Heart diet. How to lose weight with heart and circulatory system diseases
Heart diet. How to lose weight with heart and circulatory system diseases

Being overweight is a problem in itself. Few people feel good and comfortable with it. Modern man has little exercise and wide access to processed food, which makes it very easy to “gain body”. Obesity is associated with many health complications, including cardiac arrhythmias. In the case of people who struggle with these types of problems, as well as cardiovascular diseases, a special diet should be used when losing weight, which should be consulted with a doctor.

It leaves no doubt that overweight people are twice as likely to suffer from arrhythmias and cardiovascular diseases. Untreated obesity is becoming the most common cause of diseases such as:

  • Myocardial infarction,
  • Hypertension,
  • Increased level of “bad” cholesterol,
  • Coronary artery disease,
  • Atherosclerosis.

Therefore, it is especially important for people suffering from this type of disease to take care of the correct weight. If there are “too many of us”, you need to drop unnecessary ballast and thus relieve the heart. In obese people who have even minor problems with hypertension, unfavorable changes in the heart, such as an oversized left ventricle, develop very quickly.

Doing sports – how to lose weight with heart disease?

The degree of intensity of physical activity performed should be consulted with the attending physician. As a rule, simple aerobic exercises of moderate intensity are recommended, such as walking, Nordic walking, cycling or outdoor work, e.g. in the garden. The goal is then to oxygenate the body, which will help burn fat. The best results are achieved by this type of activity lasting from 20 to 60 minutes, at least 3 times a week.

Diet – basic principles

  1. Bet on products that contain unsaturated fats, e.g. soybean or sunflower oil. These types of fats help lower blood pressure. However, they are quite high in calories, so it is not recommended to consume them in excess.
  2. Cut your daily calories by 500 or 1000.
  3. Chew your food slowly, eat regularly and don’t snack between meals.
  4. Remember about fiber – eat primarily vegetables, whole grains, as well as legumes. They satisfy hunger for a long time.
  5. Avoid fat and frying. Eat mainly steamed, boiled or baked in foil. Fat promotes the development of atherosclerosis.
  6. Limit your salt intake. It is found in most foods, so beware of adding salt to foods, nuts and chips.
  7. Also limit the consumption of animal products, i.e. pate, poultry, game, red meat, sausages, butter, cheese, fatty milk, because they promote weight gain and increase cholesterol levels. Instead, eat more fish.

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