Special rules must be followed at the table. Their observance will allow food to be better digested and assimilated. So, there is a need:
• only when you are really hungry;
• chewing thoroughly and slowly;
• be sure to sit, never on the move;
• small pieces;
• in a calm atmosphere and good mood;
• no more than four dishes at a time;
• do not wash down, and also do not drink immediately after meals;
• only natural food;
• completely focusing on eating and not being distracted by other things;
• only freshly prepared food, do not eat yesterday’s;
• more foods containing fiber, as well as fresh vegetables, herbs;
• most of the daily diet for lunch.
By adhering to these simple rules, you can count on significant improvements in health and fitness.
Today, many are beginning to wonder how well they eat, whether their diet is right.
The main requirement for a healthy diet is balance. With regard to consumed calories, then their amount should not exceed the amount consumed. When compiling a weekly menu, you need to correctly calculate the ratio of the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber consumed with food.
Here’s a sample healthy food menu for the week:
For breakfast – flakes with skim milk, you can sweeten them with honey.
For lunch – boiled chicken with rice garnish, a slice of black bread and one tomato.
For dinner – apple or rhubarb pancakes.
For breakfast – fish baked with mushrooms and freshly squeezed juice.
For lunch – soup, homemade roast, juice.
For dinner – boiled chicken with a garnish of vegetables and low-fat yogurt.
For breakfast – oatmeal on the water, cucumber, tea with bread and butter.
For lunch – vegetable broth with breadcrumbs, salad, liver with mashed potatoes.
For dinner – rice and apple casserole, a glass of mineral water.
For breakfast – Hercules porridge, scrambled eggs, tea.
For lunch – okroshka with meat, pancakes with fish and jelly.
For dinner – a glass of kefir with biscuits.
For breakfast – boiled potatoes, a slice of fish, cucumber. For dessert, tea and a bread and cheese sandwich.
For lunch – soup with cauliflower, rice with a slice of chicken, a slice of bread and compote.
For dinner – buckwheat with stewed vegetables, a slice of bread and juice.
For breakfast – semolina with milk, coffee and a couple of cookies.
For lunch – bean borscht, cabbage salad, a piece of chicken, some kind of fruit and mineral water.
For dinner – a stew of vegetables, a steamed cutlet, tea and an apple.
For breakfast – an omelet with potatoes, salad and a glass of tomato juice.
For lunch – cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, stewed fish with vegetables and a glass of mineral water.
For dinner – pilaf, vegetables, grapefruit.
Perhaps one more rule of healthy eating should be applied – the separate use of foods and their correct combination with each other. It is also important that if you eat bread, then it should be whole grain bread: it contains a ground grain shell, which removes toxins from the body.
For those who are overweight, the problem of proper and healthy nutrition is even more acute. Those who have ever been on a diet know that the most important dish on almost any diet is a fresh vegetable salad. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that contribute to weight loss. There are also foods that are more likely to help you lose weight. Here is a sample list of such products:
• Tomatoes, which are low in calories but still contain a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin C and half of the requirement of carotene.
• Cabbage contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C.
• Corn, as well as all legumes, even after heat treatment, contain a large amount of B vitamins, fiber and proteins.
• Bell peppers are rich in vitamins C and A.
• Carrots are a storehouse of vitamin A. In order to improve vision, you need to eat only two carrots with vegetable oil a day.
• Eggs are a source of protein, selenium and folic acid. Such a composition of nutrients, the creature speeds up the metabolism and at the same time does not allow a person to be hungry.
• Apples – the number one fruit for losing weight, which promotes natural bowel cleansing, as well as saturates the body with vitamins and antioxidants.
• Avocado – despite the significant calorie content, it is very useful, but it is better not to overuse it.
• Nuts are another high-calorie food with great nutritional value. Nuts are rich in trace elements and fiber. They also contain a lot of proteins, fats and vitamin E. They do an excellent job with the cleansing function, so it is better to include several kernels of walnuts in the daily diet.
• Olives, which are often confused with olives, are very healthy, they remove excess fluid from the body.
Most women think about proper nutrition mainly when they face the problem of excess weight. But a lean body is not all that a healthy diet can provide. For a woman, first of all, it is important to be harmonious, to have good health for the birth of healthy babies.
It is better to choose products not just because they are useful, but precisely those that are useful for this particular woman. After all, what is good for one person can harm another. There is no one-size-fits-all diet.
The main criterion for choosing a diet is a person’s taste preferences and his current state of health. Unfortunately, not many people think about how rich their menu is with nutrients, vitamins and prebiotics, whether there is enough fresh vegetables and fruits in it and how diverse it is.
Proper nutrition should provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and at the same time be as balanced as possible. If a person is not overweight, then it is enough for him to follow the general principles of proper nutrition. It is necessary to consume per day:
• up to three servings of cereals,
• up to two servings of foods containing protein,
• up to six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables,
• no more than one serving of alcohol and sweets.
It should be remembered that the main thing is that the diet is as varied and healthy as possible. And only natural food, devoid of any chemical additives, can be useful. You should pay close attention to the quality of the consumed products.
Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to talk about the environmental friendliness of food. Almost everything we eat contains harmful substances in the form of heavy metals, pesticides and chemical compounds that negatively affect human health. Modern technologies in most cases are not able to completely rid products of harmful compounds, and even sometimes, on the contrary, contribute to their formation.
Currently, there is a sharp deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the diet of a modern person. And this already leads to serious disturbances in the activity of the body and the occurrence of diseases.
An unbalanced diet can lead to a drop in the body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors and resistance to bacteria and viruses. In addition, there is a problem of excess weight among most of the adult population of our country. The reasons for such violations lie in a person’s departure from nature, from natural products to products of the modern food industry, which in its content is very far from the ideal of a healthy diet.
The region of human habitation plays an important role in the theory of proper nutrition. As you know, the memory of ancestors is quite strong, which means that it will be more useful for a person to eat what his ancestors ate. This is due to the fact that each nation has had special living conditions for many centuries. Accordingly, there were changes in the gastrointestinal tract, depending on the conditions of food consumption.
Experiments on the exchange of food rations between people from different areas and different food traditions have shown that in most cases, such changes negatively affected the well-being and health of a person.
Slavic peoples have always had their own special food culture, because the area of residence has always contributed to a rich and varied diet. We grow cereals, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, vegetables and fruits, livestock are well bred.
Over the centuries, its own culture of cooking and eating food has been formed, as well as traditional medicine methods for treating various diseases with the help of a special diet.
It is clear that our bodies are poorly adapted to the intake of food that is alien to us. At the same time, different peoples must also adhere to their own food culture. For example, everyone knows that the Japanese living on the ocean coast eat a lot of fresh fish and seaweed. It is clear that such a diet may not be suitable for the inhabitants of the desert. And the diet of the northern peoples mainly contains animal products, while there are tribes that eat exclusively vegetarian food and do not accept meat.
In any case, it should be remembered that it is better to make a healthy diet as a lifestyle, and not as a temporary measure for weight loss.