healthy Eating

Chelyabinsk is not the cleanest city. This means that you need to take care of your own health with a vengeance. This is especially true of food – after all, it builds our body. Woman’s Day will tell you where to find healthy food in Chelyabinsk.

Woman’s Day posed questions to those selling healthy food:

  • Who is your food offered to?
  • How Much Does a Healthy Eating Day Cost?
  • Why count calories?
  • What is the most popular product or dish? How much is food per day?
  • What is the most harmful food in your opinion?

Bio Food, healthy food delivery, Vyacheslav Pankov, organizer:

“Bio Food is a food delivery service for busy people who have no time to go shopping, count calories, cook correct, balanced meals at home, but do not want to eat in fast foods. Proper nutrition is designed for those who want to lose weight, or vice versa, gain weight, and do it right.

Customers’ diets are compiled using a calorie calculator. I count separately plant and animal proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Calorie counting is the basis of any correct diet, a person must know exactly how much he consumes and spends energy, otherwise how will he lose weight? I try to make my food varied. Different dishes every day. But the daily diet always contains all types of proteins: chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, meat. And, of course, vegetables. I can also offer unusual products: rabbit, duck, shrimp and avocado salad, oysters.

On average, a day of healthy eating costs 800–1000 rubles.

The most harmful food is fried in oil. French fries, nuggets. When oil goes through several frying cycles, it turns into a real poison. “

Good Food, healthy food delivery, Dmitry Amelchenkov, project manager:

“The idea of ​​a healthy diet, as well as a healthy lifestyle, has been gaining popularity in our country in general for the last 10 years. At first, we wanted to organize the delivery of vegetarian food, but for now we are dealing with the delivery of Japanese food without additives. Many Japanese restaurants add many flavor enhancers, preservatives, glutamate to their dishes. Our food is no additives. Over time, we will have both European cuisine and vegetarian dishes. At first we focused on young people, but our clients were people from 30 to 40 years old who are too busy with work to cook tasty and healthy food on their own.

The most popular dishes are the “Philadelphia” and “California” rolls. Although interest in other dishes is growing: hot, soups, we also have desserts.

It is difficult to say what healthy and unhealthy food is. It all depends on the quantity. Drinking 200 grams of grapefruit juice is healthy. But a liter of it will no longer be assimilated by the body, there is nothing good in this. Therefore, I consider a kitchen with a lot of fats to be harmful. This is Bavarian and German cuisine. One serving of sausages contains a two-day calorie intake. That is, you can eat one serving for two days! A person should not overeat.

To avoid this, you need a calorie counter. It is on our site. Not everyone has time for a run, a gym, even for simple exercises, but you need to keep track of your weight. By entering your parameters: height, weight, gender, age, you can find out your approximate daily calorie intake. And regulate food.

On average, a day of healthy food costs from 800 rubles. “

Only You, healthy food delivery, Olga Sazonova, head:

“Healthy eating is not a diet, but a way of life. The transition to a healthy diet helps to cope with many diseases, raise tone, and lose weight. Principles: you need to eat six times a day in small portions, between meals – at least three hours, the food should be low-fat and non-nutritive. Until eight o’clock in the evening, you need to have time to drink 3 liters of water, warm water should be drunk 15 minutes before meals. We have different nutrition programs for different purposes, designed for 10, 14, 20, 30 days. Weight Loss Program – for those who want to lose weight. “Balanced nutrition” helps to keep weight at the same level, but at the same time get the necessary amount of useful vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. “Sports nutrition” – for athletes, it is very difficult to calculate, for specific training. There are baby food and maternity nutrition programs. We always have fresh dishes, we individually calculate the calorie content for each client. Those who use our services lose weight in the first week.

Diet. Weight loss. 1501 kcal

Healthy food day – from 1500 rubles.

The most harmful foods are fast food and fried.

Calorie counting is an integral part of our job. By fitting the daily calorie intake into the diet, we can calculate how much to eat at each meal. ”

Sasha Versal, home delivery healthy food restaurant, Sasha Versal, manager:

“A healthy diet is the most varied diet in which the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is balanced. Our menu is structured this way. It is calculated for a month and is scheduled on a daily basis. Seven days – seven cuisines from different countries, five dishes in one day. These are Italian, Japanese, French, Thai, American, Indian and Russian cuisine. In this way, we provide the maximum variety in the diet, which is also important for health.

One day of healthy food costs 1500 rubles if ordered for a day, and it will cost less – 1300 rubles if you buy a program for a month.

Our menu is designed for ordinary people looking after their health, not for athletes.

The most harmful food is fast food.

