Heart – take care, control, but

Hypertension as a disease of civilization? How to fight cholesterol? How do plant sterols affect cholesterol? How important is prophylaxis and how to take care of the heart on a daily basis and what challenges will cardiology face in the coming years? You will find answers to these and other questions in the campaign prepared by Warsaw Press on the occasion of the Week for the Heart.

On April 20, the “Heart – take care, control but” educational campaign was published together with Gazeta Wyborcza as a special thematic supplement. The main partner of the campaign is the Polish Cardiac Society.

The campaign aims to educate readers about cardiovascular diseases. We touch on the most important areas related to prevention and therapeutic options. Experts indicate risk factors, symptoms and possible complications of cardiovascular diseases. We pay special attention to the importance of changing eating habits and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of heart disease. We advise how to prepare a healthy, balanced meal not devoid of nutrients and what ingredients affect the proper functioning of the heart. We show the direct impact of elevated cholesterol on cardiovascular disease and ways to effectively lower it. We raise the issue of arterial hypertension as a civilization disease.

Experts speak in the campaign:

* Polish Cardiac Society, President of the Polish Cardiac Society – prof. Dr hab. n. med. Piotr Hoffman

* Polish Cardiac Society, board member – prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Bochenek

* Polish Society of Hypertension, President of PTNT – prof. Dr hab. med. Krzysztof Narkiewicz

* Polish Society of Hypertension – Anna Szyndler, MD, PhD

* Heart Rhythm Section of PTK – Dr hab. Oskar Kowalski

* Polish Society of Cardiology – Prof. dr hab. med. Piotr Jankowski

* Food and Nutrition Institute – prof. Dr hab. n. med. Longina Kłosiewicz-Latoszek

* Food and Nutrition Institute – prof. Dr hab. med. Barbara Cybulska

Medonet is a partner of the “Heart – take care, control, but” supplement, which is available online especially for our readers

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