Healthy foods that are actually bad

A real specialist in the field of advertising is able to substantiate the health benefits of anything, even condensed milk. Let’s debunk these myths.

The whole world has gone crazy lately. Proper nutrition, Dukan’s diet, keto diet, separate meals and God knows what else. Each theorist has his own list of what you can eat and what you can’t. Let’s dot the i once and for all.

Muesli and cereal

As well as ready-made breakfasts and snacks for children, such as mini biscuits. Something useful is only in muesli. Everything else is empty calories, devoid of all trace elements, vitamins, nutrients. After thorough heat treatment and refining, only sugar remains in cereals and breakfast cereals. A bunch of fast carbohydrates, harmful to the teeth and figure, that’s all.

Muesli, to be honest, is also not the best choice. Sugar and dried fruits are usually added to them, the dangers of which we will talk about later. And even store-bought granola suffers from excessive sugar content. The best choice is regular rolled oats, dried in the oven and mixed with nuts and seeds.

Dried fruits

No, we didn’t make a reservation. Admit it, which dried apricots do you prefer to buy? Surely, after all, a viscous orange color, with a honey sheen, which melts in your mouth, as the seller promised. And it would be better – an unsympathetic wrinkled apricot. The fact is that the latter is dried naturally. Beautiful dried fruits are obtained when they are soaked in sugar syrup and dried. Voila – instead of a healthy snack, you throw a high dose of sugar into the body.


Three – five pieces a day are useful, of course, let’s not argue. But which of us was limited to three pieces? Usually, as it happens: I bought one hundred grams – I ate one hundred grams. And then bloating and other intestinal rebellion begins. Peanuts are especially harmful, by the way. It contains substances that trigger acne. In addition, all nuts are quite allergenic.

Dairy produce

You can argue as much as you like about whether adults drink milk, but we are not talking about that now. Low-fat yoghurts and cottage cheese are harmful by deceiving us. We expect that we will provide ourselves with calcium, but it simply cannot be absorbed from low-fat foods. 5-9 percent fat is the optimal level.

However, too fatty dairy products are also harmful. They not only raise cholesterol, but also enhance the work of the sebaceous glands. And as a result, what? That’s right, acne.


Just don’t hit, we’ll explain everything now. Not all fruits are useful, but only non-seasonal ones. Apples that have lain in the store all winter and turned into cotton wool will not bring you anything useful. And they will hardly be tasty. And from overseas fruits, it is better to first peel off the wax that covers their skin. As for the exotic: experts assure that our Russian body is not able to assimilate the useful from the unfamiliar products. So, if passionfruit or papaya falls once a year, you shouldn’t count on a good dose of vitamins. Except for allergies. But all ours, from native latitudes, on the contrary, are very useful. Maybe not so tasty.

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