Healthy fats: where to get it, products, recipes for weight loss

It sounds paradoxical, but fat will help you get rid of those extra pounds.

“Low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal in water, fresh vegetables, whole grain bread – these are your best friends,” nutritionists have been repeating for years to girls who dream of an ideal figure. And then it turned out: it was not at all necessary to torture yourself like that and refuse your favorite food.

The thing is that the fats that are contained in foods are different – saturated and unsaturated. The first ones are harmful, but only in large quantities. Every person needs 20-30 grams of pure saturated fat per day.

Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, not only contain useful substances, but also speed up the metabolism. In addition, with the intake of a sufficient amount of fat from the outside, our body does not create its reserves “for a rainy day.” By the way, the keto diet, which is fashionable among the stars, is built precisely on the use of a large amount of fat. Read more about this here. figured out which fatty foods should be included in your diet in order to lose weight.

Almost 100 percent animal fat is good for breakfast and snack. Of course, it all depends on how you use it. Fried cracklings with potatoes are not the best option. But a couple of slices of regular bacon or salted lard will only be beneficial. By the way, these products contain vitamin F, which the body cannot produce on its own, but only gets it from food.

Recipe: carbonara with bacon, green peas, almonds and basil.

It is believed that a small slice of cheese contains more nutrients than a glass of milk. Useful fatty acids, protein, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12 are just a small part of what the body will assimilate from this product. But don’t overuse! Cheese, despite all its advantages, is high in calories. Yes, and it is better to use it, so to speak, in its original form, and not to fry or bake.

Recipe: homemade kefir cheese.

Many people consider this meat to be very fatty, so they are afraid to cook it often. But in vain! After all, lamb contains omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid, which is even included in various weight loss supplements. And this meat also has a huge supply of vitamin B12. Nutritionists are sure that lamb is even healthier than beef, which we are told so much.

Recipe: mutton more regal.

This fatty fruit (yes, an avocado is not a vegetable) contains not only healthy fats, but also almost three dozen vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, all avocado dishes, from Mexican guacamole to salads, are prepared easily, quickly and without any heat treatment. This means that its beneficial properties are retained one hundred percent.

Recipe: salad with feta cheese and avocado.

And again, red meat, which we used to consider harmful. But experts have already proven that this is not the case. Pork contains monounsaturated (i.e. healthy) fats. And if you still doubt the opinion of nutritionists, you can simply choose a tenderloin without layers of fat for preparing a delicious dinner. It will definitely turn out tasty and healthy! In addition, pig meat contains a lot of potassium and iron.

Recipe: glazed pork in oriental style.

Probably everyone already knows that olive oil is a source of healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, acids. But, as they say, not olives alone … Butter, for example, is no less useful. Of course, it’s not worth eating in kilograms, but a couple of small sandwiches with it will only benefit. And even with the same keto diet, it is advised to use ghee when frying or baking any products. Flaxseed oil, hemp oil and even … coconut oil are no less useful.

Recipe: butter dip with baked pepper and ground paprika.

And again – as bold as possible! Firstly, it is milk fat that contains linoleic acid, which helps to lose weight. In low-fat cottage cheese, it is not, and there are much less vitamins. In addition, let’s be honest: low-fat cottage cheese is still disgusting, and in order to somehow improve its taste, manufacturing companies often add sugar and other not very useful substances there.

By the way, in order not to overdo it with calories (we want to reduce weight, not increase it), it is better to eat cottage cheese with fruits and vegetables, and not with sour cream and sugar.

Once we were advised to eat only protein, considering that the yolk contains “bad cholesterol”. But then it turned out that this substance does not affect the level of cholesterol in human blood. But there are plenty of antioxidants and the right fats. So feel free to make egg salads, omelets, pancakes, and just eat them boiled – perhaps this is the healthiest.

Recipe: eggs more Scottish.

Salmon, trout, mackerel, sardine, herring … Until recently, they were considered harmful, but then doctors gave amnesty to these products, and now they advise those who want to be slim and healthy to add them to their diet. They contain only valuable omega-3 fatty acids, but also very high quality protein.

Recipe: tender trout in cream.

Pistachios, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts … All of them perfectly help to satisfy hunger, and are considered an ideal snack. In addition to healthy fats, they contain a lot of vitamins, including E – the “vitamin of beauty and youth.”

Recipe: eggplant with nuts in Georgian style.

It is not without reason that dishes with peanut butter are offered even in cafes of fitness centers. Here you will have high-quality fats, and easily digestible protein, and iron, and folic acid, and more than a dozen vitamins! Here’s the catch: because of the high calorie content, you should not eat more than a tablespoon per day. However, this is quite enough to spread on a loaf, add to black coffee for taste or decorate it with some kind of snack.

Recipe: cheesecakes with peanut butter.

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