dressing appropriately to the temperature that currently prevails in a given environment, not using artificial and too tight clothing, and spraying yourself with spray water in the summer. But what to do when they appear? How to deal with them? Common heat rash they usually peel off quickly, leaving no traces. The situation in the case is a bit more complicated red heat rashwhich can stay on the skin for several days. Then the necessary action will be the use of an antibiotic, indicated by a dermatologist. Sometimes you can also help yourself with a home remedy and use, for example, spirit, washing the skin in this place. Powder mixed with menthol and baths with chamomile infusion are also used as an alternative.

How to prevent heat rash?

Specific types of heat rash can be prevented in different ways. To avoid appearing heat rash on the feet, you should wear breathable shoes and, if necessary, use special preparations protecting against sweating. If they occur sweat rash on the face, then you need to take care of its proper cleansing and moisturizing. It is important to observe the frequency with which blemishes appear and on this basis to diagnose the underlying ailment.

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