Hearing tests should be performed on anyone who feels that their hearing has deteriorated recently. These studies are divided into objective and subjective. They are a must after the age of 50, because most often at this age, hearing may start to decline. It is also impossible to fit the hearing aid without performing a hearing test.
Hearing test – types
There are specific types of hearing tests. The first group consists of objective tests, performed with equipment that does not require cooperation with the patient. It has no influence on the obtained result. In turn, subjective tests are performed with the help of the participant. Subjective tests can even be carried out by a family doctor. Usually, it consists in standing at a set distance from the patient and asking questions, e.g. in a whisper. However, this type of study is not the best. Admittedly, it gives a certain picture, but it is not exact. After performing this simple, subjective test, your doctor may decide to refer you to a specialist ENT specialist. Only he can carry out further tests, e.g. with a reed, which uses a tuning fork. Other subjective methods include tonal and speech audiometry. On the other hand hearing tests The subjective ones are: tympanometry, otoacoustic emission, and also the study of brainstem evoked potentials (BERA).
Hearing test – what it looks like
Hearing test requires a referral to an ENT specialist from the GP. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether the examination is really needed. What it looks like hearing test? It all depends on the chosen method. Tympanometry is the most common method, thanks to which the doctor will assess the condition of the middle ear. A special probe is inserted into the ear, which emits a sound during the test and measures the pressure generated in the ear canal. The tympanometer records changes in pressure, then special charts are created that are interpreted by the doctor. This test is not painful and shows high measurement accuracy. A slightly different method hearing tests is the study of evoked potentials from the brainstem. Doing it hearing tests is preceded by attaching special electrodes to the patient’s scalp. They record the impulses that arise in the brain itself and respond to sound.
Hearing test – price
What is the hearing test price? It depends on what method it will be performed. The above-mentioned tests can be performed at the National Health Fund. However, you have to take into account the necessity to wait in line to see a specialist – from several weeks to even several months. It depends on the place where we want to get tested. Hearing tests however, they are not expensive and in some cases it is worth making them yourself. We will pay about PLN 40 for tympanometry. The more expensive method is otoacoustic emission – hers Dinner however, it usually does not exceed PLN 60. These methods are very accurate and completely safe.