Counting calories is not a primary task, the main thing is to know what you are eating, how much protein, fat and carbohydrates. First of all – quality and composition, not quantity ”.

“Rainbow of Health”, Department of Healthy Nutrition, Lyubov Lapteva, Head:

“In our department, you can buy food for vegetarians, vegans and diabetics, as well as healthy foods that are suitable for everyone who cares about their diet. We have a lot of rare products. Various natural oils, whole grain flour – more than 30 types, flour from sprouted seeds, herbal, berry and flower teas, natural protein cocktails without additives and flavors, urbech – nut paste, bran. For vegetarians and vegans, everything for sprouting is popular, as well as already sprouted grains, meat substitutes, soy meat and lentil products, wheat germ, cocoa butter, sesame and walnut flour. You can also buy spices from us, a variety of honey products without additives, algae – spirulina and seaweed, seaweed salt. Porridges that are not boiled, but filled with water, flax products, spelled products – wild wheat: whole grains, pasta, cereals, crisps, chips. Many products from ginger, cutlets from chickpea, lentil and buckwheat flour.

The most popular is black cumin oil. It helps in the fight against viral, fungal and bacterial infections, improves immunity. Buy oat bran well.

Buying groceries for the day, you can keep within 300 rubles.

The most harmful food is food with flavorings, preservatives.

I believe that calories should be counted if you have diabetes, for example. If not, eat healthy foods and you won’t need to count calories. Food without preservatives is well absorbed, and the body itself regulates how much to consume. “

SanDal health store, Lyudmila Perunova, store manager:

“Our food is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists, as well as for athletes, as well as anyone who cares about their health. We also have diabetic products. We sell instant soups without chemicals, a variety of cereals: wheat, barley, rye, oatmeal and many other cereals we have. Whole-ground flour is a flour made from whole unrefined grains, thus, all vitamins and microelements are preserved in it. We have such flour from black cumin, rice, pumpkin, sesame, and many other seeds. It is ground in the traditional way – with the help of stone millstones, since iron equipment oxidizes flour. Urbech – a paste of nuts and seeds – is also prepared using stone millstones. Oils of the first cold pressing – not subjected to heat treatment and prepared without chemicals (sunflower, cedar, pumpkin and others). Mulberry, or mulberry, is good for those looking to ditch sugar. It is sweet as honey, while low in calories, 40 grams – 10 calories. We sell it dried and in bars. There is chocolate made from carob – a substitute for chocolate. There are chocolate sets for making chocolate yourself at home: they include cocoa mass, cocoa butter and honey. You can add nuts and much more there to taste. There are herbal tinctures with sugar syrup and flaxseed oil: it’s like alcohol tinctures, but without alcohol. We also sell various starter cultures that can be used to make homemade yogurt.

Wheat protein sausage is popular, which tastes like a real one. This sausage is very useful for athletes.

The average check in our store is 400 rubles. You can buy products for a day and for 200 if you take bran and cutlets from peas, lentils, buckwheat or chickpeas.

Even healthy foods can be harmful in large quantities. For example, you should not overuse bran and nuts – it is difficult for digestion. The pancreas suffers from a large amount of oil. And fashionable goji berries should not be eaten in large quantities for women. Men, on the other hand, cannot eat a lot of soy.

You need to eat, observing the daily regimen. In the daytime, you can eat more, but in the dark it is better not to overeat. “

Zhivitsa grocery store, Lina Sagadeeva, sales consultant:

“Most of our customers are vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists, but there are a lot of customers among our customers who eat normally. We have a wide range of ecological products. These are linseed crackers, breads, bars, cereals, flour, elixirs and butter, alkanes – sprouted and dried grains, pureed soups, yeast-free bread with milk and raisin sourdough. This is whole grain flour: cedar, pumpkin, black cumin, milk thistle, amaranth porridge, green buckwheat. Natural oils such as amaranth oil, camelina oil, walnut oil. Tea drinks, herbs, balms, sbitni, honey. Also cedar cake, cedar resin, bran, fiber.

The most popular products are everything made from flax.

The amount of products per day is 150 rubles. For example, one puree soup costs 25 rubles.

Since I am a vegan, I consider meat to be the most unhealthy food. In general, everything that contains flavorings and preservatives. But if you really want something, then you can eat it, you shouldn’t mock yourself.

