Heart health in your hands

Working young ladies are at risk of heart attacks! This is the conclusion reached by Danish scientists. Stress and increased responsibility are to blame. At risk are young emotional persons. Woman’s Day decided to confront statistics and chose ten of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your heart healthy.

First of all, you should remember a few of your favorite foods. These are vegetables, rich in vitamin E, cheese, cottage cheese, legumes and vegetable oil. Vitamin E strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood viscosity, regulates heart rate and protects against the harmful effects of free radicals. The latter quality, by the way, has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the facial skin.

The next stage: We insure the heart against a heart attack

2. Salmon is in a hurry to rescue

Star nutritionist Oz Garcia, who personally oversees the kitchen of Madonna, Richard Gere and Gwyneth Paltrow, once said: “Eat a piece of salmon every day and you will never need the services of plastic surgeons.” Doctors agree with this statement, but add that four pieces of fish per week will reduce the risk of dying from myocardial infarction by 44%.

Next step: Preventing vascular occlusion

Grape (natural) juice will protect the heart from heart attack. It prevents blockage of the coronary vessels and reduces platelet activity. Moreover, it copes with the tasks much better than acetylsalicylic acid, which is usually used in these cases.

Next Stage: Solving Heart Problems

The heart likes milk. Studies conducted over the years in Japan have confirmed this hypothesis. Those people who drank two glasses of fresh milk a day were much less likely to complain of heart problems. Of course, this advice does not apply to those with lactose intolerance.

Next step: Protecting the heart from stress

Raspberries are not only rich in healthy fiber. If you consume it daily (fresh, in the form of fruit drinks or jam), you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. The fact is that raspberries contain vitamins C and P, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as salicylic acid, which improves blood clotting. In addition, the berry is rich in potassium, which is good for the heart, and copper, which protects it from stress.

Next step: Removing heavy metals

6. Citrus fruits for energy

If you don’t have raspberries on hand, lean on oranges. These fruits contain vitamin C and bioflavonoids to help you absorb it. Orange pulp contains pectin and other natural polysaccharides that bind ions of heavy metals and radioactive elements. So, even a couple of oranges eaten in a day will protect the heart in a bad environment.

Next step: Bring your heart rate back to normal

7. Bananas will save you from stress

Bananas will save you from the threat of arrhythmia. They normalize the heart rate. If your heart rate goes off scale after every meeting with your boss, just eat a couple of bananas. They will prevent the breakdown of protein compounds in the heart muscle and restore the balance of potassium. A calm, even heartbeat will notify you of the work done.

Next step: Train the heart muscle

As for charging, here the opinion of all doctors agrees: the best prevention of heart disease is walking! It’s time to give up the elevator (at least in the mornings and evenings) and make the ups and downs on foot. So, we train the heart muscle! And at the same time the muscles of the thighs.

Next step: Synchronizing biorhythms

Pray for your health! Read mantras, put yourself into a hypnotic state. Scientists have proven that the rhythmic speech of prayers and the monotonous chants of mantras synchronize the biorhythms of the heart and respiration, heal and rejuvenate the body. Breathing exercises are also helpful. After all, the pulmonary rhythm is closely related to the heart, with proper breathing, the heart begins to beat more calmly and evenly.

Next step: We organize oxygen supply

10. Easy on the heart from a funny song

To drive away boredom, bad mood, and with them angina, which is harmful to the heart, you need to sing. The fact is that during singing, blood flow is activated in the small (pulmonary) circulation, providing enhanced gas exchange and oxygen delivery to the heart muscle and other organs and tissues. That is why, according to statistics, opera singers live on average 15 years longer than representatives of other professions. It’s time to learn from their experience. Sing while standing in the shower, dancing in front of the mirror, while washing the dishes, and just like that! The mood will improve and the heart will not hurt.

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