Heart failure. It is protected against it by 4 steps

She took Georg Michael at the age of only 53. Don’t let her take you too early. Learn four simple steps to reduce your risk of heart failure.

Fast walks, moderate alcohol consumption, no cigarettes at all, and avoiding obesity – these are factors that cut the risk of heart failure by half. And although the research was conducted among seniors, we have no reason to believe that the recommendations will not improve the heart rate in young people. 

This was proven by a study conducted at the American Tufts University, and its results were published in the latest issue of the journal “JACC: Heart Failure”.

Heart failure is a condition where the heart is unable to pump enough blood. It is also one of the most common causes of hospitalization of people over 65 in the world.

In their study, researchers from Tufts University in Medford observed nearly 21 thousand men and women aged 4,5 and over for 65 years. They paid attention to their diet, eating habits, level of physical activity, leisure activities, use of stimulants (cigarettes and alcohol), as well as weight, height, waist circumference and general health.

During the study, 1380 people developed heart failure.

After analyzing all factors, the researchers found that participants who regularly walked at least 2mph had a significantly lower risk of developing heart failure. Also, participation in recreational activities (of any type but burning 845 kcal or more per week), not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption (at least 1 drink a week but no more than 1-2 drinks a day), and avoiding obesity have been associated with a reduction in the incidence of heart failure.

The most important thing is that people who were affected by at least four of the above-mentioned pro-health behaviors were half as likely to develop this dangerous disease compared to participants who adhered to only one or not adhering to any of them – emphasizes Dr. Liana C. Del Gobbo, lead author of the work in question.

The study also looked at the effect of eating patterns on the risk of heart failure, but found no relationship between these issues. When it comes to physical activity, it turned out that fast walks and active rest had the strongest protective function for the heart, adds the researcher.

We have found that simple lifestyle changes in the elderly can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart failure. It is enough to introduce some moderate physical activity into the plan of the day, do not smoke and maintain a healthy weight, Dr. Gobbo emphasizes. “ It’s also worth pointing out that while our study has not found a link between failure and dietary habits, hundreds of other studies clearly show that a healthy diet is key to preventing other cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and numerous chronic diseases. 

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