In my opinion, it makes no sense to count calories. It is better to build nutritional principles and follow them. It is much more important to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. “

Ayurvedic shop “Nectar”, Leonid Menshenin, sales assistant:

“Here you can find, in addition to Ayurvedic remedies, a variety of healthy food products. For example, sunflower kernels for germination, whole grain unbleached flour. Natural oils: sesame oil, black mustard oil. Herbal teas – for health. Instant vegetarian soups. The basis of these soups is beans, chickpeas, peas, green buckwheat, with additives from vegetables and spices. We also have goji berries and chia seeds that are popular today. There are sweets: low-sugar jam, dark chocolate with honey, phyto-cocktails with berries.

The most popular products are cutlets based on barley and chickpea flakes, as well as sugarcane juice – ungur or saharaja, which is an alternative to regular sugar. Peanut, almond, cashew nut butters. Soy proteins.

A day of healthy eating can cost 250-300 rubles, although it is difficult to calculate – usually we buy very different products for a long time.

Calories need to be counted, if you want to get leaner, get in shape.

Since I am a vegan with experience, the most harmful food, in my opinion, is fried meat, especially if it is improperly fried (overcooked or in bad oil). Cholesterol is a dangerous thing. “

Ecostoria, ecological goods store, Pavel Mikhnyukevich, head:

“Raw foodists, vegetarians and vegans buy food in our store. But this food is also for you if you take care of your health and ecological products are important to you. All our products do not contain artificial additives, some have a certificate that no fertilizers were used in the process of their cultivation – these are the so-called organic vegetables and fruits. You can buy baby puree without gluten, flavorings, dyes, preservatives and sugar from us. We do not have animal products. Although sausage, cheese, meat – all this is, simply cooked on the basis of vegetable protein. Here you can buy nuts, spices, mushrooms, cereals, muesli and much more. From the unusual: kelp caviar, carob – “healthy chocolate”, which is sweeter than cocoa beans and does not contain cholesterol and caffeine. Lots of coconut products: coconut milk, cream, coconut jelly in syrup. There are so-called superfoods: acai berries, goji berries, red banana flakes, blueberry powder. Superfoods are so called because they are low in calories, but very high in nutrients: vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, fiber.

We have over 300 product names, and all of them are equally popular with customers.

It is difficult to calculate how much a day of healthy eating will cost, since the same cereals are bought from us in very large volumes.

The energy value of food is important, but the most important indicator is the naturalness of the food, not the number of calories in it.

The most unhealthy foods are sugar, fats and a lot of salt in food. “

EcoDetox, detox products, Irina Kichanova, co-owner of EcoDetox store:

“We sell products for detox and healthy eating. Detox is a trendy trend among people who practice a healthy lifestyle today. According to modern scientists, by the age of thirty, toxins accumulate in any person. Of course, the body has self-purification mechanisms, but excess sugar, unnatural food, alcohol, nicotine, an immobile lifestyle, stress and poor ecology slow down this process. Life in Chelyabinsk is already an indication for detox. Modern detox specialists offer interesting courses. All of them are based on limiting or eliminating junk food, including healthy drinks and meals in the diet, various options for gentle physical activity, water and cosmetic procedures. You can try self-detoxing by purchasing pre-packaged meals and drinks or preparing them at home.

For detoxification, we sell Russian and imported herbal teas, which include plants that are responsible for cleansing the body – chamomile, flax seed, dandelion, ginger root, burdock root, mint and others. Their benefits are based on healing, cleansing, strengthening and fortifying the body. Such teas are drunk in courses of 2-3 weeks, replacing ordinary tea.

Berry-fruit nectars with pectin taste like juice with pulp, they are produced on the basis of natural juices of direct extraction from fruits and Altai berries – blackberries, blueberries and sea buckthorn, enriched with a daily dose of pectin.

For Chelyabinsk, with its ecology, such nectars are very useful, since pectin has the ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Pectins bind nitrates, radioactive and toxic metals (lead, cobalt, mercury, cadmium, chromium) into harmless complexes, and then remove them from the body. Pectins facilitate the function of liver cells. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), pectins should be additionally used as a prophylactic agent in ecologically contaminated areas, and this is just our Chelyabinsk region. I have not seen diabetic inulin drinks and delicious coconut chips anywhere but us. They are made from coconut pulp by hot air drying without oil.

Buying ready-made sets of smoothies for 1 day will cost 1300 rubles.

If a person decides to follow a diet based on calorie counting, then this is necessary. I have seen very successful results with this method of losing weight.

Most often they take coconut water, nectars with pectin, herbal detox teas, rice milk, juice, cedar drinks. I would like to say special about coconut water – it is an important component of a detox smoothie, is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, is low in calories and has an excellent taste.

I think that for each person there is his own junk food, in addition, a lot depends on the amount eaten. You can overeat regularly by consuming exceptionally healthy foods. I myself try not to get carried away with rolls, pies and pastries. “

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