There is a belief that white dots on the nails appear for success, and stripes for a gift. However, doctors do not share this opinion. But the appearance of the nails can easily determine the state of health.
We study the shape and relief
Primarily color: healthy nails have a pleasant pink tint. But the unnatural yellowness speaks of a weak liver, or even jaundice. The bright red color hints that it is time to check the blood, most likely there is an excess of red blood cells in it. A delicate bluish scale, alas, does not speak of a noble origin, but indicates heart problems. If the color of the nails turns white, anemia may have started.
However, a yellowish tint is a common thing for girls who could not part with a cigarette. Most often this is a direct consequence of a bad habit. A similar surprise can be presented by low-quality nail polish and even medications (for example, tetracycline).
Transverse grooves: indicate poor nutrition or chronic illness. It is possible that the nails lack vitamin PP (niacin), on which the functioning of the digestive tract and the nervous system depends. You can fill the lack of a valuable trace element with grain bread, fresh meat, legumes and buckwheat.
In case of disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin PP can be poorly absorbed. Then you cannot do without the additional help of doctors.
White dots: may indicate a lack of calcium. Include dairy products, apricots, shrimps, cucumbers, seaweed and sesame seeds in your menu. Vitamin D will help to fully absorb calcium. Visit your gynecologist: white dots on the nails may indicate hormonal disruptions.
Healthy nails have a smooth surface and a delicate pink tint.
Slow growth: may be due to chronic stress. Nervousness is not beneficial: it causes vasospasm, impairs (or increases) appetite. The whole body is exposed to stress, and the nails are not the last to react. Give them extra care. Apply masks, apply nourishing creams more often, and use nail growth enhancers such as INM’s Pro-Tech System. It contains artificial proteins that stimulate the growth of the nail plate.
Brittleness and delamination: the result of neglecting household gloves while washing dishes and cleaning. Nail and cuticle oils such as INM’s Premium Cuticle Oil can help prevent delamination of the nail plate. It minimizes the possibility of injury to the fragile nail plate during manicure, since it has a beneficial effect on the cuticle, softening and smoothing it.
The growth rate of the nail plate slows down somewhat with age and in the cold season.
To improve the condition of the nails, include jellied meat and aspic in the diet, that is, products that include natural gelatin – it contains a lot of valuable trace elements that are useful not only for nails, but also for joints and bone tissue. You can pamper yourself with jellies, marshmallows, marmalade, and other agar-containing desserts. Derived from brown seaweed, this powder has the same benefits as gelatin.
Main factors
Large, protruding, too prominent – weak heart and lungs, suspected tuberculosis.
Too concave – lack of iron. Alcohol is contraindicated for their owner.
Short flat nails – heart disease, hypersensitivity to stuffiness, fatigue.
Large lunula size (crescent, located at the base of the nail) – tachycardia.
Lack of lunula – neurosis of the heart.
Flat curved – asthma, bronchitis.
Flattened, crumbling – worms.
Brittle grooves on the nail – lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
Layers on the nail, similar to salt deposits – diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Stripes and blotches on the nail – diseases of the spleen and small intestine.
Triangular nails – problems with the spine and spinal cord.
INM Pro-Tech System nail growth enhancer. INM Premium Cuticle Oil. Whitening product from Maybelline New York. Base varnish for smooth and whitened nails from Yves Rocher.