Heat gun on diesel fuel

When it becomes necessary to quickly heat a building under construction, an industrial or other large premises, the Heat Gun can be the first assistant in this matter. The unit works on the principle of a fan heater. Depending on the model, the fuel used can be diesel, gas or electricity. Now we will consider how a diesel fuel heat gun is arranged, the principle of its operation and the scope.

The difference between diesel heat guns according to the method of heating

Heat gun on diesel fuel

The device of diesel guns of any models is almost the same. There is only one feature that divides the units into two main types – the removal of combustion products. When burning diesel fuel, liquid fuel guns emit smoke with toxic impurities. Depending on the design of the combustion chamber, the exhaust gases can be removed outside the heated room or come out together with the heat. This feature of the device of heat guns divided them into units of indirect and direct heating.

Important! Direct-heated diesel engines are cheaper, but they cannot be used in closed facilities where people stay for a long time.

Diesel direct heating

Heat gun on diesel fuel

The simplest design is a direct-fired diesel heat gun with 100% efficiency. The unit consists of a steel case, inside which there is an electric fan and a combustion chamber. Under the body is a tank for diesel fuel. The pump is responsible for supplying fuel. The burner is located in the combustion chamber, so no open flame flies out of the gun nozzle. This feature of the device allows the use of diesel engines indoors.

However, when burned, diesel fuel emits acrid smoke, which, together with heat, blows a fan into the same heated room. For this reason, direct heating models are used in open or semi-open areas, as well as where there are no people. Usually, direct-heated diesel engines are used at construction sites to dry the room so that the plaster or concrete screed hardens faster. A cannon is useful for a garage, where in winter you can warm up a car engine.

Important! If it is not possible to ensure the absence of people in the heated room, it is dangerous to start a direct-heated diesel engine. Exhaust fumes can cause poisoning and even suffocation.

Diesel indirect heating

Heat gun on diesel fuel

The diesel heat gun of indirect heating is more complicated, but it can already be used in crowded places. Only the design of the combustion chamber differs in units of this type. It is made with the removal of harmful exhausts outside the heated object. The chamber is completely closed in front and behind the fan side. The exhaust pipe is on top and extends beyond the body. It turns out a kind of heat exchanger.

A corrugated hose is put on the branch pipe. It is made of stainless steel or black metal. When the fuel ignites, the walls of the combustion chamber heat up. A working fan blows over the hot heat exchanger and, together with clean air, pushes heat out of the gun nozzle. The harmful gases themselves are discharged from the chamber through a pipe through a hose to the street. The efficiency of indirectly heated diesel units is less than that of direct heated analogues, but they can be used to heat objects with animals and people.

Most models of diesel guns are equipped with a stainless steel combustion chamber, which increases the life of the unit. Diesel is able to work for a long time, while its body does not overheat. And all thanks to the thermostat, as the sensor regulates the intensity of the flame. If desired, another thermostat installed in the room can be connected to the heat gun. The sensor automates the heating process, allowing you to constantly maintain the temperature set by the user.

With the help of a diesel heat gun, the heating system of large buildings is equipped. For this, a corrugated sleeve 300–600 mm thick is used. The hose is laid out indoors, putting one end on the nozzle. By the same method, hot air can be supplied over long distances. Diesel guns of indirect heating heat commercial, industrial and industrial premises, railway stations, shops and other objects with frequent stay of people.

infrared diesel

Heat gun on diesel fuel

There is another type of units that run on diesel fuel, but according to the principle of infrared radiation. Such diesel heat guns in their design do not provide for the use of a fan. It’s just not needed. IR rays do not heat the air, but the object on which they fall. The absence of a fan reduces the noise level of the operating unit. The only drawback of infrared diesel is spot heating. The gun is not capable of covering a large area.

Browse popular models

In the store you can find a huge number of diesel heat guns from different manufacturers, differing in power, design and other additional features. We offer you to get acquainted with a number of popular models.

Ball BHDN-20

Heat gun on diesel fuel

By right, the Ballu diesel heat gun of indirect heating is in the lead in the popularity rating. The professional unit is available with a power of 20 kW and above. A feature of the heater is a high-quality stainless steel heat exchanger. AISI 310S steel is used for its manufacture. Such units are in demand in large rooms. For example, the Ballu BHDN-20 heat gun is capable of heating up to 200 m2 area. The efficiency of an indirect heating unit with a power of 20 kW reaches 82%.


Heat gun on diesel fuel

Among the direct heating units, the MASTER diesel heat gun with a power of 20 kW stands out. The B 70CED model is able to operate in automatic mode when the thermostat TH-2 and TH-5 are connected. During combustion, a maximum temperature of 250оC. Heat gun Master in 1 hour is able to warm up to 400 m3 air.

ENERGOPROM 20kW TPD-20 direct heating

Heat gun on diesel fuel

The direct heating unit with a power of 20 kW is designed for drying objects under construction and heating the air in non-residential premises. For 1 hour of operation, the gun produces up to 430 m3 hot air.

Kerona P-2000E-T

Heat gun on diesel fuel

A large range of heat guns is represented by the manufacturer Kerona. The P-2000E-T direct heating model is the smallest. The unit is able to heat a room up to 130 m2. The compact diesel will fit in the trunk of a car if it needs to be transported.

Repair of diesel guns

Heat gun on diesel fuel

After the end of the warranty, repairing a diesel engine in a service center will be very expensive. Auto mechanics enthusiasts try to fix many malfunctions on their own. After all, it is stupid to pay a large amount for repairs if, for example, a valve spring burst and the diesel engine stalls due to lack of air flow.

Let’s look at the most common diesel failures and how to fix the problem yourself:

  • The failure of the fan is determined by the termination of the flow of hot air from the nozzle. Often the problem lies in the electric motor. If it burned down, then repair is inappropriate here. The engine is simply replaced with a new analogue. You can determine the malfunction of the electric motor by dialing the working windings with a tester.
  • Nozzles spray diesel fuel inside the combustion chamber. They rarely fail. If the nozzles are faulty, the combustion stops completely. To replace them, you need to buy exactly the same analogue in a specialized store. To do this, you need to take a sample of the broken nozzle with you.
  • Repairing a fuel filter is not difficult for anyone. This is the most common breakdown in which combustion stops. Diesel fuel does not always meet regulatory requirements in quality, and solid particles of various impurities clog the filter. To eliminate the malfunction on the gun body, you need to unscrew the plug. Next, they take out the filter itself, wash it in clean kerosene, and then install it in its place.
Advice! If the farm has a compressor, then the filter will additionally not interfere with blowing with a large air pressure.

All breakdowns of diesel units require an individual approach during the repair. In the absence of experience, it would be better to contact the service center.

The video shows the repair of diesel guns:

When purchasing a heating unit for home use, you need to take into account the peculiarity of its device and the specifics of work. Maybe it’s wiser to give preference to a gas or electric counterpart, and leave the diesel gun for production needs.

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