Heart attack: These daily habits increase your risk and put you at risk of getting sick

Lifestyle, diet and habits can adversely affect your health. It happens that they contribute to dangerous diseases and, consequently, also to a heart attack. Prevention is primarily noticing and eliminating bad habits, as well as replacing them with those that will be beneficial to the patient’s health. How to avoid a heart attack? What habits should be absolutely eliminated?

  1. Patients’ bad habits may contribute to the development of myocardial infarction
  2. An improper diet rich in cholesterol has a huge impact on the damage to the heart and blood vessels 
  3. Eliminating harmful habits and replacing them with good habits is the first step to reducing the risk of a heart attack
  4. You can find more such texts on the TvoiLokony home page

What exactly is a heart attack?

Myocardial infarction consists in myocardial ischemia and, as a result, its necrosis. From a medical point of view, cardiomyocytes (the cells of the heart muscle) are not contracted in the first stage and then broken down. Substances inside the cells – such as troponin – enter the patient’s bloodstream after a heart attack and cause permanent damage.

Heart attack risk factors are identical to those for coronary artery disease. Some of them cannot be influenced – they include, first of all, age, gender, genetic predisposition or ethnic origin. Doctors, however, look for many reasons in the lifestyle of patients. The risk of myocardial infarction is much greater in the elderly, and men are particularly at risk.

Prevention of myocardial infarction – which habits should you get rid of?

When it comes to having a heart attack, prevention comes down to getting rid of bad habits in your life. The habits that lead to diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis should also be eliminated, because these diseases can also result in damage to the heart muscle. How to avoid a heart attack?

  1. The seven worst foods for your heart. What to Avoid?

Heart attack and diet – the impact of improper nutrition on the heart

In the event of a heart attack, diet has a huge impact, and the diet that increases the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is particularly dangerous. So it will be a bad habit to eat large amounts of fatty meats and processed meats. Cholesterol is also found in giblets, as well as pate and brawn.

It will be very unfavorable after a heart attack eating salty snacks in large quantities – they include mainly crackers, chips and salty sticks. People who eat canned food – especially fish, highly processed foods and so-called fast food – are also at greater risk of a heart attack.

It is worth remembering that the risk of a heart attack in diabetes is much greater. As a result of supplying the organisms with a higher concentration of glucose, the so-called oxidative stress occurs. As a result, primarily blood vessels are damaged. Most patients rebuild and reduce light. They may not supply enough blood to vital organs, including the heart, so your risk of having a heart attack increases. For this reason it will be a very bad habit to supply the body with a large amount of sugar – eating sweets, confectionery products, bars or candies and sweet carbonated drinks.

How it should look appropriate diet in the prevention of heart attack? It’s good if it consists of the least processed products – it is much better to prepare the dishes yourself. The basis of a good diet is fresh fruit and vegetables in various forms – raw, stewed, boiled or grilled. In addition, it is recommended to provide the body with a lot of fiber, which is found in whole grain cereal products. The heart attack diet can also be enriched with fish, nuts, olive oil and lean meats – for example poultry.

You can also add Hemp Seed Coffee to your diet, which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, but also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Check: Can Diet Protect Against Heart Disease?

Overweight and obesity as causes of heart attack

Obesity contributes directly to a heart attack. Excess body fat is very dangerous in many ways. Being carcass increases the risk of diabetes. Moreover The fat that builds up in the abdomen and builds up over the organs puts more strain on the heartthat needs to pump more blood.

Problems with high blood pressure can arise, which in turn greatly increases the risk of a heart attack. Excessive adipose tissue disrupts hormonal regulation – some hormones cause inflammation, which can damage the heart muscle.

Further part under the video.

Lack of or insufficient amount of physical activity

Physical activity has a huge impact on the proper functioning of the heart. A bad habit that may lead to the development of dangerous diseases (including myocardial infarction) will be, above all, avoiding activity and a sedentary lifestyle. That’s why prevention of a heart attack involves regular exercise.

The best will be aerobic training, i.e. those that increase the oxygen exchange in the body – they lead to better oxygenation of all muscles. Sports should be practiced at least four times a week. You can choose from various activities – cycling, walking, jogging or training in the gym. For people who, due to health problems, cannot afford a lot of effort, prevention of a heart attack can be done by walking or stretching.

Check: Doctors’ Advice: These are 20 warning signs that you need to start exercising

Heart attack and alcohol – how is the disease affected by alcohol abuse?

Alcohol and a heart attack are closely related. The abuse of high-percentage drinks is one of the common causes of heart attacks. This is because the heart rate slows down immediately after consumption, and then – about two hours after consumption – then increases sharply. As alcoholic beverages are overused, the first effect is lost, but the second remains. Alcohol significantly increases heart rate and blood pressure – it can even lead to high blood pressure.

To take care of your heart, use natural preparations, e.g. regularly use Formula for the heart – the Panaseus dietary supplement.

Myths about the alleged beneficial effects of alcohol are especially dangerous – a popular claim, for example, is that red wine protects the heart. However, this kind of heart attack prophylaxis is wrong and even harmful.


The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages tends to aggravate other harmful habits as well. It leads to a reduction in physical activity, worsens the quality of sleep, can increase the level of stress and stimulates the appetite, and increases the consumption of both sweet and salty snacks.

Smoking cigarettes and heart attack

Smoking is an extremely harmful habit that gradually damages the heart. Excess nicotine increases the risk of a heart attack several times. This is because the substance contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis. Smoking cigarettes leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries, which in turn significantly reduces the light in the blood vessels. The result of their complete closure is myocardial ischemia and infarction.

The effects of smoking cigarettes are very dangerous to health. The effect can be, for example, high blood pressure. By acting on the brainstem, spinal cord and peripheral chemoreceptors, nicotine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. It is his hyperactivity that largely contributes to the acceleration of the heart rate.


Products resulting from the burning of tobacco are also dangerous – their effect may be the development of inflammation, oxidation of cholesterol and damage to the endothelium. Hypertension can cause a heart attack and many other serious diseases.

The prevention of myocardial infarction is, first of all, limiting and finally giving up smoking. It is also worth avoiding the so-called passive smoking, i.e. being in the company of active smokers, because it can also cause heart defects.

  1. Experts: Passive smoking is more dangerous than previously thought

Stress and a heart attack – how to prevent it?

Myocardial infarction is now seen in younger and younger patients. The reason for such a state of affairs is very often stress and an inappropriate lifestyle. With an excess of stressful situations, the level of hormones – cortisol and adrenaline increases dangerously, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, faster breathing and pulse, as well as increased muscle tension. Living under constant stress increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which contributes to atherosclerosis and hypertension – these are the main causes of a heart attack.

In order to reduce the risk of a heart attack, one should comprehensively change the current lifestyle. It is necessary to take care of a healthy and sufficiently long sleep, physical activity, and a proper diet. Stress situations should be reduced as much as possible. All these activities will contribute to lowering the level of cortisol in the bloodand therefore will reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Read: Stress – causes, symptoms, prevention methods

What are the effects of a heart attack?

A heart attack can have very dangerous consequences for the health and even life of the patient. The severity and type of complications largely depend on which area of ​​the heart muscle is ischemic. It is also important how quickly the blood supply was restored – whether the intervention and appropriate treatment were undertaken.

The most common effect of a heart attack will be heart failure or another heart attack. Often, a rupture of the intercellular septum or free wall of the heart muscle is also diagnosed. The dangerous consequences also include stroke and heart aneurysm.

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