Healthy eating standard: choosing a healthy dessert

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Today it is fashionable to be young and healthy regardless of age, and the choice of natural products and healthy eating habits help in this. How to eat right without giving up delicious treats?

“The role of food in our life is much broader than just replenishing energy resources,” says psychologist Yekaterina Milushina. – For example, we use food to interact with others, we try to get rid of stress with it. This is called eating habits – they are behavioral programs that work under certain conditions. “

Like any other, eating habits can be good and bad. Every child knows: porridge for breakfast is a good habit, and a bun with tea instead of dinner is bad. But instilling in children the desire to eat right is not so easy. For example, scientists from Cornell University have proved: the more parents insist on clean plates (the famous “So that nothing remains on the plate!”), The more often children will eat “forbidden” outside the home, realizing their right to freedom. The psychologist advises: “It is important to start with the most important thing: to instill in children the culture of family meals, to develop an interest in studying the composition of foods.” Indeed, why not turn an everyday lunch into an educational game? For example, this can be done using simple questions: “Why is milk useful?”, “What products does it contain?”, “Why do we need calcium?” etc.

It is more difficult for adults in this situation, because there is no system of external control over us. If you haven’t developed healthy eating habits since childhood, do them now. However, experts do not advise taking on everything at once – it is most effective to start with one or two (for example, stop eating enough at night and exclude rich bread from your diet). When starting to work on yourself, create an “ideal image,” in other words, imagine how your life will change after you cope with the task: the silhouette will become chiseled, movements will be easier, and you will feel better. Then set a clear deadline (how long will it take for you to develop a new habit?) And be sure to assign yourself a reward for defeating weaknesses. Psychologists define the minimum period for the formation of a new habit from 21 to 28 days.

Refusing something loved in his diet, a person experiences stress, and therefore can break loose at the very last moment. It’s no secret that girls and children find it most difficult to resist sweets. However, nutritionists believe that this is not necessary: ​​the main thing is to choose a healthy and low-calorie dessert. For example, ice cream. Yes, you heard right: contrary to all stereotypes, your favorite ice cream since childhood contains only 232 kcal – the permissible norm for any diet, 15 g of milk fat and 20 g of carbohydrates.

In order for the dessert to be not harmful, it is necessary to carefully study its composition. Only in a natural ice cream you will find milk, butter, sugar and other healthy ingredients, and not artificial and identical to natural flavors and colors. You can buy the delicacy in regular supermarkets: it is easy to recognize by its bright yellow packaging with the inscription “Gold Standard”. Yelena Tikhomirova, a nutritionist, member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, comments: “In my opinion, the Gold Standard ice cream is ideal for a healthy diet for the whole family. It contains milk fat, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) necessary for the body, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis, lecithin, which is involved in the process of burning fat, and arachidonic acid, which is necessary for maintaining immunity. ” It turns out that the Gold Standard ice cream will perfectly complement the diet of the whole family.

“We add blueberry puree, prunes, dried apricots to the ice cream, which increase the content of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and have an excellent preventive effect on the whole body. The production uses the latest automatic equipment and modern technology. The secret of the classic taste of ice cream is fresh and 100% natural ingredients, as well as quality control at all stages of production, ”says Yulia Stepochkina, chief technologist of the research and development department at Unilever.

Maybe gathering at a large table to pamper yourself with a cool ice cream will become your new family tradition, and then a good habit?

Golden standard ice cream

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