Heartburn, indigestion and other misfortunes … How to reduce discomfort after a hard to digest dish?
Heartburn, indigestion and other misfortunes ... How to reduce discomfort after a hard to digest dish?Heartburn, indigestion and other misfortunes … How to reduce discomfort after a hard to digest dish?

Heartburn and indigestion are among the most common problems with the digestive tract. Nausea, sour taste, burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus, as well as belching, are faced by people of all ages on a daily basis. In addition to preparations to relieve this type of ailment, it is worth trying home remedies.

Sometimes it is not easy to prevent heartburn and indigestion, which are most often the result of pressure on the stomach by the diaphragm, rapid swallowing of large portions of food. Along with the carnival, holidays, New Year’s Eve, as well as during anniversaries and weddings, we have plenty of opportunities to taste heavy dishes. If we show a tendency to this type of ailments, let’s try to avoid foods that harm us on a daily basis, and temporarily support ourselves with proven methods.

Pantry and grandma’s heartburn remedies

  • The way to fight heartburn taken from our grandmothers is to chew the crust of bread.
  • Consume linseed gruel for 60 minutes after a heavy meal, it will eliminate the ailments.
  • The recipe based on baking soda and a glass of water has a long tradition. Alcohol and even coffee should be avoided in case of digestive ailments.
  • As soon as you feel heartburn, start sucking on a piece of ginger rhizome until the unpleasant symptom subsides.
  • You can also take a medicine that neutralizes stomach acid.

Fighting indigestion at home

  • Over-the-counter products available at the pharmacy, the composition of which is based on ingredients that stimulate the production of bile, will bring relief. Look for those that have been developed on the basis of silymaric acid or dehydrocholic acid or are supplemented with artichoke and black radish extracts.
  • Take 2-3 small sips of water every few minutes to reduce indigestion. Under no circumstances should you drink the entire glass at once, as this would be counterproductive and would make indigestion worse.

Combined benefits

  • Aloe tincture will eliminate unpleasant stomach sensations and heartburn. It is worth drinking it prophylactically 20 minutes before a heavy meal, instead of waiting until burning occurs. Thanks to aloe, digestion will be easier, and the stomach will be covered with a protective layer.
  • Licorice-based gum and candies will work similarly to aloe vera.
  • Do not go to sleep or even take a nap within three hours after a meal. However, if there is such a need, let’s take a position on the left side, thanks to which the food content from the stomach will not be able to go back into the esophagus.
  • After a meal, it is worth reaching for unsweetened tea, which will avoid belching that can contribute to heartburn. It also helps to digest the meal, so we will prevent indigestion.
  • For the rest of the day, and preferably the next few days, avoid heavy, fatty foods.
  • You will prevent the recurrence of heartburn and indigestion by chewing your food carefully. Remember that the first stage of digestion takes place in the mouth.

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