Healthy intestines. How to do it?

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Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, skin problems, poor immunity, mood swings, constant fatigue and trouble sleeping – these are the first signs that our intestines are not functioning properly. How to care for the intestines? Which of the common beliefs, e.g. that the intestines need to be cleaned, are true and which are false? Dr. Barbara Skrzydło Radomańska, gastroenterologist, explains.

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1/ 8 Drink plenty of fluids. Truth

It is advisable to consume at least two liters of neutral liquids daily. It can be water, juices, soups, milk drinks such as buttermilk or kefir. However, alcohol, coffee and tea do not count. Why is fluid consumption so important? When the body is well hydrated, the fecal matter is removed more quickly. On the other hand, when we lack water, the body protects itself against dehydration by retaining its remnants in the intestines, and thus constipation occurs. Many toxic substances such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are produced in the large intestine. When they are excreted regularly, they do not affect our health, but if the colon does not function properly, they can penetrate the mucosa into the blood and disrupt the work of other organs.

2/ 8 Eat foods with fiber. Truth.

Dietary fiber contained, inter alia, in fruits and vegetables, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system. Fiber stimulates the secretion of saliva that facilitates chewing, accelerates intestinal peristalsis, reduces the feeling of hunger (so we do not eat excessively). Foods rich in fiber are digested more easily and stay in the intestines for a shorter time. Fiber contributes to the regulation of the bowel movement rhythm. It prevents constipation, intestinal diverticulosis, and gastrointestinal cancer. The decomposition of cellulose (which is the main component of fiber) produces propionic, acetic and butyric acids. The latter is of particular importance for the proper functioning of the intestines, as it recreates the structure of the intestinal mucosa and regulates its physiological functions.

3/ 8 Introduce silage to your diet. Truth.

In the process of food fermentation, lactic acid bacteria and probiotic bacteria are formed, which have a huge impact on the body’s immune system. The so-called good bacteria are a counterweight to pathogenic bacteria, prevent their excessive multiplication in the body of the latter. The presence of good bacteria in the large intestine is of particular importance, where a lot of harmful bacteria are produced in the putrefaction process. Lactic acid bacteria have a great effect on the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and its sealing. A healthy, dense intestinal wall prevents harmful substances from entering the bloodstream and prevents intoxication of the body.

4/ 8 Fast. Falsehood.

Occasional fasting resulting from tradition, e.g. in the period before Christmas, has not hurt anyone yet. But the regular use of starvation as a way to cleanse the body can be harmful. The undesirable effects of fasting include a decrease in the body’s immunity, worse functioning of the nervous system or the occurrence of latent diseases, e.g. cholelithiasis. Starvation disrupts the natural, physiological rhythm of cleansing the body, which when properly nourished, eliminates toxic substances itself.

5/ 8 Decide on hydrocolonotherapy. Falsehood.

Hydrocolonotherapy, which is the procedure of passing filtered water through the colon through the colon, which is fashionable and praised by celebrities, is supposed to regulate the functioning of the intestines, have a positive effect on the appearance and well-being. However, studies have shown that it can lead to kidney failure, liver dysfunction, anemia and, if not properly done, even mechanical damage to the colon. The use of hydrocolonotherapy makes sense only when it is part of preparation for medical treatments.

6/ 8 Get moving. Truth.

It is not about movement resulting, for example, from doing housework, but about time devoted to yourself. The recommended dose of exercise is 40 minutes three times a week, during which the heart rate increases. A good way to be active is swimming, cycling, and a quick walk. The intestines do not like stillness – staying in one position for a long time harms them, especially if we are wearing additional tight, tight clothing.

7/ 8 Avoid stress. Truth.

Stress, neurosis, anxiety cause intestinal disorders and can lead to, among others, until the onset of irritable bowel syndrome. This problem is so common that it is the second reason for absenteeism after colds. It mainly affects women (70% of cases) aged 20-40. Symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, gas, gas and bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome is treated primarily by changing your diet, but also by relaxing.

8/ 8 Bacteria affect how the brain works. Truth

Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles have found that eating probiotic yoghurts changes brain function. The experts divided the group of 36 women aged 18 to 55 into 3 teams. The first for four weeks, she ate yogurt twice a day containing a mixture of bacteria that positively influenced the gut. The second was given yogurt free of bacteria. The third did not eat yogurt at all. In the meantime, the ladies were examined with MRI at rest and while viewing and assessing photos showing various emotions. As it turned out? Women who ate yogurt with the bacteria had a less active part of the brain called the insula. It processes and integrates the signals sent by the body, including the intestines. The part of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing signals about the body was also less active. In the remaining groups, the activity of the parts of the brain processing emotions related to thought processes, memory and feeling was stable or increased. At rest, women who consumed probiotics showed better “connectivity” between the brainstem (gray matter) and the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for thought processes. On the other hand, in the case of not consuming dairy products, the brainstem and the area responsible for emotions communicated better. The discovery that gut bacteria affect the way the brain works could help explain depression and anxiety after changing diet. Perhaps the knowledge of proper nutrition will gain new meaning in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, as well as mental and neurological diseases.

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