Healthy habits in your forties. The body will thank you in the future

Health and lifestyle habits are like New Year’s resolutions, we always promise ourselves that we will change something, we don’t always manage to stick to it. However, when we reach XNUMX, it is worth introducing more and more changes to our lifestyle, because they will pay off in the future.

  1. A few changes to your daily routine can produce great results
  2. People over 40 should include regular activity in the daily schedule, do not forget about quality sleep and pay attention to what lands on the plate
  3. Here are some simple habits to implement after your 40th birthday
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Habits after 40: let’s be active

How many exercises do you do daily or weekly? There is no single answer to this question. Some may exercise (walk, run, dance) 20 minutes a day, while others may exercise for hours. It is important that movement is a permanent element of our lives.

It’s a good habit to do small exercises every day and slowly increase your goal, such as aiming at 10. steps. Any physical exercise releases endorphins in the brain, makes the heart beat faster and is invaluable to our health.

Habits after 40: let’s train if we can

As long as health allows, it is important that there is an element of strength training in physical activity. «With age, our muscle mass decreases by 1-5 percent. per year, strength training or yoga can help make up for these losses. Bones can also lose density, so the demands we place on our muscles during strength training will also have a positive effect on our bones » says British personal trainer Annie Deadman.

Do you practice yoga?

You can buy Airex Calyana Prime compact yoga mat at

Habits after 40: let’s sleep regularly

We all need sleep naturally, but not all are aware of how important it is for health. Sleep is essential for keeping your brain focused and working all day long, and its lack of sleep immediately translates into worse health. Sleep also gives the body time to recover from exercise, so it’s especially important to get the recommended seven to nine hours a day sleep if you exercise regularly.

If you have trouble sleeping, you can try supplementation. At Medonet Market you can buy, for example, RestMe from Health Labs Care, which helps you fall into deep sleep.

Habits after the age of 40: drink water and take dietary supplements

A balanced diet is necessary to stay healthy, but we are not always able to provide ourselves with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Some of them will be delivered with healthy food, some with water, which we should drink at least 1,5 liters a day, and some with supplements. Let’s choose supplements to the condition of our body, and if in doubt, consult a doctor.

Habits after the age of 40: let’s supplement the diet with protein

Protein is an important macronutrient, research has shown that it also helps the development and maintenance of muscle fibers in the body. As we age, our muscle mass naturally diminishes. Along with regular exercise, consuming enough protein (around 0,75 g per day per kg of body weight) can support muscle mass.

Are you 40 years old?

Remember to check regularly! The following are available at Medonet Market:

  1. A panel of diagnostic tests for women over 40 (blood and urine analysis)
  2. A diagnostic test package for men over forty

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