Healthy diet – rules, products, how to arrange it

Diet is one of the decisive factors that influence human health and well-being. That is why it is so important to eat properly. However, the term covers all kinds of diets – it can be a healthy diet for weight loss, a healthy recovery diet, a diet for people who work hard physically, etc.

A healthy diet – a menu for everyone

do they exist universal nutritional principlesthat can help virtually anyone eat healthier or healthier? Yes, there are several of them and it is worth getting acquainted with them:

  1. avoid carbonated drinks – they are full of calories and artificial colors; instead, put on water (minimum 1,5 liters), squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, teas, especially green and red, fruit and herbal infusions;
  2. replace the sugar with which you sweeten your tea and coffee with honey or agave syrup;
  3. eat 4-5 regular meals a day – each of them must be satiated; try not to snack between them;
  4. vegetables and fruits should make up at least half of what you eat. However, remember about the correct proportions: 3/4 should be vegetables and 1/4 fruit;
  5. reach for whole grain cereal products;
  6. avoid animal fats – choose healthy sources of fat – oils and nuts
  7. limit meat consumption (especially red and processed meat products to 0,5 kg / week). Reach for fish, legumes and eggs more often;
  8. avoid sweet and salty snacks;
  9. avoid fatty foods;

This is, of course, general advice, it is worth reaching for every day to the principles of healthy eating, which is defined by the Pyramid of Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity, published in 2016 by the Food and Nutrition Institute.

Optimal diet and the pace of its introduction they vary depending on factors such as age and health, type of work, and body conditions (e.g. allergies may exclude certain ingredients from the diet). Although after entering phrases such as “healthy diet for slimming” or “healthy diet recipes” in the search engine, we get a lot of pages leading to various websites that offer ready-made solutions, you should not trust them completely – which will be good for some, not necessarily good for others.

How to create a healthy diet?

To find the optimal diet for yourselfit is best to entrust its arrangement to a dietitian. You can go to a dietary center or an individual dietitian. It cannot be entered at any time – be prepared before your visit. Often required before the first visit is to make a list of dishes and products eaten on a given day, remembering also about liquids (including water, tea, coffee). The hours of consumption should also be included in the list. This will make it easier to perform diet analysis and it will be more accurate.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

During the visit to the nutritionist, it is carried out body mass and composition analysiswhich is performed on an electrical bioimpedance device (BIA). It determines the contents of the body’s tissues based on their density. This allows the dietitian to know the content of adipose tissue, muscle and bone, as well as body hydration and metabolism.

Not always will be received during the first visit diet. First – a longer interview is necessary, second – a dietitian’s consultation with another specialist may be necessary.

A dietitian should compose a diet for everyone – future mothers, people who want to lose weight, people who want to gain weight, improve body firmness, have digestive problems or poor health, as well as people who are completely healthy and just want to eat healthy. A visit to a dietitian will result in a diet package, which will include menus for each day. The entire diet is individually selected not only for the purpose of therapy, but also taste preferences and culinary possibilities.

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