Healthy human sleep – 10 rules and recommendations

We live in such an intense rhythm that we have forgotten how important it is for the body to maintain a healthy and sound sleep. Probably, even one of the readers did not sleep well today. Let’s go through the topic with you and grab only the most important. Go.

Nature arranged the body in such a way that it could reboot. Through sleep.

What is a dream? In simple words

Let’s imagine that the human body is a complex computer. In it, the brain is the processing center for all operations, is responsible for the operation of subsystems, and in general it has a bunch of neurons.

What if this computer doesn’t have a “restart” button? Where it leads? For a while everything will work properly, then there will be violations. Further, irreversible consequences may already occur – the brain will be overloaded with information and work. Indeed, brain cells are cleansed, the same thing happens with other organs during sleep. We already know the biological meaning of sleep – “reboot”. The work of the organism as a whole depends on the quality of this “reboot”. What are the criteria for healthy sleep?

Interesting fact. Why is it easier to fall asleep under the sound of rain? Primitive man lived in a cave. The onset of rain meant that predatory animals would not reach the dwelling, which means you can sleep peacefully. Evolution passed it on to us.

Healthy sleep mode. What is it and how to track it?

Healthy sleep begins with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, in the body. This occurs at night and in the absence of external stimuli. The process of dreaming itself is a cycle of changing phases of REM and deep sleep. In each of them, the body behaves in its own way.

During the fast phase, the body is activated – breathing quickens, the work of the nervous system accelerates. It is at this stage that we see colorful dreams with you. In deep sleep, the whole process is mirrored, they say about this stage: “Even if you shoot from a cannon, they won’t wake you up.”

Each phase of sleep lasts about an hour and a half. Somnologists say that healthy sleep should last 5 such cycles. It’s a paradox, but there are somnologists who don’t get enough sleep.

You can track your sleep stages using the usual fitness bracelet. The gadget reacts to the pulse during sleep and determines how well you slept. It is clear that the data is approximate, but they give a general idea.

Hours and attributes of healthy sleep

10 pm to 2 am is the recommended time window for starting sleep. It is important to take into account the duration of the cycles. Here, too, there is one important detail – the individual need for sleep. For example, during a period of emotional or physical stress, you need to sleep more. Also, the required duration is affected by age.

Interesting fact. To feel quality sleep, it is enough to wake up exactly at the end of the cycle. Surely it happened to you that you slept for only 3 hours, but you felt cheerful.

One of the important attributes of sleep is the position in which you sleep. Everyday example: you slept for 7.5 hours on your back or you slept for 9 hours in a sitting position during a plane flight. Question: after what sleep will you feel overwhelmed?

Briefly about poses

  • On the back. The most correct posture: the spine is straightened, the load on the heart is reduced. Not suitable for pregnant women and those with snoring and respiratory problems.
  • On the stomach. The most harmful. The chest is compressed, due to the rotation of the head, blood circulation to the brain is disturbed. Increased stress on muscles and joints.
  • On the side Muscles relax, the spine naturally bends. Not recommended for people with heart problems.

Physical attributes of sleep: mattress and pillow

  • Mattress. The mattress should be replaced every seven years, as it is deformed by the human body. Yes, and you should not save on it, you use it every day, and a systematically incorrect posture will lead to bad consequences.
  • Pillow. Recommended height: 10-15 cm, width: according to the size of the shoulders. Orthopedic pillows with artificial filler are best suited. They repeat the bend of the neck and do not have allergic properties.

Consequences of lack of sleep

Lack of healthy sleep leads to problems of internal organs. Also, cognitive abilities are reduced – you clearly had a case of absent-mindedness from lack of sleep. Plus, lack of sleep leads to obesity, the body asks for more calories that are not used in the cause. Growth hormone, which is needed to maintain tone, is not produced. It is especially true if you seriously took up your figure and started training with a professional trainer.

You can talk about the dangers and consequences of poor sleep for a long time. It is best to remember the 10 rules of healthy sleep.

10 rules for healthy sleep

  1. The last meal before bedtime is a maximum of 3 hours – on a full stomach, the body will be busy digesting, and not “rebooting”.
  2. We turn off gadgets and draw the curtains – we stimulate the appearance of melatonin.
  3. Orthopedic mattress – for the right effect on the body.
  4. The pillow is neither soft nor hard. Shoulder width, height up to 15 cm.
  5. Posture depending on physiology – just not on the stomach.
  6. 5 cycles – try to go to bed with this amount of sleep.
  7. Monitoring – record the characteristics of your sleep using a fitness bracelet.
  8. Regular exercise helps to get deep sleep.
  9. Going to bed at the same time – this is how the reflex is developed in the body.
  10. The best time to start sleeping is between 22:02 and 00:XNUMX, try earlier.

We spend a third of our life in sleep. This means that it is necessary to bring this part of the time to a high level of quality.

How to overcome insomnia?

What is insomnia It’s a sleep cycle disorder. It can be caused by physiological and emotional reasons. Chronic insomnia slowly but surely disrupts the functioning of the organs and is the cause of the weakening of the whole organism.

How to overcome? First, you should try to teach yourself to fall asleep forcibly. For example, going to bed at 23:00 and not getting out of bed, not reaching for the gadget. Just lie down. After a couple of weeks of this practice, the body can accustom itself to fall asleep.

If it doesn’t help, use sedatives that are made on a natural basis. If this does not help, then you should consult a doctor. Although this is best done in the first place after the discovery of insomnia. It is important to eliminate the cause.

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