The film «I am Wolf Messing»

Wolf Messing acutely experienced mental pain for all those to whom the war had brought suffering.

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Film «Chocolate»

Adults often create heartache for themselves. If you know that your countess will not return, then why did you put her picture in front of you? To poison the soul?

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Mental pain, pain of the spiritual body is a popular psychological metaphor that has become a life reality due to its popularity.

Heartache as a fairy tale in our culture is a rich experience that speaks of the depth and closeness of relationships. Mental pain as an everyday circumstance, as a reality, is an unpleasant sensation of a psychosomatic nature, the responsibility for the occurrence of which is shifted to external circumstances and others.

Mental pain occurs when a person in some situation has physical tension and breath holding — associated, for example, with the experience of fear or held anger. If a person forms this situation into a fairy tale of mental pain, comprehends it not as pure physiology, but as an event of his mental life, or, more precisely, as a nuisance or a nightmare-horror, then now he does not just feel muscle tension and clamps, but is already experiencing spiritual pain. pain.

Sometimes mental pain occurs as a reaction, as an associative connection of some unpleasant event with the memory of past painful experiences, sometimes adults create mental pain for themselves.

If you know that your beloved woman will not return, then why did you put her photo in front of you? To poison the soul?

Often behind the pain is one or another internal benefit: the desire to attract attention, the fear of failure, revenge or the struggle for power. It should also be taken into account that modern culture cultivates mental pain. She educates people with mental pain, considering it a virtue and accustoming them to the fact that the experience of mental pain is natural, inevitable, and is the dignity of an educated person.

“His SOUL HURTS for the cause!” / “Well, did you miss me at least a little?” / «Of course I’m upset! I don’t care!»

If the soul is not stirred up, mental pain disappears by itself at about the same speed with which muscle clamps relax: in children in a few hours, in adults in a few days, in older people in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, people who are prone to painful experiences have a habit of “rubbing salt in the wound”: raising painful topics, seeing a person to whom they are attached, but with whom relations are futile, in a situation of acute experience (“an unhealed spiritual wound”) to remember about what was expensive, but can not be returned. As an opportunity to occupy a void in the soul or entertain yourself with your favorite pastime, this can be understood, but seriously torturing yourself like this is stupid and unworthy.

Let’s take into account that the people around you can consciously or not create mental pain (the methods are the same — raise topics that are painful for you, strain attachment, hit sore points in the soul). In this case, perhaps you should reconsider your relationship with these people, or at least temporarily reduce contact with them.

The occurrence of mental pain can be prevented by developing one’s emotional stability, training one’s mental fortitude, strengthening one’s spiritual invulnerability when meeting at least life’s trifles.

The funniest, yet effective tool is, oddly enough, chewing gum. It has been repeatedly verified: if only the sufferer begins to vigorously and thoughtfully process the sweet rubber with his jaws, after about ten minutes both the sweetness of the chewing gum and the bitterness of suffering disappear. The fact is that mental suffering involves a rather subtle work of the facial muscles, and the blunt and hard movements of the jaws when chewing gum destroy them.

Well, do not chew when suffering! And if they still chew, it means that suffering has to be canceled. Try to imagine:

– Luis Alberto, I suffer so much! Marianne whispered, chewing her gum…

However, any other subtle spiritual movements with chewing gum are destroyed just as reliably. If you want to neither love nor suffer — chew gum …

Chewing gum and mental suffering are two things that don’t go together.

The removal of mental pain in the work of a psychologist is a separate topic, here we have to talk about very different things. One thing is the removal of acute mental pain, another is painstaking work to eliminate sore spots in the soul. In any case, everything is real, there would be a desire. That is what is most important.

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